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Phase 2 Briefing Part 1

Posted on 17 Nov 2020 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

1,618 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: USS Tomcat
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 00


With all crew that were leaving the ship had now left and the new crew had settled in it was time to get going as the briefing was taking place the Starbase techs would be departing. Colonel Somers was in the Tomcats main briefing room pacing the floor while Lucy was setting things up it was the day after she had held a vigil on the holodeck for her lost friend.

Lucy had finished placing water and Padds were placed around the table and then she noticed the Colonel was pacing, she eyed the woman and found her figure to be enticing, but she was dutiful and knew the Colonel was married so she made a comment instead. "Colonel please stop pacing you will wear a hole in the carpet," Armitage said.

Alex stops pacing and looks down comically "Oh yeah," she said and stopped as she looked up "how did Jasmine do this Lucy? Was she ever this nervous giving a briefing?" the Colonel asked.

"At the start, but she quickly got used to it, did you not brief Marines at other postings Colonel?" Lucy asked back.

Looking a little flustered "yeah, but somehow this seems different *sighs* oh well I suppose we better get started" she said and tapped her Com-badge.


LT Dodd was at the engineering station on the bridge, so he headed on to the briefing room. He arrived within a couple of minutes after the announcement. He had with him his mug of Rigellian hot chocolate.

"Hello, Colonel," Dodd stated as he entered the room. "Don't be nervous, we don't bite." He smiled as he took a seat to the right of hers.

Lamia had been en route to her office when the call came if it wasn’t for the fact that she was Assistant Chief Counsellor she wouldn’t have got to attend the briefing. Grateful for that opportunity she made her way to the briefing room. Arriving a few minutes later she nodded politely to Somers, “Good Morning Colonel.” She smiled as she walked around past Dodd. “Morning” taking a seat two round from Dodd to allow room for Iria.

"Morning you pair!" The Colonel said and watched as others began arriving.

Dr Cahill heard the page and went to the Briefing Room and came in. "Hello LTC Somers. Hope you are well," as she took her seat after getting a supersized cup of coffee. "Hope this goes as well as the first mission did" Cahill added.

"Thank you Doctor and I hope so too" Somers added.

Hawksley was overseeing the Navigational SFI subroutines at his helm when the command to assemble was overheard. Relieving the helm to personnel, he had taken a quick sidetrack to the nearest replicator.

Entering the conference room, Leland had saluted a sharp one-off to Colonel Somers, “Ma’am.” He acknowledged. He set down his silver mug of black coffee and pulled up a seat to the table, taking a free seat. Hawksley was quite interested in the mission briefing at hand.

Serina heard and walked into the briefing room, "Good morning Lt. Col. Somers. Pleasure to see you", Serina said, sitting down in her seat sipping on her tea in her CAG's mug.

Patrick had left his new office as soon as he heard the page. One thing about being the new guy was there were lots to do but he did not have the time to start any of it. He made his way to the briefing room with coffee in hand. He came to attention quickly and saluted. "Colonel Somers," he said looking at her and then generally to the room, "sirs, ma'ams." He then went over and took a place near the end of the table.

Ted had been working on turning the Hydroponic bay on deck 13. Into a mini arboretum so the crew could have somewhere to unwind. After a few false starts, he managed to get the correct plants. That should do well here. He had also worked on a nutrition supplement. That would help the plants. Silver slowly placed the plant on the Hydroponic tray. He then gave it a small amount of nutritional supplement. Scanning the soil he checked the moisture. A broad smile crossed his face. Looking at the time he put down the probe. Dusting himself down he made his way to the meeting.

Entering the room Silver nodded to everyone and took a seat.

Geoff had just about unpacked in his modest quarters, oO At least I'm not sharing with other Ensigns Oo, he mused briefly before the call to attend the briefing shifted his train of thought and he began heading to the upper decks. Making his way into the briefing room Geoff began a standard greeting before noticing Colonel Somers' Marine insignia, "Good morning...Colonel." He flashed an apologetic grin for his sense of surprise and took quickly took a seat, reaching for both PADD and water.

Lt, JG Nicole Taggert entered the briefing room with a coffee, her uniform impeccable as usual, her golden blonde hair done up in a high bun, and a tasteful amount of makeup. "Good morning, Lt. Col. Somers, good to see you this morning," she said with a smile, as she took her seat, and set down her PADD. Hers wasn't one of the bulkier versions, but rather the flex-screen that rolled up into the spine with a stylus so she could write notes as needed. She set the coffee down and wrote a little, left-handed, smirking a little that she still wasn't used to shifting from right to left-handedness even after a year.

Iria walked into the room, she smiled at everyone as she made her way to her seat, she had a large mug of french vanilla cappuccino with peppermint bits infused into it. She noticed the cups of water on the table next to everyone's PaDD's and grinned wryly, it was a very nice thought, but this time folks had mostly brought their own drinks out of habit. After she got settled in between Remy and Lamia at the table she set down her mug gently near the cup of water at her place, she would try to take sips from both, "How is everyone this morning?" she asked gently, though her eyes twinkled merrily as she glanced at Remy, and then back around the rest of the folks in the room.

Lamia offered a smile from where she sat next to Iria. “I’m fine thank you.” She looked at those around the table to see if anyone else wanted to reply.

~~ I am wonderful now that you are here. ~~ Dodd thought to Walon so that others could continue to talk about the room.

Rena walked into the meeting room to see what was going on she sat down in one of the seats with her pad to take notes.

Now he was acting Security chief, Paul had received the call from Colonel Somers to attend the briefing. This was the first time in a while since he had an argument with the same Colonel, now he was given the chance to prove to the woman that he had the skills to run the department. As he entered the room, he said Morning Everyone," as he carried a PADD with his status report on the Security department. He continued, "Sir, May I speak with both you and Lieutenant Walon afterwards?"

Mr Thompson was running a little late he had a project he was working on for Mr Dodd. However, he arrived on time and took a seat, eager to start a new mission.

"Morning," the Colonel said and looked at Winchester with a raised eyebrow "It had better only involved Security issues Lieutenant, I do not want a repeat of what happened in the CIO office understood? Good and yes you can speak to me after the briefing," the Colonel said.

"Sir, I would like to make amends with both yourself and Lieutenant Walon for my actions in the CIO Office," replied Paul taking his seat, as he had realised that by alienating both the Colonel and the Lieutenant it had put him in a bad light with the rest of the senior staff.

Dr Cahill continues to drink her coffee and check some reports from SB51 she received with updates on new research on the Bluegills. She smiled at all the general chit chat going on.

Hawksley took a sip of coffee from his silver mug while watching the communication occurring between the officers. He smiled across the table at Donovan, and then he noticed he was taping at his padd, an anxiousness to get underway.

"Okay, now that we are all here, I will begin" the Colonel said looking around the room as she sat and almost immediately stood up again and began to pace.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Acting Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant CSO

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman


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