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Anger in the rough

Posted on 04 Dec 2020 @ 11:26pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester

323 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: USS-Tomcat
Timeline: Current


Rena was very angry at what happened in her Security chief’s office, she was so angry she ran to the nearest turbo lift to take her to the holodeck, Rena then got off the lift programmed her name into the holodeck and walked into it and programmed it to give her a phaser, so after that, she grabbed a phaser and yelled to the computer to do target practice using dots, and enemy targets.

She was in so much rage she was shooting dots and enemy targets the whole time, she even asked to put her security chief in the target she shot him too.

She was angry and laughing at the same time enjoying shooting targets in anger and screaming as she kept on over and overshooting targets plus her Security Chief to that’s how mad Rena got, she yelled “OK CHIEF NOT SHOOTING RIGHT, NEED A PARTNER WELL TO HELL WITH YOU!! I’m GOING ALONE YOU BASTARD ON AWAY MISSIONS!”

Rena was shooting her mouth off all day in the holo-deck while shooting at targets bitching out her chief’s name kept shooting him and hitting him as she fired her phaser in anger. “See ass hole I hit you in every target what do you think of that.

All-day she was in the Holodeck in anger and laughing. She was a force to be wrecked with she wished her Security Chief was here for real so she can take his ass down by phasing his butt many times, but she’d fear she’d ruin her Starfleet career but she would have told Starfleet why she did what she did.

Rena told the Computer to take the spots off and just show the enemy targets since she is still in bloody hell rage and kept going the whole day through. Till Rena got tired, before shutting down the program.


Ens Rena Sara
Security officer


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