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The New ACMO

Posted on 14 Nov 2020 @ 11:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 10:05pm

1,582 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51/Various
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson had heard of a new ACMO arriving, she thought it perfect timing as the Tomcat had not long docked and its crew disembarked she was wandering the arrivals area looking for her quarry and spotted a young Ensign, putting on a smile she advanced towards him.

"Ensign Geoffery Hale MD I presume?" she asked holding out her hand.

"You presume correctly, in this case," Geoff answered crisply. "And may I ask your name, sir?" He asked, taking the offered hand and shaking once with a firm grip.

Looking a bit shocked she smiled "my apologies Ensign, I am Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson Chief of Security on this Starbase and I will set you up so you have access to this station and extra codes for someone at your level for the Tomcat. You see the standard clearance codes you got from Starfleet will be limited on the Tomcat, so if you will follow me, Ensign, I will get you sorted" she said.

"Excellent," Geoff acknowledged, "I was just wondering where to go to get fully set up in the new sickbay. I wouldn't want system lockouts causing any unneeded delays, lead the way commander Smithson."

"You will need to take that up with your Department Head Lieutenant Commander Cahill, she will sort you out," Smithson said and entered the nearest turbo lift and when the doors closed "Security," she said to the lift and it whisked them towards the requested destination. "So Ensign what made you decide to serve on a starship in the ass-end of the Federation?" She asked making small talk while they were en-route to their destination.

"I'd describe it more as I chose to serve on a starship, Starfleet chose where to send the ship," Geoff answered the security officer a touch wryly. "Probably, it was that this is where the action is if I'm being a little more open. Starship crews, they go into the danger, they go into the places where there are suffering deprivation and horror, the places where my skills are needed and I can do the most to help build a better galaxy." Geoff then raised a hand to stroke his chin as if in thought, pale fingers rasping against the slight shadow of black stubble on his face. "Or, you could say that Starfleet Medical is at the cutting edge of modern medicine and I wanted to be a part of it, take either explanation."

"Indeed Ensign, indeed. No, the Tomcat is out in this area as it is sightly patrolled by Starfleet so it is a prime area for Lawbreakers and Orion Slavers and Syndicate and those are the threats we know about, there is Xindi space which no Starfleet combat ship has entered the last Starfleet ship was a diplomatic one. Now we deal with threats out here that concerns Starfleet, but they want nothing to do with it, hence why the sector is so lightly guarded" She said and fell silent as the doors opened onto security and she exited out of the lift and paused a moment to wait for her charge.

When the Ensign was out of the lift she escorted him to main Security and her office they passed through a very busy outer section and entered her private office as they entered the inner sanctum "please have a seat Ensign and we will begin" she said sitting behind the desk and calling up all the required data she would need. As she typed stuff into the computer "so what I am doing is adjusting your clearances so they accommodate this Starbase, find yourself a berth here, a place where you can put your larger stuff on. The crew quarters on the Tomcat are modest, but not equipped to store excess stuff, so when I log you in to the system you will be able to move about the starbases non-sensitive areas and areas you are allowed in as ACMO, I hope you last longer than your predecessor" she said finishing typing him into the starbase systems then switching to sorting out his ships clearances, but she mentioned the old ACMO to see how observant he was.

"Was there an issue with your last ACMO?" Geoff questioned, moving straight to the topic closest to his work. "I don't recall hearing about a death, but I know mental issues can take their toll in this profession. On my first posting out of the Academy our CMO retired near the end of my first year, he'd developed post-traumatic stress after he had to coordinate our cleanup of an ugly mining accident. Am I far off?"

"Very, our last ACMO had to arrange a posting to earth as he had pissed off most of the crew on the ship, so he left the ship, from what I am told the crew was relieved that he is gone," she said as his ID card appeared, she tapped in his details to log him onto the system and then plugged in a data chip to transfer his ship-based codes to it, as this was happening a strip of paper came out of a wall slot, it had a long string of letters and numbers on it. She did this to allow what she said to sink in.

When the task was complete, she looked at Hale "Okay I have entered you into the system so now you have standard access to the station, I would advise you find some permanent quarters on this base as your ship quarters while nice, will not be able to accommodate a lot of your belongings. *hands him the ID Card* this is your ship ID, it is to be always worn on your uniform if it is not safe to then the ID card Must be on your person and only while you are on the ship" she said holding the card out.

"Duly noted thank you," Geoff took the card and examined it. "My spouse is posted to the science department here on the base, he's getting quarters taken care of. And, I'll try not to make any enemies of my crewmates. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"

*raises an eyebrow and mentally shrugs* "If your spouse is also a scientist then you need to get her to speak to one of my subordinates on this station and then report to Commander Cahill for further duties. Now as for this" she said holding up the data chip and strip of paper "this data chip has all your Tomcat Security clearances on it and due to the nature of the area we are in are only applicable on the Tomcat for that data chip" she said holding the chip out to Hale and waited till he took it before she would continue.

Geoff reached out and took the data chip, bringing it closer to his face to examine quickly, he looked back to Smithson, silently asking her to continue.

*raising an eyebrow* "Okay, this strip of paper is a one-time use code, all the new officers to the ship are getting one of these, what it is" she paused as she held the strip of paper up that had printed writing on. "Is should the senior staff and all other offers are rendered incapacitated before they can lock the ship's computer down during a hostile boarding action and you are the only one to be still in command of all faculties then use this and it will stop the invaders from getting the information on the ship and Mira Sector and this base, if the hostiles trie to access the data by force then the main computer is automatically wiped. As this is a one-use code when it is used it cannot be unused and there is no code outside of the Captain's code that will unlock the computer. So only use it as a last resort and memorize the code and then erase the strip of paper" Smithson said handing the strip of paper over to Hale.

"Alright, seems simple enough: memorize the code, lock the system if needed, try not to make enemies on the crew, and tell my husband to speak with one of your subordinates. Am I missing anything? Is there anything else we need to cover?"

*shrugs a little* "Sort of, the rest of it is correct, while not making enemies of the crew is a good idea, what I mean is, should the Command Staff and Captain get incapacitated and you are the only officer left awake then that code can be used to lock the systems to stop intruders getting to it" Smithson responded with a smile, "but if there is nothing else Ensign I think we are finished here, you can go find a permanent quarter on this station and have a look around until the crew recall order is given to return to the ship until then, that time is yours" she said.

"Thanks for the clarification sir," Geoff responded smiling back, "I'm sure I'll see you around."

*Friendly smile* "You just might Ensign, dismissed," Smithson said and watched the new officer leave, she shook her head "Tomcat is getting interesting," she said to herself and returned to her duties, there was currently no one else due so she took this time to catch up on some filing.


Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security


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