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Just Rewards

Posted on 11 Nov 2020 @ 1:02am by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Karyn Somers

1,006 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/Starbase 51
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Cody Parker sat in his office reviewing Winchester's personnel file. The man seemed to get in himself in trouble all of the time, especially with the Senior Officers. The man had been demoted, lost his Chief position and still managed to piss off the new CO. The latest incident, Winchester failed to obey a direct order when turning over information. Technically he did not work for Parker at the time, but then again because he was Chief of Security, the punishment would be his to administer. Frustrated he decided to go to his new boss.

=/\=Colonel Somers, this is Lieutenant Parker, I'd like to meet with you at your convenience ma'am=/\= he said politely.

Alex was enjoying some downtime with her sister on the starbase going from shop to shop, it was not much, but then again the starbase was not fully operational to the public, yet. But these days she rarely got the chance, suddenly they stopped as Alex's Commbadge beeped she looked at Karyn startled "I knew this was too good to be true!" she moaned and tapped her badge to make the link.

=/\= Somers here, I will be right there, what is your location? =/\= she asked.

=/\= I'm in the Security Office Ma'am=/\= Cody replied. A ding on his Padd called for his attention. A message from Admiral Calloway, Cody read through the message several times shocked. He'd have to tell the Captain.

=/\= Acknowledged, on my way, Somers out =/\= the Colonel said and signed off and looked at her sister, "sorry sis I gotta go, make sure these bags get home will you?" she asked handing over her shopping.

"Will do Alex, I will see you later," Karyn said as both sisters hugged and Karyn watched Alex head away.

Alex assumed the Security office would be one on the Station so she headed that way, it took some time a medium walk to the nearest turbo lift and a ride to the security level. Eventually, the doors opened onto Security Alex looked around and saw that the Station's CoS was not around, but there was Parker in her office looking troubled, now she was troubled she masked her emotions behind a diplomatic face and entered the inner office "hi Cody, what is the problem?" she asked him sitting at the desk opposite.

Cody turned the Padd so she could see the new orders, "I've just received orders to Cestus III to assist with Security there. I wasn't looking to leave the Tomcat, but with orders like this, it's an opportunity, I can't pass up."

Taking the Padd Alex looked at it and read it oO Jasmine is not going to be any too happy Oo she thought to herself as she scanned it and looked up "well Cody, I can understand this opportunity you have been given. It would have been nice to work with you on Phase 2, but if this is something you have to do, then so be it, I just hope that if you get the chance you will return to the Tomcat?" She asked as she pulled out a hip flask and unscrewed the top and took a swig, then offered Parker some, "it is only best brandy Cody, have a swig" she said holding the hip flask out to him. "You do know that you will need to hand in your Security clearances for the ship, don't you, then arrange for your belongings on this starbase to be shipped out?" She asked.

Cody took a swig of brandy before responding, "I'm aware Ma'am, it won't take me long to get my personal items stowed, and I can get Winchester to remove my clearance. If the opportunity does arise I will do my best to return."

"Excellent, I know Jasmine would like it, you know Lieutenant she always used to say nice things about you, she will be sorry to hear that you have gone but will understand why," the Colonel said. "So what exactly will this job entail besides training nuggets?" She asked.

"Ensuring the campus remains secure, and providing escorts to visiting dignitaries. I will be a substitute teacher for security, intelligence and mission advisors. All things that touch a little of security," Parker explained.

"So more than a security officer then! I see it is indeed a big move for you, I wish I could convince you to stay, but I am the last person to let anything get in the way of ambition. I started my service career as a Marine NCO and got a field commission, since then I have been aiming high, but I never thought I would want to command a starship, so if you are nervous I can fully relate, so there is only one thing I can do and that is to wish you the best of luck in your next adventure" Alex said holding her hand out.

"Thank you," Cody replied as he shook her had, "If you ever need some Line Officer training or want to assist in delivering some training, you know where we are."

"Good to know, well I shall let you sort things out and let you do your thing, I have to go settle into that damn Captain's chair *grumbles as she looks at him* I so envy you at this moment in time Cody. Well safe journey to you Lieutenant and make sure you train those cadets hard the fleet does not need flakes" she said with a smile.

"Enjoy your new chair," Cody teased as he began taking the small trinkets off if his desk. He was looking forward to a new challenge, but he would miss the Tomcat, and being in space.

With a final nod Colonel Somers leaves the Security office on the Starbase and heads back to the Tomcat, she really hoped Winchester would behave himself this time, she could not afford to have a crew in the brig on such a mission.


Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO


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