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Situational Briefing

Posted on 24 Sep 2021 @ 10:20am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Rear Admiral Cassandra Casey

2,446 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Location: Starbase 51 Administrative Offices (Rear Admiral's temporary office)
Timeline: A Few days after What in Tarnation happened Part 1


- Rear Admiral's office on Starbase 51 -

Rear Admiral Cassandra Casey was reviewing the logs and reports from a mysterious abduction of Federation citizens, Starfleet personnel and Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers. The transport that was carrying Captain Somers and other passengers was apparently boarded and all aboard were abducted. Then transport was found by LTC Somers and examined by her team. The transport was then brought back to Starbase 51.

In addition to this mystery, there is a mission that must be started immediately and the only ship to assign to it is the USS Tomcat. So R ADML Casey had to figure out what to do with the Tomcat as now she was going to still be without a Captain. So Lieutenant Colonel Somers would continue in the role of Acting Captain and the recent promotion of LT Dodd to LT CMDR and named First Officer should help keep the ship in fine service for the mission and also to help find the missing people.

Casey had thoroughly reviewed the personnel files for LT CMDR Dodd and felt he was ready for leading this mission as she also felt he would serve Lieutenant Colonel Somers efficiently in the role. She feels there is a strong officer in Dodd so he would be the perfect first officer.

So now to get everything in a manner to present to LT COL Somers about what is to be Tomcat's next mission. So Casey would have LT COL Somers conduct a search and rescue operation and have the Tomcat left under the control of the new Executive Officer for the main mission at hand. The Tomcat would be in a barely charted territory and yet what a better way to get experience in the command of a whole ship and not just a department.

=/\= Casey to Somers =/\= Casandra tapped her commbadge to call Somers.

The Tomcat was at the station so she expected Somers to be quick to respond. However, she knew the crew had been on the station for about two weeks as this was supposed to be an extended break for the Tomcat to help them all deal with the horrors that they dealt with from the Zombies and the bluegills.
Now, this new mission was to be one of less stress and to add the twist of needing to find and rescue Captain Somers.

Alex was in her quarters, it was the next day, the day after she got blind staggering and stinking fallen down drunk, luckily she was in her quarters, the incessant beeping of her Commbadge woke her up grumbling all the injustices she stumbled out of her sleeping quarters not because she was drunk, but because she had just woken up with a hangover, locating the Commbadge she picked it up and activated it =/\= Somers online! =/\= She said puzzled as the name was not familiar to her.

=/\= Lieutenant Colonel Somers, This is Rear Admiral Casandra Casey and I would like to request you to see me in my office on Starbase 51 as soon as you can possibly make it. =/\=

=/\= Oh hello Admiral, acknowledged I will see you at your office in thirty Admiral =/\= She responded walking over to the replicator to get herself a raktijino as the Admiral acknowledged and closed the link. As the coffee appeared she was set to planning, mug in hand she walked over to her medical kit opened it and used a hypo with an oxy compound to rid herself of the hangover, she took a sip of her coffee and put it down as she went to put on her underwear.

- Rear Admiral Casey's office -

LTC Somers arrived and the admiral's aide walked her right into the sitting room in the outer office. The aide advised LTC Somers to help herself with coffee and a pastry. The admiral's aide had a platter of pastries and a carafe of coffee on the table between the two chairs. After a few moments, the admiral arrived.

"So very sorry to keep you waiting," Casey stated. "I just got off a subspace communique where I was advising Starfleet Command of what I am having you do and that the Tomcat is going to be in some capable hands for the major part of the mission.

Arriving at the desired office she tugged down her tunic and was immediately entered into the office she was offered some coffee and pastries but she decided to decline the offered pastry and drink as she was feeling much better after her raktijino she was studying the pictures in the Admiral's office and was standing at Parade rest posture, her hair was down and immaculately groomed, her make up was also flawless as was her uniform and she wore her Rifle Regiment sash, she turned to the voice as the arriving Admiral spoke.

"Please come in and have a seat," Casey advised the colonel. The two ladies were to start their meeting in RADML Casey's office. Somers then took her seat and crossed her legs. After the outer doors closed, Casey walked to behind her desk and took her seat.

"I assume this has something to do with my Cousin Fleet Captain Somers? I was currently on a call with Fleet Captain Somers when her runabout was attacked and she was taken. I took three officers from the Tomcat and took our assigned runabout out to the location, we found the ship adrift and open to space, the shuttle was powered down, my science officer and Intelligence officer who went with me did not find anything further from the computer, so the other pilot brought the runabout back so the engineers could go through the systems with haste, but that was a week ago but we have no idea who took her and why. But I am guessing it is for sector codes and fleet deployment information, she is a TFCO and a Fleet Captain so she would have such information and such" Somers finished "but I have a feeling I am about to get my mission briefing which involves the Fleet Captain?" She added.

"You are correct. I first want to say I am sorry about this happening to your cousin and the others who were on board the transport. We have a pair of fighters and a science shuttle that were dispatched to the last known location where you found the transport but no reports yet." Casey added. "I will say that we also have a very pressing mission that we need to send the Tomcat on while dealing with Fleet Captain Somers situation."

The admiral then picked up a PADD and handed it to LTC Somers. "This PADD has my recommendations for you to make a small search and rescue mission. I would grant you permission to take a team of four in addition to yourself to go and find and retrieve your cousin and all the others from that transport shuttle. There are a total of 25 missing Federation citizens missing and that includes your cousin and the four-member crew of the transport. I would then have to have your new executive officer be thrown into a full command situation temporarily. I will need him to take the Tomcat to go on the mission that is needed to get underway. Do you feel he can handle a mission to recover missing Starfleet scientists on a remote planet of displaced humans?" Casey stated.

Looking at the Admiral with a steely stare "Admiral I am a combat vet with an Alpha Female personality and an ego to match, I also have the skills for this, so yes, I can do it and I have confidence in Commander Dodd leading the mission while I do my SAR mission, but I have already mentioned that nothing conclusive was found on the runabout USS Nile, which is puzzling, but I will do my job and I know Commander Dodd will do his now all I have to do is brief my crew and set out, I will get our people back as well as the Fleet Captain, though I cannot promise there will be no bloodshed on the other end" Somers said with a look in her eyes that said she was not joking. "Is there anything more I need to know about the mission Admiral?" She asked.

"The party that has been sent to the last location of the transport before you recovered it, contains a science team with a specially modified shuttle. This shuttle scans for more than any standard starship or away team can handle. There are rumours around that the Preservers might have been involved in the abduction. This is based upon what data we have about the mission your XO will be heading up."

*shrugs* "Okay, that will be a challenge for anyone to do, I so do not envy COmmander Dodd on this one, I have the easy job, locate the Fleet Captain go in guns blazing kill all hostiles, get the Captain and get out, the other part of the mission will be the hardest," Somers said with a smile.

"The planet that Starfleet needs for your crew to visit is a planet that we think the Preservers have colonized with humans from the ancient world and at last known reports, are just starting the industrial revolution era. But the eight-person science team has not to be heard from directly after the first two years of their twenty-year mission. It has now been almost twenty-five years and we need to know what happened." Casey stated. "I am torn as I would like to send the Tomcat to find Fleet Captain Somers, but I was able to get them to let me assign the search and recovery team myself and I felt you would be the best option but I am not allowed to let you use the Tomcat as that is the only vessel in the region that can do the operation that Starfleet wants to be done."

Looking at Casey her head tilted slightly to the left "I had no intention of using the Tomcat, she is the most powerful thing in the area that can fly, no I will take our Venture class scout and head out to get the Fleet Captain and will get back as soon as I can" she said in a sinister tone "if my cousin is hurt in any way, then they will find out why my codename is Red Death, what the hell they will find that out anyway" she said with a not so friendly smile, but it was not directed at the Admiral.

"I am glad you are looking at the Venture class scout," Casey replied. "I was not intending you use the Tomcat but was going to advise you that most of what I have available that I could offer for your mission were not the calibre of what you already have decided upon. As for the last statement, I am glad you are fired up and I wish we could do more to find your cousin, but know you merely need to ask and I will supply any support you need even if it is not always by the books. Fleet Captain Somers has done an amazing job for Starfleet and I owe her a lot of appreciation. I want her found and returned. You are the best for the task and while I can't officially assign more to your team, that does not mean I won't help in other means. A lot of people owe me favours and I will cash them in if it helps get your cousin back to us."

Now with a friendly smile "thank you, Admiral, I will be taking the new ACMO, MXO, Major Donovan with me as I know the rest of the crew will be on this away mission that will be planned, so is there anything else I need to know Admiral?" Somers asked.

"You will be supported but if you get in a bind you will have to wait for help as I am supporting your separate mission outside of Federation channels," Casey added. "You are the Federation's only chance to get a terrific officer back in one piece. My support as much as I can give will be at your disposal and I will help cover up any involvement that goes awry if I can. You have the private channels I use for emergency use, call if you need it."

"Thank you Admiral, so I guess this briefing is done, now I have to go and brief my crew on our new mission, I hope my new XO will not be too nervous about his task," she said with a smile and standing up and as she made to leave "any final words before we leave Admiral?" Somers asked.

"Alexandria, I have followed your career and I am a full supporter of you. I wish you the best and my the blessings of the great bird of the galaxy be upon you and the Tomcat as you go about your missions." Casey responded. "I am here if you need anything the Casey Clan has contacts throughout this sector and several others, so I can get you to support, remember that."

*giving the Admiral a knowing look* "Casey Clan huh! Interesting bit of information that, thank you for the kind words, now I shall take my leave of you Admiral so as I can go brief my crew and you can get back to what you were doing prior to setting up this meeting" she said with a smile as she stands close enough to the sensors to open the door and faces the Admiral and comes smartly to attention and presents him with her smartest salute.

Standing and returning the salute, "The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many." Casey stated as she watched the young Lieutenant Colonel depart her office. Casey then watched the door close and she sat back down. oO What will become of her someday, she has a great future in Starfleet. Oo She then returned to her duties and also made notes to get her contacts ready for a moments notice to help if summoned.

Now with a task to do, Alex returned to the CRR on the Tomcat to prep some files and then call all Staff into a briefing for their next mission she hoped the new First Officer would not be too uneasy with taking Command of the ship while she was on her SAR mission.


Rear Admiral Cassandra Casey
Starfleet Operations
Starbase 51

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat


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