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Checking in

Posted on 19 Dec 2020 @ 3:47pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Captain Patrick Jackson

2,085 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Office of Marine Commanding Officer 1st Lt. P. Jackson
Timeline: tbd


Cassandra had followed the instructions of the officer of the deck. Her gear was stowed in her quarters.. It was strange to have her own quarters. She was use to a barracks style room. It would take some getting use too. But that was besides the point the second thing she had been instructed to do was report in to her CO. She could settle in later. Assuming there was time for settling in. Every command was different and this one well it had a reputation to maintain on top of everything. Cassi was almost sure that meant things in her life were about to get very busy. Far too soon it seemed she was standing there in front of the door. Her hand went out to announce her presence to the occupant inside. She did a quick glance over her uniform just to make sure it was still in order. No need to meet the CO looking like a slob.

Patrick was just settling in. He had not been given the desk more than a half hour ago. He was going through the desk drawers and seeing what was left and if it was of importance for him or not when the door chime rang. "That didn't take long." He mumbled and decided he would finish this drawer while they came in. "Come in." He said, knowing the computer would pick up his voice without having to yell the command.

Cassandra entered and came to attention to salute the CMO. "Second Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews reporting in to assume the post of executive officer." She was so nervous. She buried it deep. What was she doing here? She had passed through a barracks full of far more worthy men and women then she for this post.

The hand that gripped her orders at her side trembled slightly. She was a field officer not a desk jockey. She was a creature of action and a harbinger of death and controlled chaos. Most of her promotions were due to field promotions. She eyed the flags behind the desk, and the man who was her CO. There familiar colors brought her piece of mind. Helped her to breath a little easier. Well she was here. The moment for doubts was officially over.

Hearing the introduction, Patrick decided the drawer could wait. He straightened up in his desk and looked at her without saying anything. Her uniform was straight and filled out nicely, hair at regulation and salute was at the correct angle. He caught the slight twitch of her fingers holding the orders. It was subtle, but the papers gave it away.

"You're nervous." He said as a statement not a question. He kept his expression like stone for a moment longer and then a smile broke across his face. "Good, I am too." He said and returned her salute. "At ease Lieutenant. Welcome to the 95th." He said and stood up to offer the woman his hand.

Her eyes had gone straight to his looking for the betraying golden ring around the iris that would mark him as infected by a Nexi. Her mind however was praying. Oo Oh please god don't let him be an asshole, please god don't let him be a ball busting asshole, I ..oO. his stony face betrayed nothing though. Then he smiled and she felt her shoulders relax a little. Or maybe that was from finding his eyes to be a perfectly normal and human brown. She moved forward and shook his hand she permitted something of a ghost of a smile. She was still as he pointed out very nervous. She handed him her orders and knew as she did so that she was now his executive officer. "Thank you its an honor to be here." Oo and terrifying dont forget that part. oO

He scanned the orders, made his acknowledgement and handed them back. "I'm glad to see you made it." He said and sat down and motioned to a chair. "I found out you were going to be my XO when you actually arrived on ship. Believe me, you're a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting to get an XO sent in. So, tell me a little about yourself and as apparently tradition on this ship,, any questions you have up front?" He asked and looked around the room and saw a replicator.

"No, no thank you." Cassandra refused the drink but took the offered seat thankfully. "I am glad I could arrive at a timely manner for you." She let a actual smile cross her face. "As to telling you about myself. Well there isn't much personally worth mentioning. Professionally I have just finished my officers training through the correspondence course. Before that I was two years on the Cutter. Well stationed out of the USS Cutter I actually spent a majority of my last assignment planet side playing clean up in a situation that was in many ways quite similar to what what talked about in the current briefing. We were assuring the disposal of any infected so as to best sterilize the planet to be resettled." The smile had gone. "Before that I was stationed to the USS Titan where I finished my A- school and was absorbed into unit 195 and held a secondary placement as a recon sniper on their Hazard team 1. I was made team leader after most my team where lost trying to break into a compound. Thats all I am allowed to really say about it. After that and a few more lucky breaks well I am sitting here." Oo lucky breaks? you think your lucky? You get to go harvest anther body farm how is that at all lucky? oO She scolded herself mentally.

Patrick nodded. "I am sorry to hear about your squad. I've lost my share of squad mates too. Sad, but inevitable part of our job. I see it as our part of the job, to make sure those a minimal." He sighed as he thought through the briefing. "Have you had much combat experience?"

"Yes, most of my duration on the Cutter was planet side combat. Rexinton colony near the Romulan boarder. Had issues with raiders and the occasional boarder dispute usually brought it into question as to who it belonged to. It still belonged to us when I left it, and if Captain Arbedoes has anything to do with it then it likely still is.." She shifted a little in her seat before continuing "I concur, that the less men we can risk on this encounter the better. Its why I'd like to request permission to lead the team that goes to the surface with the security detail."

Patrick thought for a moment. "As I understand it, we will have three teams going down. Two science teams and then a third SAR team for extraction. The Colonel wants me to lead the SAR team. You seem to have enough combat history so I'm comfortable authorizing that. I'll make sure you are on a team." He put a note in his padd. He looked back up and set the padd down. "Well, since we are talking shop, what are your thoughts on this whole mission? We are alone so speak freely and candidly. When we are behind closed doors, I would hope you speak freely. I want clear options and honesty, even if I won't like it."

Cassandra nodded. "I don't like it. I didn't join the marines to kill innocent people even those under the influence of alien creatures. I understand the need to contain and neutralize the parasites. I also understand that those infected are considered to be past the point of saving." She took a deep breath and let it out in a deep sigh. "Understanding doesn't make it easier. Or right. I see no honor in this and will likely come to see it as yet anther regrettable stain on my record in the slaughter of those I swore to protect." She said frankly.

Patrick leaned back into his chair and listened. He heard the concern in her voice. It echoed what a number of other crewmates were feeling. He could see where she was coming from. "An extermination is a pretty significant event. I know the Colonel is doing what she can to try and find an alternative. Sending science teams down is a chance to find information on what happened."

"As regard to honor, you saw the video. Exposure to the atmosphere instantly rendered that S31 agent catatonic and then after being entered by a being known to be hostile to the Federation and then became hostile to his fellow agent. They are no longer civilians but enemy combatants. Even if Dr. Cahill's drug works at expelling the bluegill, we still have a toxic atmosphere and a catatonic population in various forms of bodily decay."

He sighed. "We go down there, the population will make sure they don't go quietly and we will be at the disadvantage because of dependence on the EVA suit."

He had a very eloquent way of putting things. She'd give him that. She didnt know why this particular mission bothered her so much. Normally she was better at rationalizing such things. Cassandra nodded thankful for his insight. Oo Thats why he's the boss. oO her mind reasoned and that allowed her to put aside her own doubts and nod in full agreement with her CO's assessment. "how strong are the creatures? I mean can they peirce the EVA suites?"

Patrick shrugged. "Their bodies are suffering something fierce and yet they can still run like a mad man. I'm not sure what we are going into but I'm going to assume its more than I think. Even if they cannot physically tear the suit, they get a sharp object and enough force, they could pierce the suit." He looked at her for a moment and recalled the meeting. "Not a fan of EVA suits?"

Cassandra nodded and chuckled a moment. "More like brings up bad memories. I was one of the unfortunate souls that during my earlier training had the misfortune of throwing up in mine." She explained.

Patrick laughed and shook his head. "I'm sorry. We had a couple have that happen in basic. Had to run the whole course like that. I felt bad for them. I'm sure you don't want to, but do you want to head to the airlock and get some fresh air? We got a little time before we get underway. Would do good to get some EVA time prior to the mission. If you throw up, we have time to clean the suit."

"Yeah, we can do that. God knows I could use a refresher before I tempt fate." Cassi replied with an apprietive smile as she got up.

Patrick stood up and walked with her out the room. "So aside from the EVA aspect, any other major concerns about the mission, duties in general or questions for me?"

"No I have a feeling that the plan proposed is by far the best course of action for our given scenario. I get the impression that the people here the chiefs and such are pretty tight and work well together you included. I have faith in those plans and the people who have laid them. So no, If any come to mind though I will be sure to let you know. Its a lot to jump into in my first hour here." She admitted as she followed him to the training area.

"That it is." He said. "To the right. We are going to the airlock. May as well get EVA time in if we are going to suit up." He said and lead her to the airlock. He looked at her as they approached the equipment room. "You have a green light to do the away mission. I do not know who will have command of the science teams in totality, but you will have security command at a minimum." He mentioned and pulled out an EVA suit. "Let's get suited up. I'll brief you more outside."

"Aye Lieutenant." And so Cassi began the auguries task of dawning the bulky suite. It was every bit as confining and Closter phobic as she remembered it to be. She let out a couple slow deep breaths before putting the head piece on. Then helmet.


1st Lieutenant Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Marine Executive Officer


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