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[BACK POST]Discussion and disclosure

Posted on 26 Jul 2021 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 26 Jul 2021 @ 10:04pm

2,338 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: various
Timeline: Set Before Trouble in Sticks pt 1 & 2


- Starbase Intelligence department -

Iria walked in, quietly the summons had been directed to her, she had no idea what the reason was.

The men behind the long table were she guessed mid-fifties or sixties. One was a Trill with the less commonly known forehead ridge (like Odan had in TNG). The other looked humanoid but she wasn't going to bet on it.

"Good afternoon Lieutenant Walon, you can be assured that this room has been secured and there will be no official records of this meeting." The human-looking man said in a deep basso voice.

"We are aware of your unique nature and we have been watching your career, the move to intelligence by your Captain's recommendation seems to be going well for you." The Trill said in a gravelly baritone, "We have a prisoner in the brig whom we think is the same race as you are. We haven't as of yet gotten any information from him but before we go into more evasive measures we would like you to try and get him to talk with us. The Doctors say he can't speak vocally due to a very serious injury to his throat and larynx. Are you willing to do this?"

Iria stood still a long moment as she regarded both men, their intelligence uniforms marking them as Captains, they were not the same ones that had been in residence upon the last return to the base but she had fully reviewed the dockets and changes that had been going on during the Tomcat's dealing with the Bluegills. "I haven't been around anyone of my own race since I was six years old I am not sure what exactly you expect me to find out. If he's a threat or not can't solely rest on my possible chance of getting through to him. By evasive action, I am guessing that you mean to have him go through a mind meld or something else similar?"

"You are welcome to use whatever means you have access to before we try other measures. He is under guard in the brig." the Trill Captain said evenly in his gravelly baritone voice.

"You're dismissed, Lieutenant. We look forward to your report." the human-looking man said his basso voice tinged with finality.

Iria nodded and walked out of the office. Once she was in the corridor, on her own she tapped her combadge, =/\= Walon to Dodd are you still working on that engineering project or can I drag you to a meeting? =/\=

=/\= I just finished my project so I can meet you. I will lock on your combadge and beam directly to you. =/\= Dodd replied and then activated a site to site transporter.

He materialized in the corridor just outside the Security Offices and right next to Walon.

Iria smiled up at him, "Thank you for coming with me Remy." she walked with him the rest of the way to the security offices.

- Station Security - Brig, cell four -

The man inside the cell was around 35 years old at first glance, his face was deeply scarred most of it was centred around his mouth and down his throat. His eyes were cerulean blue and emerald green. His dark red hair had some blonde highlights and a few blue streaks that seemed to be an artistic choice. His height was around 5'7", he glared at the guard as he stepped away slightly as Iria walked in with Remy.

His eyes flicked from Remy to Iria and he frowned as he stared at her.

Iria looked at him she didn't recognize his face but the colour of his eyes was familiar. ~~ His eyes are the colour of my cousins' Mason, Caspian, and Ryley. ~~ she sent to Remy.

The man jumped as he looked at her directly, ~~ You're Isisean then Red? ~~

~~ I am sensing a connection more than just species. ~~ Dodd thought to Walon. ~~ I feel the fear and sadness within him. He is holding on to a lot of emotion and he has a sense of despair about him. He seemed to have a glimpse of recognition in his mind when he saw you. ~~

Iria blinked at Remy and then looked at the man in the cell again. She frowned and thought of her cousins, recalling each face as she had seen them last at Mason's birthday party with the rest of the family right before the freight-liner had been attacked by pirates. She had been separated from her parents, brothers and ended up in an escape pod on her own. She looked at the man in the cell and sent a tentative thought his way, ~~ My father's name was Traviss Walon. ~~

He stumbled back and sat on the bed in the cell, after a long moment shaking his head he looked from her to Remy and back again, ~~ I am Ryley Kindle, my uncle was Traviss Walon. You're Iria. You didn't die with the others? ~~ his mind tumbled with the memories and made his eyes water. He had thought they all died, he had seen his brothers slain by pirates and thought he was next instead a pair of pirates took him, prisoner, he had fought them lost more than the fight, his voice but he had not given up. He swallowed and looked at Iria and the one beside her. Her stance and manner showed she trusted him.

Dodd was just observing and witnessing the emotions that flooded the room from both Ryley and Iria. He was glad his Imzadi wanted him present with her for this moment. He knew her life was going to change after this moment. He could see memories from Ryley as they were out there in his thoughts and available for the reading with Dodd's Ullian abilities. He saw the memories Ryley had of the last time he was with Iria and her family before the tragic event that separated them.

~~ I am here for you, Iria. I can help you now as you helped me. Be there for Ryley. I sense he is being genuine. ~~ Dodd thought to Iria knowing Ryley likely picked up on the same thought.

Iria nodded and reached out taking Remy's hand squeezing it, ~~ Ryley, why are you in that cell right now? ~~ she asked him lightly, she needed to know if he had been doing something against the station or Federation in general or if he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He gave a mental snort, that was both amused and tired, shook his head, ~~ I was smuggling some weapons for the faction I am part of, the buyer didn't show and I got caught. Guess they want to know who I got them from and such? ~~

Dodd was probing Ryley's thoughts and memories as they were like an open book on a table before him. He was not even trying to but Ryley was hiding nothing since he knew who Iria was. Ryley apparently did not know what species Dodd was. The thoughts exposed were some of the torture and some of the pleasure but mostly they were of the past with family.

~~ Iria, I am not sure he is aware of my abilities nor that I can understand Isisean, but he is very open. ~~ Dodd thought to Iria.

Iria nodded her head, ~~ Ryley, my fiancee is a telepath and he can hear and see your thoughts. If you don't want to share everything you don't have to. ~~

Ryley gave Remy a nod and smiled softly, he wasn't going to show off his busted teeth, it was more thanks for the honesty and openness offered. ~~ I have nothing to hide and it feels good to talk to others again. Just be alone with my own thoughts for years. Thankfully none of the pirates I am with is telepathic otherwise I would have gotten my butt kicked more often for the stuff I thought about them in turn. ~~

Iria shook her head softly, ~~ I remember you told my dad his cooking was awful. ~~

~~ After the food I have had since I owe him an apology. ~~ he retorted with a mental snort. His uncle's burnt pasta was great compared to some of the stuff he ate after being taken. At least he wasn't down to hunting for voles or something. That had not been fun. He shook his head and eyed Remy a moment, he tried to focus on him alone, ~~ You look like you have made my cousin really happy. Keep her that way please? ~~

~~ Iria has saved my life and in the process, our bond grew into something beyond imagination. My heart can't beat without her in my life. ~~ Dodd thought back. ~~ You have made her happy by returning to her life. You are family and you are loved and we will be here for you. Just share with us and we will get you the help you need to return to a quality life away from the life you have had since your capture. ~~ Dodd was being honest and yet trying to steer Ryley toward providing the information he knew about his captors.

Ryley considered a long moment, and nodded, he looked between Iria and Remy and then started giving what little information he had on the pirates he had been taken by and served for the last few years.

After about twenty minutes he leaned his head against the wall of the cell and closed his eyes. ~~ I am tired, can we continue tomorrow or something? ~~ he thought to them both.

Iria nodded, she made quick notes of everything he had told them and looked at Remy, ~~ I will turn this in and see about getting his charges reduced, after that how about dinner? ~~

~~ Dinner would be nice, but I am feeling that Ryley would like company but just not to talk, just to have a companion. ~~ Dodd acknowledged to Walon. ~~ I can feel his exhaustion and his relief. He has had his life changed since being brought here. He has a feeling of hope and for once in a very long time, he has a feeling of being safe. He longs for someone to just be close to in a sense of friendship. If you want to go turn in your report I will sit here with Ryley until you are done and that may help him some. Then we can go get a bite. I will also make arrangements to have him given more comforts than the basics. I could maybe get him secured quarters to make him feel freer than a detainee. ~~

Iria nodded her head, ~~ Alright and thank you. ~~ she gave Ryley a look and he opened one eye to look at her and then Remy, he gave half a smile, ~~ Go on Red, See you later.~~

Once Iria was out of hearing range Ryley looked at Remy again, ~~ So are you Betazede or something else and how long have you and my cousin been together if I may ask? ~~

~~ Yes, Ryley, I am part Betazoid and part Ullian. It feels like your cousin and I have been together for a very long time but it has only been four years and yet our souls have bonded in such a way that I would be very lost without her. ~~ Dodd replied to Ryley's inquiry.

Ryley nodded his head, ~~ I hope you both stay happy together, her parents were the first in a while to go against the arranged marriage. No idea what my folks had in mind but moot now anyway. Just happy to not be a prisoner of pirates anymore. ~~

~~ Ryley, you are now a part of our family. You are very welcome to remain with us for as long as you need to get acclimated back to a free life of purpose. We could get you a residence on Starbase 51 if you would like that over living with us. You have a family with Iria and me, and we would never abandon you. ~~ Dodd replied. ~~ I can make arrangements to have you out of this infirmary tomorrow and we can go from there. Okay?~~

Ryley nodded his head, he was feeling a mixture of relief, and nervousness because it was a lot of news in a short time. His head hurt too but that made sense because he hadn't spoken telepathically with anyone in years. With time and practice, he hoped it would get better.

~~ I promise you will be on the road to recovery soon. ~~ Dodd sensed Ryley's exhaustion and so he helped the Isisean to the bunk and got him to lay down and rest.

Iria returned a short while later bringing the authorization to have Ryley released into their custody until quarters and everything else was arranged.

"Glad you got this arranged so quickly," Dodd whispered. "Ryley is a good guy and has been through a hell of a lot. I want you to know that I am willing to do what it takes to help him." Dodd stated to his Imzadi.

Iria nodded glad for his support and so much more. Ryley would remain in the holding cell for the rest of that night. In the morning he would be released to Walon's care.

Dodd had already made arrangements for Ryley to have quarters on SB51 and have a scheduled cycle with the counsellors on the starbase as well as a social worker to help him adjust to freedom from his ordeal. The Tomcat would leave for a vital mission in two days and in the time, Walon would be free to spend as much time as possible reconnecting with her long lost cousin, Ryley.

Dodd felt like his family was growing and he was happy even if it was a full-grown adult, Ryley was family and that made him happy to have more family of Iria's back in her life.


LT Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat

LT Iria Walon (PNPC: Dodd)
Chief of Intelligence/Chief Counselor
USS Tomcat

Ryley Walon
NPC (played by Walon / Dodd)


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