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Talking with Taggert

Posted on 21 Jun 2021 @ 6:55pm by
Edited on on 28 Jun 2021 @ 8:21am

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: To be decided


- Counseling department -

With the changes in the department and personnel moving around Iria took a few moments to check in with a few of the folks that she hadn't spoken with in a while. Her office had been rearranged to her preferences. Mint green walls on the port side, and lavender on starboard side. Her various bonsai trees were spread out on the shelves. There were large deep cousioned chairs and the couch had new comfortable cousions. Her desk was smaller than before to make room for the changes she didn't mind a bit. She sat waiting for Nicci to show up at her convenience.

- Engineering -

Nicci finished fixing her desk in the Assistant Chief Engineer's office, she had a few PADDs strewn about, and a large flex-PADD unrolled with a stylus on the left side, since she was left-handed. Another thing changed by the Orions. She just couldn't write right-handed anymore.

She looked at the chronometer she had attached to the wall to the right of the door. She could never remember stardates for some reason but the actual real Earth date and time, that she could remember. So much for genetically enhanced memory. Not that she tried to flaunt that. Starfleet had made an exemption for her since she'd been altered against her will, but she also had to promise not to make too many waves when she got back on duty. All she did was pull doubles and all-nighters to fix the ship. Heck, the other engineers appreciated the time off.

Glancing up at the clock Nicci saw it was getting to be time to check in with the counselor. oO Iria shouldn't be kept waiting,Oo she thought.

Deactivating the flex-PADD and dropping her stylus after writing a few notes in very elegant, but girlish, cursive, she grabbed her jacket, zipped up her uniform tunic to look presentable, and left the office as she put on her outer jacket on the way to the counselor.

- Counselor's office -

Nicci chimed the door, and waited for the counselor to let her in.

"Come in," Iria said as she got to her feet in a smooth motion.

Nicci walked in and was taken aback when she saw the counselor. For some reason she had never really gotten the time to see her; probably because she buried herself in her work to distract from whatever bothered her, or her after-hours activities in the holodeck to take the edge off. For a second, Nicci thought she was looked at Jamie Dougherty, another Bellringer survivor, but when Iria approached her, her surprised face faded as the much shorter woman approached. Jamie was 5'11" and definitely stood out.

"Sorry, just reminded me of someone I knew from before I was assigned to this ship," Nicci said in her soprano voice.

Iria shook her head softly, "It's fine Nicci please come in and make yourself at home would you like some hot chocolate or something from the replicator instead?"

"Some sweet tea would be great, thanks," Taggert said with a smile. She was a southern-born person, and there was never a day that wasn't met without some sweet iced tea. Northerners could never do it right for some reason.

Iria nodded, as she walked to the replicator, "Is there a particular one you prefer from the replicator selection? There's a lot of sweet tea variants, Some with lemon or lime added and different concentrations of sweetness."

Nicci took a seat in one of the comfy chairs oO Comfy chairs... Oo she mused to herself, remembering an old TV show she watched where the main character made a menacing enemy say "comfy chairs." and leaned forward towards the counselor. "So, counselor, what would you like to talk about?"

"You're welcome to just call me Iria here, but I wanted to see how you are doing. There's been a lot of changes and transfers." Iria said gently as she regarded the taller young woman.

"Thanks, Iria," Nicci replied, trying out the new name. She took a sip of her tea and relaxed a little. It reminded her of home. "I guess I'm okay for the most part. A little overworked, perhaps."

Iria gave a slight frown as she regarded her, "Overworked? I thought each duty shift was set up to let everyone get rest. Is there something I need to look into?"

"Well, I kind of can't help it. My brain's always working, thinking, visualizing, planning," she said. "It's tough to relax. It's like the old Army Rangers. 'Work, then when you're done, work some more, and when you think about relaxing, work more till you forget about relaxing.' the only time I can seem to relax is when I'm in my quarters, playing with LEGO, or hiking on the holodeck, or using the holodeck'other pursuits' as it were. I'm sure you know my unique condition."

Nicci kind of danced around it, unsure of how others would react to her past, and what the Orions changed. She needed more 'stimulation' than baseline humans, and it was frustrating to need that release so often, and to need to use pheromone inhibitors. All she wanted to do was get back to having a normal life and be a great engineer. And yet she had to wake up to a face and a body that, even after a year, felt like a stranger.

Iria nodded softly, "I know most of the details from your file but I don't like going just from reports. Hearing from you helps more than what I can read from various points of view."

Nicci sighed, and continued, "I just...hate that I'm a slave to all these hormones and pheromones. It's okay to be a woman now, lots of people wake up like that every day, it's just that I have to take an inhibitor so I don't cause a ruckus. I have to keep myself on a short leash every day, try not to get worked up, that' s why I keep to myself."

"Does the inhibitor cause you any pain or drawbacks other than suppressing the hormones and pheromones?" she paused and added softer, "There are some folks among the crew that those would not affect, have you tried speaking with them to expand your base of friends?"

"No real drawbacks that I know of, other kinda dulls my, um....'good feelings,' shall we say," Nicci replied, a little shy at saying it out loud. "No pain, really. Just dulls the endorphin rush."

Iria nodded her head, and then frowned slightly, "There has to be a way to balance it out better, do you want me to dig through the research and see if there's any new developments or something to try?"

"Actually that'd be great," Nicci said, thinking about it. "I remember how it feels and....well...damn," she sighed, "fireworks doesn't cut it. It's amazing. For me and the other person. I wouldn't mind feeling the full effect again if I can still keep my job."

Iria nodded her head softly, "I will see what I can do, have you spoken with Cahill or the other doctors to see if they might have come across anything new or tried to see if they can help develop something with more balance?" Iria asked she didn't want to step on toes but if no one had started looking at alternatives she would need to know whom else Nicci wanted to work with on it.

"I really appreciate it," Nicci smiled. "Maybe some meditations or mental exercises might help? I tried working with a Vulcan when I first got rescued, but I, uh, well, kind of sent him into early pon farr..."

Iria blinked surprised but shook her head gently, "We can look into it further and see what we can come up with to make it easier on you and others." she paused and added, "Have you spoken with Doctor Cahill or others to see about what different medications might be an option or other treatment?"

"That I haven't," Nicci replied. "I've been a bit busy with work and away missions, and it just kinda slips out of mind, you know? If you think it'll help, I can see the doctor. I'm just kind of hesitant about doctors after my experience at Bellringer, I'm sure you understand."

Iria nodded her head, "I understand take the time you need, if you want me to come with you when you go to talk to Cahill or another Doctor for support or anything I don't mind at all."

"I appreciate it, Iria. Let's talk again soon, okay?" Nicci smiled, her full lips parting a bit to show a little tooth as she did, her blue eyes turning a little green in the light, which most people thought just a trick of light.


Lt Iria Walon
Chief Counselor

Lt JG Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer


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