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The Protégé

Posted on 29 Dec 2020 @ 2:51am by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

2,979 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: [Deck 12] [Holodeck 04]/[Deck 3 Officers Mess]
Timeline: Current


[Deck 12]
[Holodeck 04]

Hawksley had just finished his shift as CHO of the Tomcat. Suffice to say. He was already comfortable with her controls. Leland had flown on various starship configurations, layouts, and design specs that had given him the foresight and uncanny abilities his past Commanders had lauded him on.

However, just like any new vessel. The Tomcat was a modified Akira Class with notable pitch and roll heuristics. Gauging the computer response times and automated flight controls was just half of his standard learning protocols Hawksley prided himself on. There was more to learn. Determining when to accept the automated systems and when to take or not to take the controls to manual.

Altitudes of alignment, climbing, and descending from variating vectors, intercepting courses, and fighter tactics were all of considerable interest for Leland. He was happy to be spending time with “the Reaper” as he knew Serina would have some good advice. Prepared to soak up all of Lieutenant Donovan’s expertise would be no easy task, but he was hell-bent. Hawksley even wanted a few tries at the Gryphon Fighter’s the Commander oversaw.

Hawksley already contacted Lieutenant JG Donovan, the leader of the Command Air Group. They had both agreed on a time to meet in the holodeck flight control sim.

Waiting outside of the holodeck, Hawksley was in his comforted white tee-shirt and khaki shorts. He had grabbed a bite to eat and then a quick shower after a workout in the Tomcat gym. He felt relaxed and ready to go!

Just then he noticed a certain redhead come around the corner in the hallway. oO Damn! Donovan, that red hair and bod don’t stop! Killer! Oo

“Lieutenant Donovan.” Leland gestured with a smile. “Thank you for your spare time. I have the sim ready to go, Ma’am.”

Striding down the corridor, Serina saw Hawksley and from his expression, she could tell he was appreciative of her physical appearance. "Lt. Hawksley, right on time. Pleasure again and let's get started". "Computer, execute Serina Alpha Sierra 53, bridge exercise flight training simulation" she said. "Program entered. Enter when ready" came the response.

Walking into the holodeck, it suddenly was an exact duplicate of the Tomcat's bridge complete with personnel. "Station lieutenant," Serina said briskly.

Leland grinned at the corner of his mouth, as he then gave a sharp one-off salute to the Lieutenant, as he then assumed Chief of the Helm. Hawksley had taken the seat, and then readjusted the controls to the variable simulation at hand.

"What do you have on the books for today, Lieutenant?" He looked back to see where Donovan was, and then turned back to his helm. Hawksley wondered if he would be needing holy-shit handles installed.

Smiling Serina walked to the ops console and took a seat. "Computer, reconfigure ops console for helm control", she said. As the computer complied, she looked over to him, "Hawksley, I hope you are ready for some flying lessons today," she said laughing.

"Aye, Ma'am." Leland then entered in the spatial coordinates of the simulation start, his large taping through the relevant LCARs to bring up sub systems, thrusters, alignment stabilizers.

"Lt. Hawksley, lesson 1A, warp 6 heading 426 Mk4.1 to Klingon space," Serina said.

"Aye, Ma'am." Leland had then entered the mission plot, coordinates and warp heading into the main helm computer.

"Heading's confirmed. 426, Mk4.1. Klingon Space engaging at Warp Six." Hawksley eyed the plotted course toward Klingon territory.

The aft thrusters maneuvered the Tomcat in to place to create a directed warp bubble. The coordinates engaging at a Warp Six, as the nacelles had ignited to life.

"Good, now be very alert because.......oh........," the ship bucked suddenly, almost unseating Hawksley, "Regain helm control quickly because if you don't ...." The simulation shook and the Tomcat dropped 15 degrees negative pitch starboard, came back up Portside plus 15 degrees, then did a 180 degree turn starboard on her z axis, before control could be regained.

"Computer freeze program!" Serina said trying to contain her laughter. Leland, you look a little green around the gills," she added. "Sudden surprises like that will happen unexpectedly, and most you won't see until they hit. Rips in the fabric of space, sudden time displacements, things that are unforseen, even an imbalance of the warp engines can cause the ship to do exactly what just happened. You have no time to think only react and it has to be automatic in response. The same applies to fighters. You don't think, just react to the situations" she added.

Hawksley had barely been able to hold it together at the Tomcat helm. He had turned when the ship had finally stabilized when Serina had paused the program.

He had turned his head slowly to give Serena the utmost surprised look in his Starfleet career. "Just what in the frack was that?!" He held his hands above the console, shocked and almost afraid of it.

He then took in what she had stated. "Agreed. Pivoting and twisting on my heels at a moment's notice! Got it. Oh, and bring my barf bag?" He had broken out into a bit of laughter. He was having some fun with Donovan. When she had laughed, he had noticed how beautiful it was.

Serina couldn't contain the laughter any longer. She was red in the face with laughter. She was laughing so hard she nearly wet herself. "Hawksley, you make me laugh. You say some of the damnest things I have heard in a long time". Hawksley was a character and a good sport. She liked his sense of humor and he too had a great smile. "A barf bag? What in gods name is that?" Serina inquired.

"You don't want to know!" He had laughed back. He smiled, he was enjoying Donovan's company in any situation. Leland chuckled. "Well. Maybe if you showed me.. Just a bit closer how to.. Er. Handle these controls. If I am to just react, I might spaz-out and just take us to warp!" He laughed, turning red himself. "I did NOT sign up for this!" He shook his head. The Tomcat was an incredible ship, yet she maneuvered like a drunkard in an alleyway.

He grinned watching Donovan, he couldn't hide it anymore, nor did he care. "So... If I set the pre-lock on the XYZ vectoring on a multi-modal application..." He shook his head, just factoring in all the specs to keep the ship aligned at various modes. "Fawk, I'm never going to be able to put this thing on auto am I?" He shook his head. "How the frack do you DO this?!" He grinned.

By now Serina was howling in laughter. Leland was beside himself with frustration. "Leland, slow down, *laughing* you have to remember that the ship can practically fly herself. All that is needed is younto keep your wits about you. Here," Serina said as she reached over to input standard commands that included a sudden negative 25 degree drop at one point. The idea of this was to see him correct it without thinking. "Now, let's see how you do this simple recovery" she added and set the simulation going again.

Leland had dropped the flirting for the moment as he had to get this down to the book. Nodding, "Aye." As he began the flight simulation, he had started without thinking, as discussed by Donovan. Leland effectually calculated a 1-degree offset angle at 60 nm equates to 1 nm of displacement per the 3,055,0004 metric tons. Once he had it down, he had realized that his fingers had piloted the descent smoothly. He grunted as he replied, his eyes locked on the visuals. "The heuristics hadn't changed, once I calculated the dynamics visually, and in my head... Ok..." He relaxed somewhat now.

"Very good. Now let's see how you do here......." Serina said grinning. She punched in her flight simulation which pitted the Tomcat against several inbound fighters. "Here is where you fly by the seat of your pants. You don't have time to calculate in your head, you have to react automatically" she added. "Computer engage simulation" Serina sat back and watched the view screen as 6 fighters flew at the ship. As the fighters broke, the idea was to avoid the kamikaze attack. Now how well Leland did would depend on his reactions.

Leland let his concentration fixate on the helm scanners and the flight vectors of the incoming assault pilots. Tapping into his controls, he initiated the evasive maneuvres flight vectoring routine, which would co-ascend his pitch ratio, making it harder for the incoming fighters to lock on any targets.

The first two incoming fighters were aggressive with full-on tactical assault, flying full speed to the aft engines. Leland twisted the Tomcat on its axis as he slipped past the two fighters distance between the two and then circling to a full stop on his axis, initiating starboard thrusters adding to a 67% turn around just in time to see the two incoming fighters arc themselves in a bid to return on an assault.

In some cases, Hawksley would be in control of tactical and weapons from his console. It just was that case scenario he was entrusted with at the moment. Using the rear sensors to lock on the ablative photon cannon clusters to detonate a charge blast in front of the first fighter on his left lower of the saucer, only to have the photon burst and sending the soldier into a system shut down.

“Evasive left flank,” charging starboard thrusters and phasers, Hawksley immediately struck back at the second fighter as the fighter had shot its chargeback at the Tomcat. Leland shuddered at the console, only to have the weapons lock-on for the brief moment the pilot had their target on the Tomcat. His eyes were narrowing in on the sensors sending a short, fast phaser off the port nacelle node. A 56% angle hit the targeting fighter under its belly and exploding into a bright flash.

"Computer execute Reaper Tango 07 Senario Beta", Serina said. Suddenly goes terrain changed and Tomcat was now in at atmospheric setting. "Ok Leland new scenario. Let's see how you do flying through planetary atmosphere. I warn you, you will have to deal with a bucking Akira class," Serina said, this time not smiling.

"Aye, Ma'am." He nodded to Donovan. Taking in the new sensors readings, the Tomcat was now paralleling an atmospheric descent in to a planetary class M planet. His eyes widened at the challenge, but this was maneuvers he had completed with a past Intrepid Class vessel.

As Hawksley remembered to take his piloting on his hind, he held to his console. The vibrations were from buffeting fore winds of the atmospheric gradient, in each level he was working hard to minimize and stabilize the Tomcat with altitudinal thrusters.

Serina grinned as he made the mistakes all helm officers make. He forgot the IDF fields. You have to adjust those as well. Serina slowly adjusted the IDF fields and the ship slowly stopped her vibrations and settled into a controlled atmospheric flight.

Leland was too busy trying to contain the vessels reverberations as the Tomcat continued to descend through the varioius atmospheres presenting themselves. He locked eyes at Serina when she brought up the Internal Dampener Field's. His eyes for a moment registered. "Hot damn!" He blurted, and grinned. For the split second the IDF had engaged, he felt the Tomcat begin a seamless ease through the gradients, as if slicing through butter now.

"Serina! And you kept that from me exactly why?!" He had chuckled, a big gob smacked grin to Donovan.

"See most pilots don't fly starships through the atmosphere of a planet. It is something you learn when piloting starships into atmospheres, you have to adjust the IDF fields along with what you did to decrease the sheer so you fly smoothly through it", Serina said giggling. "It is the same flying a fighter into the atmosphere from space. You get buffeted around and if your not careful, you will jar a tooth loose in the process!" she said laughing at him.

Leland had soaked up the program readouts for the LCAR heuristics and logs of the events that the simulation had just presented. He keyed through the lateral sensors and engine tectonic shift drivers. The gradients were affected and alternated as the IDF had taken their sub-programming and then re-analyzed direct outputs. He knew what IDF was and how to use it. What Leland didn’t know was that the system was more complex on the Tomcat.

“This…” He shook his head as he soaked in the information. “This Akira class, I’ll tell ya!” He jested, taping through the buttons. “So, what happens in an emergency regress situational? Does the heuristics complete a real in time calculation? Say we’re down to…” He just guessed. “Three thrusters, and 37% IDF can the program regulate that?” Hawksley was quickly soaking up the information. Serina was the goddess of flight as far as he was concerned, if not more.

"Sometimes you have to help the computer out. Most of the time it does it on its own but there are times when she needs help," Serina said laughing. "Computer, end simulation for today" she said. "Come, that is if you have your sea legs back now," laughing as she stood up looking at Leland.

Leland had looked at the computer once more, having soaked in the information. He was now feeling much more confident about the flight characteristics of the Akira Class vessel. He wouldn't look like a total newbie when he had assumed CHO on their missions.

"Well. Lieutenant Donovan." He spoke, getting out of the seat and standing tall. "Thank you for your incredible talents." He smiled at the initial craziness that had transpired before he had learned all too well. "I am in your debt." He eyed Donovan cheekily.

"Don't get cockie my young friend, you are not through yet. There is still more for you to learn, including air combat," she said chuckling. Hdading to the door, "Computer, end and save program". As the ho.odeck returned to its original square blocks Serina headed out. "Leland, you could use a drink. Come on, let's get that drink, you've earned it.

Hawksley grunted. "Yes, Ma'am." He watched Donovan's body as she led out of the simulation. oO Damn... Oo, He was ready for that drink now. Leland wanted a drink for a while. He hadn't had a chance to get one since he had transferred from the Harrington. One with Serina would be wicked.

[Deck 03]
[Officers Mess]

Taking a seat with Serina, Hawksley had relaxed back at the metal table. He looked out the window and the never-ending starscape. He then turned to Donovan across. "I do appreciate the help. I feel like I am a burden on your duties."

Leland then looked at his tumbler glass of whiskey bourbon and then took a nice drink from it, almost ready for a second already. He leaned back in his chair. "So how are things, Donovan?" He questioned with curiosity.

"Fine I suppose, tired, but ok.......," she said, taking a long drink. "Leland your not a burden hun, I enjoy being around you. You make me laugh and make me forget my problems," she added smiling.

Leland had blushed a bit, as he swirled his glass. And then looked back at Donovan. "Good. Because I feel the same way. I am relaxed around you."

"I'm flattered! I had no idea I had that affect on you. What else do I affect you when we are together?" Serina asked curiously, finishing her drink.

Leland had looked down at the table, unsure of how to approach that question. He was a bit shy in replying. "Effects. She want's to know does she?" He had chuckled, with a grin.

"Uh. Probably a little to scandalous to share in this mess hall." Leland suddenly started to twiddle his large thumbs in his lap. "Your just cool. I don't think I've ever met someone as relaxing and chill." He smiled confident at Serina. "That for someone nicknamed 'The Reaper." He laughed.

"Mmhmm and how do you figure I'm chill and relaxed? We are a good team, true, but how about more than a team? Hmm Hmmmm " Serina chuckled. She was not trying to scare him away only having a goof with him.

"Your laugh. Your humor. It makes me want to laugh, like I haven't felt. In well, a long time." Hawksley smiled chuckling and then set his empty glass down on the table, he relaxed back in his seat.

Leland felt extreme desire for Serena, yet he had often felt confused about it, their nature of this flirting. Was it to lead to something? "I believe..." He looked around the room and then back strait at Donovan's hazel blue eyes. "We would be incredible... As a team..." He spoke, and blushed.

Leaning over the table so her voice wasn't heard by anyone but Leland, "Yes a very good team at that. But, let's take this relationship thing one day at a time, shall we?" Serina said gently brushing his lips with a kiss. Sitting back down, she finished her drink and stood. "Time for me and my bed, see you later...maybe dinner?", she added looking at the handsome man she had just kissed.

Leland was left, with the taste of Serina's brushed kiss on his lips. He felt more confused than ever. Her flirting was top notch, and sometimes it confused the hell out of him. He breathed outward... Sighing... "Thanks, I think I'll have another drink." He smiled, as the mess hall hostess came to clean the table.


Lt. Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donovan
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg. Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer
USS Tomcat


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