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[BACK POST] Meeting the newest 1st Lt

Posted on 13 Jun 2021 @ 6:16am by Captain Patrick Jackson
Edited on on 19 Jun 2021 @ 3:04pm

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: various
Timeline: To be determined

- Intelligence office -

With the various changes and transfers aboard the Tomcat Iria decided to take a few moments to get to know some of the new faces.

She set down her PaDD, tapped her com-badge, =/\= Walon to First Lieutenant Jackson can you take a few minutes to come to the intelligence office? =/\=

Patrick had just finished putting his few decorations he had into his office. Mostly standard Marine moments, but it added a little life to the blank office. He heard the com open. =/\= On my way.=/\= he answered and made his way to the Lieutenant's office.

A few moments later, he reached the external door to her office. He straightened his uniform just a bit. He had kept mostly to himself on Station and was getting settled in so he had not met much of the crew yet. Not only did he want to make a good impression, he did not want his Marines to look bad either. Satisfied, he pressed the door chime.

The door opened after he pressed the chime, Iria stood outside the inner office doorway, she offered up a smile of greeting, "Hello Lieutenant Jackson, welcome aboard the Tomcat. Would you like to come in and have a seat or talk out here?"

He returned her smile as he walked in. "Thank you.. I'm pretty simple ma'am. We can talk wherever you would like. I am still getting used to the ship so still exploring."

Iria motioned him to walk with her into the inner office, "You're welcome to call me Iria, I prefer that over Ma'am any day but if that makes you uncomfortable you can call me Walon or Lieutenant if you really want to stick just to protocol." she offered lightly.

Patrick followed her into her office. "I can do that Iria. So aside from dropping the formal, what can I do for you?" He asked looking around the room at its layout.

"I mostly wanted to say welcome and see how are you settling in unofficially, as I am also the Chief Counselor on board." she nodded to the seats, "Make yourself at home, if you want anything from the replicator help yourself."

"I'm fine, thank you." He said and made his way to a chair. "They have you pulling double duty? Must stay busy. Although I could see how a good intelligence officer would function well as a councilor. Some similar trainings on the mind, just different approaches and reasons."

"That is what the Captain said, and honestly I was surprised at the change but I like the challenge it provides." she said honestly, "If I am not in here I will be in the counseling department. So if you need to talk you know where to find me. As for the Intelligence side of things if there is something you think I should know we can set up a data transfer later. I know that some ships keep everything separate but I think being willing to accept help from other departments is a good idea."

Patrick nodded in agreement. "I understand and would appreciate the open communication. I've got over 400 lives that depend on good intel. I also realize that is a two way street and to get intel it may require boots on the ground prior to knowing all the variables."

"That is true but I will do my best to get you as much information as I can before any boots hit the dirt." Iria said lightly but she fully intended to get what ever information she was certain to help him keep him and his men and women alive during missions.

Patrick was about to say something when the ships comm summoned him back to the Marine country. "Thank you for your time Lieutenant. I appreciate all the help. Feel free to stop by anytime." He said as he stood and made his way back. It was nice to have an intelligence officer who also cared what happened to the people.

Lt. Iria Walon-Dodd
CIO, Chief Counselor
USS Tomcat


1st Lieutenant Patrick Jackson
Marine CO
USS Tomcat


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