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CMO meets the new ACMO

Posted on 27 Nov 2020 @ 5:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD
Edited on on 03 Dec 2020 @ 5:12pm

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: CMO's Office
Timeline: After New Crew Arrivals


After we arrived at SB-51, there was a message on my computer that a new ACMO was being assigned to Sickbay. I smile and send a message to Ensign Hale and ask him to join me in my office. Dr Cahill was always excited about someone new to her department.

- SB51 -

Geoff was pleased to see an invitation from his superior show up quickly, he was eager to get the details sorted so he could begin getting his hands dirty with what he considered the real work of medicine. He visited his temporary quarters to collect a PADD with his paperwork on it, and straighten his uniform, before making his way to the nearest transporter room.

- USS Tomcat, CMO's office -

A short time later, Geoff collected himself in the corridor, before reaching out decisively to activate the chime on Commander Cahill's door, wondering what sort of officer waited on the other side.

Dr Cahill smiled as her chime rang, she was expecting her new ACMO. " Come in" please as she walked around her desk to great him. She hated to be formal with a desk between her and her staff unless it was a formal reason for the visit.

Geoff entered and strode a little closer to the senior doctor's desk, his back stayed ramrod straight as he made his way, and his uniform was textbook perfect. "Lieutenant Commander Cahill, I'm Ensign Geoffrey Hale reporting for duty," Geoff offered crisply.

Dr Cahill smiled, It was refreshing to see someone report in the proper fashion. "Grab what you want from the replicator to eat and drink Ensign Hale and have a seat. Here in Sickbay things are more laid back. More important to take care of the sick and injured than to follow protocol.

Great uniform, And welcome to the Tomcat. I am glad to have you on my staff."

"Thank you sir," Geoff intoned as he made his way over to the replicator and ordered up a chocolate flavored nutrient shake. Returning to the area in front of the desk, he folded himself smoothly into a chair. "Do you have a speech for new department members? Is there anything you feel I need to know before starting my work?" Geoff questioned, and then waited attentively.

I smile, " No I don't do speeches, but I do expect my Doctors to put the patients first. I have gone without meals and even sleep to be sure they get what they need.

But I also expect you to make sure you are ready by getting sleep when off duty and also getting the food you need to keep you going.

I also expect you to let me know if there is anything wrong with you or you just need to talk. My door is always open for anyone to come to me.

With the promotion of Commander Sterling and her getting her own ship to command. I will be helping out at times on the bridge as 2XO and acting XO till they decide who will be the new XO. I expect you to fill in for me when I am doing those duties as ACMO and see Sickbay is running smoothly in my absence. During those times.

Any questions for me Doctor Hale?

"Just...what needs to happen before I can get started?" Geoff supplied.

Cahill replied, "When I am doing Acting XO duties you will be in charge of Sickbay and have to do what is needed should we have injuried or wounded. If there is an Away Mission you would handled the medical side of that mission.

As Acting XO I will have to pull out of Sickbay to do my duties on the Bridge and you will be here in charge of Sickbay."

"Makes sense I suppose, but I wonder how enthusiastic you actually are about handing the keys to such a vital operation to an Ensign you only just met?" Geoff mused. "I understand the duties as you described them and I'm confident I can take charge of them, still, it must be difficult to step away."

Cahill smiled, "I have to be able to trust my staff to do their jobs and that means trust their training. Did you pay attention in class at the Academy and listen to what your instructors taught you?

And the only way for me to find out if you can do your job as ACMO is to let you show me what you can do. I expect nothing less from you than your best Dr Hale.. And if you have questions when I am not here feel free to ask Dr K'Tel. She is Klingon from Kronos and I trust her to back me up. And I also trust you to back me up too."

Geoff took a swallow of his drink and considered his superior before answering. "I expect nothing but the best from myself as well Commander, so we see eye to eye on that. And I know how to support my superior officers, though I do appreciate the ability to express my concerns in private. Regardless, I'm sure we can build a functioning relationship however you run things."

I always have an open door policy to my staff in Sickbay and anyone else that may need my help. I have found do ithat lets me be friends with my staff and ant the same time be there for the crew.

My door is always open to you.

Geoff's lips quirked in a reserved smile, "That's always encouraging to hear sir. Is there anything else you wanted to impart, or may I get on to familiarizing myself with our facilities?"

She smiled, "The best way to learn the new department is to go on a self tour. This allows you to talk to others in the section and get to know where things are.

Also there are small and large medical packs already set up for all the medical staff. All you need to do is put in some personal items you may prefer.

"Sounds like an excellent idea sir, I'll get started straight away," Geoff said back, turning to the entrance. "It'd been speaking with you so far Dr. Cahill." With this he flashed a full smile at the Lieutenant commander, and offered a small wave.

When in Sickbay Doctor is good enough. If I am doing 2XO duties on the Bridge the Lieutenant Commander or Commander will do there. As she waved back.

"I'll make sure to remember that," Geoff offered as he approached the door, "I look forward to working with you."

Cahill smiled, "I look forward to working with you too. My door is always open to my staff and also my patients.


Alexanderia Cahill

Geoffrey Hale


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