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Security check in

Posted on 12 Dec 2020 @ 1:37am by Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,320 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Chief of Security's office - USS TOMCAT


C'Tirr headed out of his quarters to introduce himself to his Chief. He made sure as he walked down the corridor that his uniform was in perfect order. He held the PADD in his hand and would glance at it occasionally as he read the Lieutenant's service record. He stopped outside Winchester's office and palmed the chime with his free hand.

Paul had only just got back from visiting the armoury and had settled down to do his report for the Colonel when he noticed how late the time was when his door chime buzzed, he called,” Enter,” as he rose from the chair and made his way over to the office replication unit to get a mug of Coffee. He had been informed that he was getting a new deputy chief, However; he hadn't been told when the officer was due to arrive.

C'Tirr straightened his uniform one last time before stepping in, his black fur trimmed and combed to a sheen. His whiskers twitched a bit in his excitement but his tail twitched in nervousness. He offered the PADD out to Paul. "Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras, Deputy Chief of Security reporting for duty Sir." He offered a smile that showed sharp teeth and two and a half inch canines.

“Welcome Ensign to the Tomcat,” replied Paul as he glanced over at the Caitian as this was the first time in a long while that he had been up close with one, He continued,” Please take a seat Ensign and would you like a drink?” giving the young officer a chance, this was somewhat a blessing in disguise as now he could share the workload, as he looked over at the piles of reports that had to be filed with Command.

C'Tirr nodded as he took a seat, his tail wrapped around his waist to remain out of the way. "Thank you Sir, it's great to be here and may I have a cup of catnip tea? Light sugar." He asked.

“So C'Tirr, please tell me about yourself?” as he tapped in the instructions for both of their drinks and knew that getting to know his deputy chief would help him in the long run, he kept his gaze up the unit and then started to hope that he could help the likes of Ensign Rena get her scores up to standard,

C'Tirr thought for a moment. "I was born on Cait and when I was three my mother and I started traveling with my father. He was in Science for Starfleet so I moved around. When I was seven we took in a human girl who was five and she was raised as my sister. I don't know what happened but her father was KIA." He took a breath, his ears dropped a bit as did his tail. "I had a standard childhood after that though I did get the reputation of being a fighter. A lot of the Caitian children would tease her for being human and the human children would pick on her for being raised by Caitians." He paused a moment and looked up.

“I think I might have met your Sister last night in the mess Hall,” replied Paul as the replication unit stopped it’s humming sound and the drinks arrived on the platform in front of him, he asked him. “It wouldn’it be Cassandra Mathews would it?” after all she had told him about C'Tirr, yet he wanted it confirmed from him.

"Aye Sir, she told me last night she'd met you too." C'Tirr stated. He watched Paul closely, his nose flared slightly as he took a sniff subtly and listened closely to his new chief, especially the man's heartbeat.

“Ah, the reason I am asking is that I’d like to take your sister on a date?” replied Paul looking back at C’Tirr, he continued, “ If I may and I am asking as a courtesy as you are her only family member on the ship,” as he picked up both drinks and walked back towards the desk and then sat back down in his chair.

C'Tirr's ears laid back flat against his head as a low growl rumbled through his chest as he stood. "Excuse me Sir, but with all due respect I am here to check in not approve of my boss asking my permission to date my Sister." His tail was swishing agitatedly. His turquoise eyes were very prominent with his pupils' narrow slits.

“Yes back to business,” replied Paul looking back at his new deputy Chief, “ I want you to set up monthly target practice for all members of the security department,” he continued as he wanted those in need to get extra help that needed to keep them sharp, although he knew that phasers were pinpoint accurate.

"Aye sir, are there any specific members that need it more than others or should I test them all?" C'tirr asked as he slowly took his seat again and picked up the cup of catnip tea, taking a sip.

“Yes there are,” replied Paul looking back at the new Deputy chief, he continued “One in particular is Ensign Rena,” as he handed a PADD over to the Catian officer, as he knew that the Officer needed to improve on her scores before she was sent on any away missions. He finished,” So, what do you think, Can she Improve under your teachings?”

He took the PADD and looked it over quickly before turning his gaze back upon his chief. "I will have to thoroughly read over her service record and meet her to know that for sure Sir. Anyone else Sir?" C'Tirr asked, then took a drink of his tea. His slotted pupiled eyes never left Winchester.

“Only her section for now,” replied Paul looking back at his deputy chief, as he knew that at least one team was going to be getting the extra training, "However; I would like all teams to have further inspections in the coming months,” replied Paul as he glanced at the officer in front of him.

"Understood. Anything else?" C'Tirr asked.

"Not at the moment C'Tirr," Replied Paul looking back at his new Deputy chief, He continued " but if you hear of anything, let me know," as he wanted his teams to be ready for what ever they faced and now the command structure of the Security department was now set, Paul hoped that it would quieten down.

"Aye Sir. If there is nothing else, I shall go and start setting up the practices." C'Tirr said as he got to his feet. He picked up his drink and downed its contents. "Request permission to be dismissed Sir." He said.

"Permission granted Ensign," replied Paul holding out his hand as he finished" and once again welcome to the Tomcat," as he knew this could be the start of a department team working well and the teams starting to respect them both. However; he was not doing all the work himself now and could share the load.

C'Tirr nodded before he took Winchester's hand in a firm shake. He retrieved the PADD from the desk and turned to the door. As it slid open he stopped and turned his head to look at his Chief. "And sir, it's Cassi's choice on if she accepts your invitation for a date. Though I warn you, you hurt my little sister, I'll hurt you." With that he disappeared around the corner and out of sight.

After his Assistant chief had left him, Paul knew that things had changed drastically for him, including the stress levels now that he had a deputy chief to help him, he leaned back in the chair and said a silent prayer of thanks, all he had to do now was prep for the upcoming meeting about the next part of the mission.


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester


Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras


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