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A Statutory Medical Clearance

Posted on 28 Oct 2020 @ 6:35pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

766 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: - USS Tomcat, Deck 04, Sick Bay –
Timeline: Current


-USS Tomcat, Deck 04, Sick Bay –

Walking along the hallway, Lieutenant JG Hawksley was reviewing his padd of flight logistics information. Leland would be commencing simulations and taping the CAG Officer's mind for inside information on the Akira systems. He was quickly getting used to the command culture of the Tomcat and felt comfortable.

Stepping outside of Medical, Hawksley held his padd in both hands, before holding it at his side and tugging at his Starfleet uniform. Leland entered the Main Sick Bay, noticing the various biobeds and advanced computers doing their things. He assumed Medical things.

Speaking to nobody in particular, he had asked a nearby nurse who was not busy with work. "Excuse me, could you direct me to the Chief of Medical, Lieutenant Commander Cahill's office?" Hawksley assumed that the office was the entrance off to the left of him, with a window and a separate doorway.

Dr Cahill heard her name called and came out of her office. "Hello how can I help you today. Join me in my office."

Following the Lieutenant Commander to her office, he waited at the entrance. Not taking a seat until instructed to do so. “Lieutenant Commander Cahill, Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley reporting in for a statutory medical clearance, Ma’am.” He stood tall, with his hands behind his back.

“If you have the time, of course, Ma’am. I understand I have no appointment.” Hawksley offered.

"I always have time for my patients Lt. Care for something to drink or eat?" She went to the replicator, "coffee black and hot." Replied Cahill

Hawksley had smiled. “Thank you. I am fine, Ma’am.” He allowed his self to walk in and look the room around. The Lt. Commander had a nice office setting.

"How can I help you Hawksley, And it is a pleasure to meet you welcome to the Tomcat." Replied Cahill.

"Thank you, Commander. Likewise, Ma'am."

"I am feeling quite well, Doctor." He stated. He had decided to allow himself a seat, and he had clasped his two large hands together. "I am here for a statutory medical clearance, as per Commander Smithson's orders." He nodded.

"Nothing remarkable in my medical records. I do have a left ocular implant, retroceptive analytic abilities, Ma'am."

Dr Cahill came around and started her exam, "So what has you felling poorly right now Hawksley? I see your implant and other things. Also what is the reason Commander Smithson wanted you to see me?

"A medical clearance, Commander." He replied. He shook his head. "I am in exemplary shape." He offered. "I guess moving to a new starship, I have see you open your tricorder." He didn't want to sound snotty. It was his orders.

"Never felt better." He looked up and smirked.

Dr Cahill replied, "Not a problem, Lets do a quick once over to satisfy curiosity." She did a once over with the tri-corder and smiled. "Not a sign of an\y problems I can see. Is there something else you may want to have checked out.

Figuring he had best get this over with. He paused. "Well. I thought maybe your tricorder would pick up.... " He scoffed. Totally embarrassed, especially in front of such a beautiful Doctor.

"It stings when I urinate." He narrowed his eyes. "Ever since I met someone on the Starbase." He swallowed, and sat upright. "Ma'am." His eyes showed concern and embarrassment.

Chaill went about her business, "lets take a look", as i hold the tricorder down near it to examine it. After a few minutes she looks up concerned look on her face. Gives him A hypo syringe.
" Give yourself one shot of this on each side at this location till it ruins out. All it is is a bladder infection."

"A bladder infection..." He nodded, thankful. "That sounds... better at least." He took the syringe.

"How long does it take to work Doctor?" He questioned.

Dr Cahill repied, "Give it about 5-7 days and you will be ok. You will feel some relief in about 24 hours. But run the full regiment for 10 days.

Hawksley had nodded. "Will do. Full course, 5-7 days." He rubbed his forehead and hair with his large hand, all the more relaxing now. Crisis averted.

Cahill smiled, "Anything else you need of me LTjg Hawksley"

"Thank you Commander. I have already taken up much of your time. You have been incredibly helpful." He gave a grin.

My time is for my patients Hawksley and I always have time for them. Come by anytime you need too.


LTCMD Cahill



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