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Passing the torch

Posted on 19 Nov 2020 @ 6:21pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Captain Patrick Jackson

1,708 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: MCO's office
Timeline: Current


Patrick had worked himself into the Colonel's busy schedule much faster than he thought he would be able. There had been some time as if it was waiting on him. He should not have been surprised. With someone so busy she was probably ready to get one of her many tasks handed off. While he was sure she probably enjoyed her time as MCO, he understood that planning an entire operation was very time consuming and a huge responsibility. The fewer directions she was being pulled the more she could focus on the operation. He made his way to the office and readjusted his uniform and pressed the door chime.

Alex had heard of the new MCO that had arrived and boy was she glad, she was currently in Marine Country in the MCO's Office preparing everything, ever since her cousin had told her that she would be leading Phase 2 she was fretting about covering both MCO and CO duties, but now this news was a literal godsend.

Unlike the Captain's Ready Room the MCO office had its Regimental Banner and Federation flag behind and either side of the MCOs desk and the 95th emblem which was a Bugle superimposed over a standard Federation logo and laurel leaves with two crossed Phaser Rifles in the middle and below the bugle and between those Rifles was the number 95th. She looked up as the door buzzed. "ENTER," she said loud enough for the person outside to hear and in walked a young First Lieutenant she smiled "ah you must be my new MCO?" She asked.

Patrick walked in and made his way to her desk. "Yes ma'am. Lieutenant Patrick Jackson reporting for duty." He answered and saluted. His eye caught the banner and warmed him. This felt more like home. The station was nice and pleasant, but this was more home.

Returning the salute "be seated Lieutenant, I know why you are here and to be honest, I am happy to hand these men and women over to you, but first I think you have some questions to ask me, ones that Captain Somers could not answer, now is your time" Colonel Somers said as she stood and walked over to the replicator "can I offer you something to drink?" she asked.

Patrick took a seat and nodded. "Coffee, please. I am glad to take them off your plate ma'am. I am looking forward to leading them. Reviewing the records they have a long and distinguished history I will be proud to continue on." He paused a moment. "The Captain gave me her rundown of general equipment available and general expectations, but as you are going to be CO and operations command for Phase two, I wondered what your expectations for the 95th are. Since this will from what I understand, our first operations in command, I want to make sure I am on your page."

"Computer one coffee and glass of iced tea," she said and the moment the drinks appeared she picked them up out of the replicator and took them back to the desk and handed Jackson his cup and as she sits down finally she looks at him "well El-tee I expect from the rifles what I would expect from all other departments and that is their best no one can ask any more of people" the Colonel answered as she tapped a few things into the computer, she was transferring control over to Jackson. "Okay, I have transferred over command, now we just need to speak our codes and it is official, then we can discuss more on the Rifles," she said "Computer transfer all Marine Commanding Officer codes and duties from Lieutenant Colonel Somers, Alexandria Lynne authorization code 456-alpha five nine-sigma-omega 457943," she said.

"Name person who will be taking over," the computer said.

The Colonel looked at Jackson "Okay El-tee, speak your authorization and rank and name in a similar fashion to what I did" she said looking at him.

"Computer, the officer taking over is 1st Lieutenant Jackson, Patrick Anthony. Authorization code 198-charlie-nine-echo-221870." He said, suddenly feeling the gravity he knew was coming off being responsible for so many lives. He knew he was trained and that weight would keep his people alive.

"All control of the troops contingent on the USS Tomcat is now under the command of First Lieutenant Anthony Jackson" the computer responded.

Alex looked at him with a smile "excellent, now if you wish to do phys ed training with them and such or any other type of drill it is your choice, as for any side missions, if required you will be called upon if you need to do EVA training make sure it is when the ship can move at low impulse and any military exercises are to be done on the holodeck. But I want you to get with Lieutenant Winchester and organise a SAR and Hazard teams, then work with him to have a group of rifles and Security to work together as a QRT in case we get boarded" she added as she stood up and with a mug, in hand moved away from the desk "that is all yours now Lieutenant" she added indicating the desk.

Patrick smiled and nodded at her and made his way around to the back of the desk and sat down. He smiled. "Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate the autonomy. I was planning on an EVA training, feels like it is always under practised. As soon as things are settled I will meet with Lieutenant Winchester and get those teams organized with him and begin joint training exercises as time and availability allow."

He looked around the room and back to the Colonel. "How long have you been doing this ma'am? Not being in the Marines, but commanding them and trying to work through command academy ontop of XO responsibilities?"

"Only recently, during Phase One they were not needed that much, I led an Away Team posting as civilian contract security out of New Sydney, but other than that up until the Captain was called to another duty I only had the Rifles to concern myself about, now you are here I only need to concern myself with this ship and making sure the Captain gets her back in a one-piece" the Colonel answered with a smile. "I was not XO of this ship that was Commander Sterling who has since gained a command of her own, for Phase two I will be assigning the ships CMO as my Acting XO she will have to split her time between bridge and Medical, the question is Lieutenant do you truly think you are ready to command 455 Rifles?" She asked.

"Honestly ma'am," Patrick said starting off. "Yes and no. I have no idea why Command is putting me in charge of two and a half companies that would normally be given to someone of your rank. I don't know if it was someone thought I had something special and wanted to develop it, someone in command thought it would be funny, or we are just running out of Officers in the Marines. I've commanded a couple of platoons at a time previously, but not this many. So experience-wise, no, I'm not. I am however dedicated to the Corps and since this is my assignment, I am going to learn it faster than anyone and lead the 95th in a way that will make the Marine Corps proud and make all 455 of them proud to be in the 95th. I recognize I am going to make mistakes, but I will learn from them. So with that said, yes ma'am, I am ready to lead these Marines."

She smiled "now that Lieutenant was a damn good response, you will do fine, any Marine Captains and higher are in Bravo Unit, so only other officers besides you in Alpha are of the same rank, or lower, but doubt, I have none on your abilities. As for why a First Lieutenant is getting Command of so many, for as long as the Rifles have been reformed we have always had an officer no lower than a First Lieutenant commanding them on this ship. But then again up until recently we never had 455 Rifles on this ship, but still, I wish you the best of luck oO poor kid, he is going to need it Oo she thought to herself but kept a diplomatic smile on her face. If you need any advice seek out Major S'arila Donovan, you cannot miss her she is the tallest being on this ship, she is an odd duck, to say the least and a body that even I with my fit figure envy, she is a Seven Foot amazonian type in build all in proportion" the Colonel said with a hint of jealously as she stared off into space, she shook her head "okay she is nice enough to approach and speak to and do not start at her special glasses" she added leaving the meaning of the last bit open. "So take your seat Lieutenant I have to get the briefing ready," she said indicating the chair behind the desk.

Patrick walked over behind the desk. "I will make sure not to do any staring with her." He looked around and moved the chair. He ran his hand over the desk edge then sat down. One quick adjustment to the chair for his height and it was in line with the desk just right. He looked back at the Colonel. "Thank you ma'am. You won't be disappointed. "

She smiled at him "I know I will not Lieutenant, I will let you be to get acquainted and I have to do some other stuff, so I will see you in the mission briefing" the Colonel said and left the MCO office, not giving the young officer a chance to respond, she was in two minds on current events, she liked the post of MCO on the ship, but she was undecided about the Captain's chair on a single vessel, these thoughts ran through her mind as she left Marine Country.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


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