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Unsettling news

Posted on 08 Dec 2020 @ 5:57pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: Current


With the unsettling news, Doctor Hale had given her Lamia made her way to Marine country to look for Chris. Her whole emotional balance had hinged on the future outlook of having children and now Hale’s news had thrown a giant question mark over the whole thing. Walking along Lamia was lost in thought. oO What have I done to deserve this? Oo Seeing Kildare ahead she tried to put on a brave face knowing very well he’d see straight through it. “Hey, can we talk?”

Chris turned around and saw the facade Mia wore, there was something she had to tell him and it was not good news but wanted to put on a brave face, he gave a friendly and affectionate smile. "Sure, let's go!" he said not asking as they were currently in a crowded area. Both entered an empty office, when both were in he locked the door and looked at her.

Following Chris, she waited until they were alone before burying her head in his chest and bursting into tears. It took a few minutes of getting her bottled up emotions out before she lifted her head and dried her eyes ready to explain. “I went to Sickbay for a follow up medical with the new doctor.” She took a deep breath. “He errs... he said if we wanted a baby there’s a small chance we ... might need to use a surrogate!”

He put his arms around her as she planted her head on his chest and let the tears flow, he let her cry she needed to unload so standing in the middle of the room he simply held her until she felt she could continue, and when she did her news floored him, he was at a loss of words but he had to be strong for her as he looked in her eyes with kindness and sympathy as she explained. "There must be something that can be done, 24th-century medicine has advanced things and there should be little problems, but we can go and see a specialist if you want," he said and gently cupped her chin "a baby would have been a bonus, but this does not change my feelings for you, I love you for you and who you are. But if we have to use a surrogate I have someone in mind I would have to ask her as it would require your egg and seed fertilized and planted into the surrogate and the best thing is she would make a good babysitter, but we are not at that point, yet but we will pursue this as far as we can" he responded.

“You ... want to have a baby!?” Lamia dried her eyes and looked at Chris in surprise. “I didn’t think you ...” She offered a more hopeful smile. “I’ll do whatever we need to do.”

Looks down at her "you sound surprised, every man thinks about being a parent even if they do not admit it, besides there is an innate biological need to procreate among the male species, especially among humans while we will over time look at ways to improve that future chance I would be more concerned with a human surrogate as you look human, but you are yourself a hybrid species, but I suppose a surrogate is nearly a vessel so a little adjustment medically should work. But look no need to worry for children just yet, we are both young and there is time, but I am not adverse to eventually having children" he said still holding her.

Lamia nodded. “I hadn’t considered children anytime soon until my follow up medical.” She sighed. “The Doctor didn’t say I couldn’t have children just that ... I might need a surrogate. He also said if I did conceive that I’d need to be monitored for the first trimester.” She took a calming breath. “I guess it made me realise how much I want another baby.”

Looking at her "I cannot begin to understand what you went through when you were captured, but I am always here for you when needed, was Doctor Hale certain about the baby stuff or was he 50/50 on it?" he asked.

“He seemed ... pretty sure.” Lamia shrugged her shoulders. “He’s a good doctor I think if I do manage to ever get pregnant again I’d like him as my doctor. Not that I’d have any objection to Doctor Cahill.” Lamia paused. “Do I sound like I’m rushing things between us?” She looked at Kildare curiously. “I don’t want to rush anything, the last thing I want to do is lose you!”

Chris simply stared off into the distance seemingly deep in thought while in his minds high he saw himself as a white wild stallion running for all he was worth with a bunch of other horses, all of who were eventually captured, he knew his next words would decide his fate when his mental horse was lassoed his mind weighed the pros and cons, but coming back to the hear and now he was, he hoped diplomatic "you need time to absorb and come to terms with this latest news, so I will refrain from answering that for now" he said and then with the smile "I am not going anywhere, you won't lose me" he added.

“So out of curiosity ... when would you like to be a father?” She smiled a wry smile.

*the tune that ran through his mind at that question was 'We gotta get outta this place by the old human pop group called The Animals* he was taken off-guard by this question, it was sudden and he began to pace "dammit Mia you came from the right flank with that one, unexpected it was, but eventually I would but not anytime soon, we have not been dating that long and I would like to get to know you more, hell I have not even met your parents, yet and we are both young so we do not need to rush" he said "but damn did you take me off-guard with that question *walks over and hugs her* it is tabled for now" he finished.

Lamia nodded. “You gave me the honest answer I was expecting, thank you” She smiled warmly. “As for meeting my parents, that can be arranged. I’ll have to set up a program of Drax Prime sometime and show you around.”

He smiled "sounds interesting, will finally meet the fam, it is also kinda scary too! Chris added and looked at the Chrono, "okay I am technically still on duty and my absence is probably missed," he said and looked at her "I look forward to the practice you will set up Mia, but both of us must get back to work" he finished as he unlocked the office doors.

“Of course, I’m sorry.” Lamia offered a more reassured smile. “Thank you Chris. I’ll see you later at mine?”

Smiling he gave her a quick kiss "I will see you later" he replied and watched her exit the office oO damn, that one is going to be a handful Oo he thought to himself and exited the vacant office whistling a happy tune.


Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Assistant Chief Counsellor

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
95th Rifles Demolitions


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