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Security at the bar

Posted on 01 Nov 2020 @ 3:13am by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 01 Nov 2020 @ 9:24am

758 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase - Nebula Lounge


Cody finished reviewing the watch schedule for his department, he had voluntarily taken most of the evening and early morning watches, to allow his team a bit more freedom. He did however not stand watch their first night in Port. He had sent a message to his officers to rendezvous outside the Nebula Lounge at the Starbase. They didn't know it yet but the first round of drinks were on his tab.

For some reason Paul had been allowed to visit the station after the arguments with Lieutenant Walon about why he had kept the codes for intelligence, as he walked along the corridor to find the Bar that Cody was in, he knew that this was the first time that he had been able to talk to Cody outside of work. For him, he knew that losing his third gold pip was something of an embarrassment and knew that he would have to change that and learn to get along with the other members of the Tomcat.

Rena was enjoying time with her security chief, she thought she'd get herself a Chicken Salad, and a cup of Klingon coffee case they need to be on duty for something. Yes, Rena was behaving the whole time.

Parker sat at the table and lifted his glass of beer, "the first round is on me, order what ya want, keep in mind I'm not cleaning up your messes tonight," he said with a grin. After taking another drink he spoke," It's been busy lately and I've not had time to meet with yall so I was hoping a little down time together would be in order."

As Paul walked into the bar and found Cody sitting at a table along with Rena, which was a nice surprise to say the least as he hadn't had time to get to know the officer, and maybe this was it. as he walked over to the table, he said " Lieutenant, Ensign," as he slipped into the booth.

Parker nodded to Winchester, "Good Evening Lieutenant," he said, hoping that the man hadn't gotten himself into any more trouble.

"Sir, I'd like to apologize for my recent actions and hope that I can show you that I am worthy to be your Assistant," Paul stated looking back at his Boss, He continued," and I will do everything possible to regain my third Gold Pip," as he knew that he had embarrassed Cody once more by getting into more trouble.

"Thank you Winchester, we can discuss work tomorrow afternoon, tonight I am just Parker, and we are here to relax" he patted the man on the back. "Now let's just have a good time tonight eh?"

"Before we get to many drinks down, I wanted you guys to be the first to know, I've been transferred to Cestus iii. I will be assisting with Security at headquarters," Parker said.

"So, what does that mean for me Sir?" asked Paul looking back at him and wondered if he was going to become the Chief, he also knew that Colonel Somers would not see it that way and neither would Walon, But the question would be would they?

"As long as you can stay out of trouble, I will assume you are Acting Chief of Security. Honestly Winchester its your position to lose," Parker explained.

"I will behave Sir and not cause anymore trouble," replied Paul looking back at his boss, "I just hope that Colonel Somers will give it to me," after all the trouble he had been in lately, but he had to prove he could be a team player and maybe this could be it.

"I wish you the best Winchester, you have a lot of potential, if you apply yourself and don't get distracted," Parker said sincerely. "Now then let's have a few drinks and get this party started."

"Thank you Sir," replied Paul looking back at Cody, he continued "And Please Call me Paul," as he started to relax and knowing that he was going to get a promotion to Acting chief which was a surprise, now he had to prove himself and show the Colonel that he was worthy of the position.

"Good luck, Paul. I'll put in a good word with the boss," he said as he took a drink of his beer. Cody would miss the crew and their adventures but the Academy position was too good if an offer to pass up.


Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Ensign Sera
Security Officer

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester


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