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Learning the ins and outs.

Posted on 03 Jul 2021 @ 12:29am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill
Edited on on 03 Jul 2021 @ 8:19am

808 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: current


Cassi was glad that her duty shift had finally ended. It had been a long day. Still she had so much left to do. She looked at the padds and paperwork on her desk. Then at the map in her hand. She needed to get out of here and learn the base. Naturally the best way to do that was to get out there and wander, Get the lay of the land beyond what a basic map provided. She would finish the rest of this all after she had cleared her head a bit, she promised herself as she secured everything and then left her office.

Dr Cahill came out of Sick Bay, She turned left and came across a new crewmember in the corridor. "Hello I am Dr Cahill the CMO and 2XO on the Tomcat how are you?"

Cassandra had just made it into the sick bay area and had been considering turning around. Then a voice made her stop mid-turn. Oo OH BOY!! second XO.. oh boy!! O Goody!! I cant wait to see how you screw this up you idiot. oO the little voice in her head tittered in excitement at her expected blunder. It made Cassi wonder if the chill down her spine had something to do with her inner voices ominous take on the situation, the fact that this was a doctor on top of everything or if it was simply the fact that yes this was the second XO of the whole taco bell here. Cassi managed a friendly smile and carefully approached the woman and reaching out. She offered her hand to the woman she choked out a passable. "Umm second lieutenant Cassandra Mathews. Marine executive officer."

DR Cahill took her hand and shook it, "Welcome aboard the Tomcat. Are you getting settled in ok?

Cassandra nodded as they shook and then broke away. Cassandra glanced at the woman's eyes. Clear normal looking. Good. Kind of pretty a light blue that made Cassie remember those of her father. There was no way to check the woman's neck with out being obvious or rude so Cassi did her best to relax and reply with out making a fool of her self. "I am getting things figured out. Was doing a walk through of the station as I missed the big tour due to being late for the briefing." Cassie explained.

Cahill smiled, "I was going to the recreation deck to eat something and relax some. Not often I get to with all my duties sometimes. But I enjoy what I do as well. And that makes dealing with all the other things so much more bearable."

"I can understand that." Cassandra agreed. "I haven't made my way there yet myself. Just aimlessly wander yet."

As we pass a computer panel we stop. "If you press this button you can access the deck listings and also the location plus directions to where you are going. Also if you carry a pad like this you can pull up directions to where you are going as well.

She goes to a replicator and pulls up a pad. "Carry this with you and it will help you out Cassandra."

Cassandra was thankful for the help. "Thank you, This will be more than helpful."

Dr Cahill smiled, "You are welcome. I am going to the recreation lounge to get something to eat and relax. Care to join me? I try to get there every time I have some spare time to relax and decompress."

Cassi considered the invitation and saw no reason to decline. "That would be lovely thank you. I don't think I have been there yet."

Cahill smiled, "It is down to the turbo lift and we go down 2 decks and then turn right. Once we do it we are looking at the hatch to enter. As you can see on your pad I gave you."

"Indeed. Shall we then?" Cassandra asked motioning in the direction of the lift.

"See you are getting to be an old hand already. And in no time you will be telling people where things are too." As we enter the turbo lift.

"I hope your right," Cassie said as she rode along in the lift.

As we exit the Turbo lift I look at her. "Which way do we go now, Cassie? Spoke Cahill.

Cassandra pulled up the padd with the map and was about to say when her coom badge went off summoning her back to her office. She sighed and excused herself. figuring it must be important.

Cahill heard the page. We can do this another time Cassandra.

"Yes, Indeed.' Cassi called back as she reboarded the lift to make her way back to the barracks.


Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Matthews
Marine Executive Officer (Retd.)


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