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Checking in with Security

Posted on 03 Dec 2020 @ 6:26pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS-Tomcat
Timeline: Current

After he had finished working with Lieutenant Parker for the last time and had done a full inventory of both of the ship's main and secondary Armoury, Paul had returned to the Security office to make the report for Colonel Somers, as the door opened up to find Ensign Sara enter. "Yes Ensign, Can I Help you?" asked Paul as he stood next to the door to the office, he knew that he was being watched by the Colonel after the run-in's with Lieutenant Walon, but for now he had to put that behind him and work with his fellow senior staff and not muck this chance up.

Rena walked to the security office to see what was happening in Security, and who was getting their assignments for the day, she stopped just inside the door and glanced around the room seeing another member of the department but didn’t see any changes if anything she then headed towards the Security chief’s office to find out why she had been summoned here.

As he knew from past experience with working with Lieutenant Parker that the teams knew what they would be doing and had not unchained a good working department, but he was willing to show the Ensigns that his door was always open if they needed help, he leaned back into his chair and asked her "Would you like a Drink Ensign?" offering her a drink to help her calm her nerves.

Rena smiled "sure sir, what's going on." I'll take Earl grey tea, sir." Rena said. She was wondering what's going on with Security for her and the next assignment...

It has come to my Attention Ensign that you need some help,” replied Paul leaning back and his chair, as he glanced up at her as he continued “and please take a seat,” as he rose from his own and walked over to the Replication unit and ordered the Earl Grey tea for the Ensign and a White coffee for himself as he could hear the chatter of voices of other members of the department outside the office.

Rena had a questioning look on her face. "Help with what sir?" Rena said to him. She was quite concerned as she sat down like she did something wrong and didn't mean to "Sir Whatever I did I'm sorry and will never happen again. "Rena sipped her Earl grey tea feeling like she did something bad to her Security chief.

“What I mean Ensign is your test scores from the academy and here are different and I want to know why?,” Paul responded as he leaned back in the chair as he made a creaking sound holding his hands against his lips, he continued “and why do you prefer to Patrol alone when it is a team of two?” as he wanted to find out the reasons why behind this problem and help the ensign advance to the next rank.

Rena looked at her Security chief with concerns “what do you mean sir by that.” Rena looked at him very worried. Rena kept on looking at him as she sat down on the chair with a brief sigh. ”I don’t prefer to go alone I know security is a team, I will go with other security officers but if I’m asked to go alone I obey other than that I’m with others like I said before.” Rena shook her head with a little anger, “you know I obey your commands, and if I’m on the bridge or away missions I obey who's in charge.” So I don’t know what your talking bout sir.” Rena said to him.” I’m sorry for my anger and disrespect I'm just showing you how I feel what your feeling’ Rena also said.

Paul glanced back at the young Ensign and responded "Every two months Ensign you are to attend shooting practice," picking up his mug of coffee and took a sip, " He continued," I want to see a major improvement in your scores and from now on you will be paired with a Partner," as he kept his gaze upon her for any sign of anger or resentment.

Rena shook her head afterwards with a little anger in her feeling and couldn’t help showing it to him, “I am upset sir, and I know it was your right choice as my Security chief and I have to obey what you say sir.” Rena explained herself to him still feeling angry and upset at his decision but had to go with the flow of her Security chief’s Sternness of his command.
Rena got up, ”May I be excused Sir?” Rena asked him still feeling upset over what he said, she needed to take a walk and get some air before she snapped at someone and get in trouble for it.

"Yes you may and Ensign," replied Paul looking back at her, he finished, "I know you can do better and this is your chance to shine," as he remembered how hard his instructors had been with him, now he had to be firm and a guiding hand with all the young ensigns, not just Ensign Rena.

Rena nodded, "Aye Sir." Rena said to him still with Anger inside her about the situation but had to deal with it for now.

Paul looked back at Ensign Rena and knew that she had the potential to go far but she had to show him that she could do it, he thought oO Does she need help? if so why not ask for it? Oo as the questions flowed through his mind. he said to her "If you need help, Don't be afraid to ask for it Ensign," as he passed on the advice, he finished, "Dismissed,"

Rena had a stern look on her face still angered by him she had that feeling in her mind to punch him in the face as her one hand made a fist but held it as much as she can. "Understood sir." Rena got up and as she walked out she punched the wall hard to make a dent as she walked out the door not saying anything more to him.

"ENSIGN!" Paul shouted looking at the wall in front of him as he would have to have another talk with her, but he would wait for her to calm down, but for now he had reports to file and a meeting with his new deputy chief which cheered him up some what as he looked at the cold coffee sitting on his desk and decided it was time for an early lunch.

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Acting Chief security/Tactical


Ensign Rena Sara


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