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Locking On A Target

Posted on 29 Dec 2020 @ 2:48am by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Edited on on 29 Dec 2020 @ 5:48am

2,483 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current

[USS Tomcat]
[Officers Mess, Deck 04]

Hawksley had finished with his shift and was ready for a cup of black coffee. He also wanted to grab a bite to eat, so it was no choice but to show up in the chow hall. He could have gone back to his quarters to grab something, but he chose the mess hall since he enjoyed the human contact.

Entering the mess hall, Leland’s eyes immediately spotted the “Reaper.” There she was. All alone, sitting at a table. “Damn.” He spoke to nobody in particular. He almost bumped into another crewman, standing in the mess hall line up, as his eyes Lazer like locked on the red-haired bombshell. “Why in the hell are you alone?” He had grinned evil to himself—all the more perfect for him to swoop in to say hello.

Catching Donovan off guard, Hawksley had casually attended her table, near the starscape window, nonchalantly pulling out the seat across from her.

“Well. Lieutenant. Fancy meeting you here.” He cocked his head, clearly interested. “Do you always make it a habit to sit by yourself?” He had asked, curiously, then taking a drink from his silver mug of hot coffee. In the drink, he had misjudged how hot it was and burning his mouth.

Serina was laughing again. Leland had such wonderful humor and catch phrases that always made her laugh. Suddenly it occurred to her, for the past few days, Hawksley had had a wonderful effect on her.......she was happy and laughing again and it felt wonderful. "I haven't laughed this much in ages. I don't know how you do it but you always get me to laugh. You burned your mouth!" still giggling she said.

Leland blushed. Hearing Donovan say those words to him made him feel special. Nobody spoke to him like that before. Well, at least from a point of flirting with someone, yet if this becoming more than flirting he was very interested in its outcomes.

He breathed in cool air into his mouth, before responding shaking his head in the moment. He had laughed too. "Don't make me laugh, my tongue hurts!" He slurred. He then took his napkin and wiped the hot coffee out of his mouth. "That was hot, well... Not hot!" He laughed at his own suave antics.

"Donovan... Serena." He relaxed. Setting his cup down he smiled back locking on her eyes, the glint of her hair along side. "You.. You really make me smile too, a lot." He let his head then look down at the table embarrassed.

"Don't feel embarrassed, I am no Betazoid so I can't read minds but I studied body language and facial expressions so I guess you might say I was some what of a mind reader," Serina said giggling. Hawksley was a handsome guy and very funny yet he was.......debonair and gallant in his mannerisms. She felt secure and comfortable by just being around him.
Besides he was learning how to fly the ship and it was a good exercise to mingle with the crew and not think of her twins. John had been scarce lately and she was feeling lonely for company of late. Their relationship was beginning to fall apart and well maybe it was time for her move on with her life.

"So," Leland had grinned. He cocked his head to the side. "Tell me more about you Lieutenant, or... "Reaper". He had grunted. "Man, I love that call sign." He relaxed back into his seat.

"What makes Serena run?" He let his eyes show back his interest in Donovan, as if he was willing her to read his body expression of the moment.

Serina looked at him and smiled, "Wanna go for a walk, Leland? I feel like a walk in the woods" she said brushing her hair from her face. Truth be told, she was feeling a little down and depressed at the moment.

"Sure!" Leland let a soft concerning look to Donovan. "I think there is a great winter forest scene we can take a walk in... I'll have the holodeck suit us up." He got up from their seat, and lent his large hand forward to take Donovan's. "That would be relaxing." Hawk had smiled.

[Tomcat Holodeck]
[Snow Forested Trails]

Suiting up in a pair of warm winter coats and toques. Hawksley helped dress up Donovan. As the holodeck opened the sunny chilled scene played out before them. "Everything ok Serena?" Leland was happy just to take a walk with her.

Serina was depressed and all she wanted was to walk. "Leland, let's just walk for a while. I'm feeling all out of sorts at the moment, confused, sad, angry, and hurt," she said.

Leland had paused for a moment. He had never seen Serena like this. Let alone having known the officer for not that long in itself, he felt a real connection with her.

He didn't like to see anyone down, let alone Donovan. He was used to having people's ears. He was a sort of El-Aurian at heart. People generally gravitated to him for his ear. He continued to walk along nonchalantly in the serene snow and trees. "What has you bothered Serena?" He furrowed a brow, concerned.

Just the idea of retelling the kidnapping, shook her to the very core, but it was said that talking about it was part of the healing process.

Taking a deep breath, she began to tell the tale. "We were on a mission in which we had to go after an Orion ship that was holding hostages. Anyhow, what we didn't know was that we were being fooled so suddenly a few of the Tomcat's crew just disappeared. I was in my fighter and the next thing I know, I'm on a ship laying on an operating table with several people standing around me. Suddenly I was surprised by a prick in my arm and out I went", she said stopping long enough to gather her thoughts. "Two hours or so later, I wake up in a holding cell with another woman in there. She told me that the Orions needed slaves and that we were made pregnant by some weird experiment. What she did not tell me was that they had introduced a drug into our systems to advance the pregnancy so we would give birth within three days. They did not care if the bodies couldn't adapt to the excellerated growth of the fetus. Leland, I was clean and waiting to get married before being pregnant. Now I have twin girls, and I am not fit to be married," Serina cried I to her hands.

Leland felt Serina’s pain. He saw her sadness and deep feelings that were barred within her. Even though she only told him the scratch of the surface, Hawksley could tell there was far more within Serina that he was not privy.

He stopped and turned. Leland’s facial expressions almost mirrored the anger of Serina’s. “Those sons of bastards.” He muttered. He felt his nerves charged, his teeth immediately clenching his jaw. The fact that something as atrocious as experimenting on another helpless human, let alone forcing a female to give birth as brutal as three days by Orion’s.

“You’re a mother?” He paused. Leland was astonished. “Serina. I am.” He paused, remembering from his psychiatrist interventions at a young age, to show empathy. “I am so sorry.” He spoke with deep regret in his voice, quieted in thoughts. He immediately could not help but place his large hand at the side of Serina’s left shoulder, and then he had stepped closer to her, holding her face into him. “You’re a mother of twins?” It was a question of pure intrigue, not of regret.

"Leland, yes, I have twin daughters, beautiful girls who are with my parents on the base. I love my girls, but, the......guy I was going to marry, has been avoiding me and I believe he is avoiding me and for all I know he is asking for a transfer out. I don't know what to do, or how to feel........"Serina said painfully. Tears were forming once again.

"A man?" He paused. He was a bit confused. Hawksley thought for a moment. "So you are technically seeing this man still?" He had felt that he did not want to intrude into anything. If Serena had feelings for this Man, her Husband to be, this could be complicated.

"Serena. I didn't know." Leland looked in to Serena's eyes confused. "You were to marry this Man, and then he had pulled away from you? Why?" He was curious.

"We were supposed to get married, but since the end of the mission, he has been distant and the love has gone from the relationship. I have heard that he is going to transfer to another ship. We have argued greatly since then and I thought he was going to support me and care for me as he professed but my parents are telling me that his parent's have urged him to break off the relationship. I guess he has finally realized I am unclean and damaged goods," Serina said tears welling in her eyes. It took great effort to tell Leland that but, it was true and from her heart.

Leland wanted to know who this asshole was. How could someone profess their love, and then vanish? However, deep inside Hawksley was torn to pieces by finding this out.

What was Serina telling him? He did the only thing he knew to comfort a Woman, as he had taken a seat at the nearest bench in the forest walk, and sat Serina beside him. He then pulled her close and wrapped his strong arms, biceps around her, holding her. He leaned his head to her shoulder.

"Life turns out to be painful especially when you find yourself alone again. Sympathy is something I never wanted from men only companionship, understanding, respect, and honesty. Love comes after all those qualities and there you have a relationship based on love and commitment. I thought he had that, but, I guess the years apart, he changed and I hoped he hadn't, " Serina said. Feeling his strong arms around her made her feel somewhat comforted. It felt good to be in someone's arms again. As vulnerable as she was right now, she knew Leland would not take advantage but only be there for her and become a close friend for now. Serina knew that maybe one day soon they may develop more than just a friendship. Leland had a certain way about him that gave off comforting vibes and made her feel safe. She could only hope that the future would be kinder than the present.

Leland had taken in what Donovan was saying. He was respectful of her feelings. He had decided after all that maybe he should rest more, and not see this as something he thought it was turning in to. He was a bit surprised, but not worried. "I understand. I do." He had nodded. "I want to be here. Anytime you need... Whatever it is you may need, a friend. Someone to talk to, if you feel you need to talk." He looked as the snow gently settled around the trees.

"Snow has a calming effect, and if you listen carefully, you can hear it as it gently lands on the leaves and ground. Thankyou Leland for being here," Serina said, turning her face up, looking at him eye to eye. Her mind was swimming, she hurt, but the comfort of a man, now this moment, she leaned in close and kissed Leland on the lips! The kiss was tender and gentle yet she knew it shouldn't have happened, but it did and for what its was worth, it felt correct. She did not pull away.

Hawksley’s eyes reflexively had closed when he felt the sudden kiss. He was surprised given the information he had just learned from Serina. All thoughts for the second ceased in Leland, as he immediately was overtaken by the soft, tender kiss. A Woman always had that effect on him, his body tense on the ready, yet suddenly softening.

Opening his eyes as their kiss had broke, he stated. “Wow.” His eyes were shimmering wide open, “That was…” He then returned to his first word. “Wow.” Leland blushed.

"Oh...I'm so sorry......I didn't.....that shouldn't have happened......oh what have I done?!?!?"Serina said turning red then white as tears formed. She let her guard down, and allowed her emotions get the best of her. It was true but the one thing she could not control was her heart. With John transfered, all hope of ever finding another, was gone, she was torn apart and needed the comfort that Leland had shown her and the only way she knew to repay his kindness was a kiss. Serina was human through and through but now even she wondered, as her emotions were in turmoil and wondered if anyone could pick up how she felt. Sudddenly panic struck her as she grabbed Leland, "Please hold me,"she said suddenly. Suddenly she realized she was alone!

Leland reached forward and lent his large arms to comfort Serina. He had held her close, and was confused his self. However, he hated to see any woman cry, let alone Serina. He was growing so fond of her in every way. "It's ok. It's ok Serina." He spoke calm and relaxed. "This... Whatever this is... I understand. I mean, I don't. But I understand your going through something." Hawksley had let his hand, gently in a friendly way rub at Serina's back and body, keeping her warm in his hold.

All Serina could feel right now was an emptiness that should not be there. She was grateful for Leland being there, and hearing his comforting words, helped ease her anxiety and panic attack enough to allow her to speak. "Leland, thankyou for going through this with me but I need to go to my quarters so I can lay down and sleep for a while, " she added.

More and more, Leland was feeling that Serina had needed her time to figure out things. He was completely understanding, but even more so now feeling that perhaps as of a friend. He sat there, and wondered as the snow feel down on the empty seat beside him on the bench now. He was so confused. He then wiped the kiss that was on his lips slowly.

Maybe he needed to move onward for himself in a respectful way.

As Serina headed for her quarters, she relized something, she missed Leland already.


Lt. Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donovan
USS Tomcat

Lt. Jg. Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer
USS Tomcat


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