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Feels like home

Posted on 14 Dec 2020 @ 4:41am by Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

2,065 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: C'Tirr's quarters


Cassi sat on C'Tirr's bed her fingers happily strumming her acoustic guitar. "Its been ages, I am surprised mom kept it to be honest." She said as her fingers danced through the chords to Crimson and clover as she watched her brother unpack his personal effects. Their mother had sent several of her thing to him and he had called her up here to retrieve them. So of course she had sat down and monopolized on the situation. "I been waiting to show heeeer, Crimson and clover." She sang under her breath as she waited for him reply.

C'Tirr tried to ignore the noise Cassie called music. He personally preferred the theremin to the human music. He dealt with it as it showed she was finally thinking more human. "Aye, she even sent you your robe and slippers too. The ones I bit the one ear off of." He turned and threw the slippers at her playfully.

She turned giggling, A sound not often heard from marine XO's. The slippers bounced harmlessly off her shoulder. She turned back around and stuck her tongue out at him. Then said in triumphant glee at something she spied in his box. "Is that your Floofy!!!" She cried out with more then a little mirth as she quickly put aside her guitar to make a grab for the box.

C'Tirr snatched the box from within her grasp before she could touch it. He grinned at her, his whiskers quivering and tail swishing playfully. "That's for me to know and you to wait and see." He purred at her.

The purr didnt last long. She saw him raise her prize high so not wanting to expend more precious energy then she needed too she went low dropping she brought her leg out in a quick motion catching him behind her knees. She giggled as she twisted around with the grace of years of dancing and now years of military training, in a fluid transition she was back on her feet and had snatched the box out of C'Tirr's unsteady paws as he fell. Or so she thought. She had taken a few skittery steps away and had just stuck her hand in the box to grab the fluffy scrap of baby blanket. "It Is!!!!!!" She screeched triumphantly holding it up she was soon tackled still laughing she wiggled and did her best to try and keep the floofy away by swinging her half pinned arm around wildly. She was laughing so hard she couldn't struggle out of his hold and was pinned promptly. Still she laughed loud and unrestrained to the point of inaction.

C'Tirr rolled with the legsweep coming to his feet holding something behind his back. His tail swished furiously behind him as a soft rumbling purr reverberated through the room. Cassie knew that sound meant her brother though himself on the higher ground. He smiled as he stood up. "If your looking for anything else in particular, I don't think you'll find him in there." He teased.

Cassi had a moment of confusion then realization dawned on her. "Mom hates us both." Then a wicked grin. "Prisoner exchange?" She asked raising a brow as she shook the wore fluffy blanket towards him.

C'Tirr's ears perked forward a second. "Unless..." He leaped forward at full speed to grasp his floofy as his other hand tosses her spider stuffie 'Takis' to the floor. He reaches out and tickles her side. His hand slips from her side to her back and with a quick twist throws her back to the floor, twisting the frayed blanket from her grip.

Cassi held tight to the scrap but it was no use. But she had anther objective now. She dove for her spider and snatched it up and still chuckling she twisted around and got to her feet. "Its official Mom hates us. Why else would she send these?" It was a joke of course. She held the little stuffed critter in her hand and felt comforted by its familiar weight in her palm.

C'Tirr let out a hissing laugh. "Aye that she does, that she does but you know as well as i, they make wherever we are feel like home." He said with a grin as he sniffed the blanket. He could smell his parents scents on it and that brought the welcoming feeling. He folded the blanket and stepped over to his bed and slid it under his pillow.

Cassi had tucked her Takis into the safety of her pocket. "So did I tell you I met your boss today." She said heading back to his bed she flopped down and stared over at him. "He is a rather nice guy." She smiled her cheeks were starting to hurt from all this merriment. She couldn't help it though. she was curious an attribute she attributed to her odd upbringing amongst giant cats she supposed.

C'Tirr perked his ears forward. "Do tell little sister. Anything I might need or want to know before I officially meet him tomorrow?" He asked as he sat on the couch.

Cassi toyed with the idea of saying more but decided to be nice. "Just that he is very friendly and you should get along well enough." She said a smirk edged its way to her face as her cheeks turned a shade pink as she recalled the bold young man she had met at the bar not to long ago. "I think I might ask him out or something. I got the impression he might be open to such an invitation. But... Well what do you think?" She asked then her voice had lost the teasing notes there at the end leaving her question to come across as serious. It was her way of asking his permission in a way. It was after all his boss.

"I can't give you my opinion as I haven't met him yet. Come back and speak to me once I have got to know him and you have too. Trouble comes when you rush into something too quickly sister." C'Tirr said with a stern look. "You understand what I mean right?" He sounded like he had all those years ago when they were growing up, the know it all older brother.

Cassandra chuckled. She did indeed. "No worries C'Tirr I am made from more honorable threads then that." She said reassuringly. "I remember what happened last time. I am not so foolish these days. Attachments are not something I can afford in my position anyways." She flipped over to let her head dangle upside down as she closed her eyes.

C'Tirr laughed, the last person to take her on a date had been M'Grish, a Caitian on Cait and one of Jane's biggest bullies growing up. He remembered that day well. He had asked her to meet him at a secret location and not long after, she head come running back to him with blood on her. He got her settled inside and followed the scent to find M'Grish laying on the ground holding his severed tail. M'Grish had evidently meant to beat her up while C'Tirr was busy but Cassandra had defended herself well. C'Tirr had helped him to the medical facility and they were able to reattach it though he never had much feeling in it after that.

"If he does talk to you about me... I wouldn't mind if you said yes." Cassie said almost uncertainly. "If he is brave enough to go to you about it then... well.." Oo Well what? come on, say it. oO "If he takes the trouble to ask you then that says a lot about his intentions I believe. I think them honorable." She had pulled out her spider toy and played idly with it. dangling it over her face from its bouncy string. "It wont last long I am sure. It never does. I'll behave myself." She looked over at him with that sad little smile of hers.

"We'll see what he says when I check in." C'Tirr said as he picked the scattered items and tossed them back into the box. A few thoughts some good and a couple bad ran through his head but he just shoved all of them into a locked corner of his mind.

Cassi could see the thoughts in his eyes. She chuckled. "Hey! It could be true love and then wont you feel like an ass for thinking whatever it was you were just thinking." She teased.

"Aye little sister." C'Tirr said as he placed the box on the stand next to his bed. He walked over to the replicator, his back to Cassi. Oo That maybe Cass, but when mom and dad learned we were going to be stationed together, they made me swear to protect you. oO He thought but out loud asked, "Would you like something to eat or drink? I'm going to have catnip tea, lightly sweetened and warm."

'Make it two." Cassi said righting her self so that she was now sitting upright again she tucked the spider on the string into her pocket again. "Then I will need to be running off. I have a bunch of evals to sort through and I want to get a feel for the men selected to go down to the surface before we head out." She said her voice tired now.

"If yout tired, go get some sleep. The Tea might wake you up and with what's coming up, we need to be at our best. Unless we are put on the same team, I won't be around to watch your back and keep you safe." C'Tirr said as he turned around holding to cups of tea. He sat them on the table and took a seat.

Cassandra laughed, "Yeah i suppose you are right. But still you shouldn't worry about me. I am a big grown up girl. I tie my own boots and everything." She went to him wrapping her arms around him as she curled into his lap a moment to hug him. It had been a very long time since she had done it. But with the mission moving ever closer she just wanted to feel that old familiar feeling of safety he had always provided. It was childish sure. Still. She felt no shame. She reached out and pulled her cup to her as she leaned against his chest and relaxed as she took a of the hot sweet liquid.

"I know Cass, but I worry about you. One of my biggest fears is losing you. Mom and dad would never forgive me if I ever let anything happen to you." C'Tirr said as he held Cassandra. The thought of anything happening to her made his ears, tail and whiskers droop. "I would never forgive my self if something happened to you and I wasn't there to keep you safe." His arms tightened around her as he held her protectively.

"You big softy. See I knew deep down you loved me." Cassi said playfully as she wiggled away. His sentiments ment a lot to her. Still she knew it was pointless to try and convince him she could look out for her self now. So instead she said as she gathered the things that where hers. "Don't forget dinner later tonight in the mess hall. Dont be late." She said sausly as she reached the door. She put her guitar strap over her shoulder and the small box under her arm. "After the mission though when we are done with the D and C of the planet we really do need to set up a more set in stone schedule." She was leaning next to the door now on the frame even. Her blue eyes smiled as she drank him in. Her brother. She felt her spirits lift. It was more then she could have ever hoped for to have him here. "Don't be a stranger okay."

"You too little sister. My doors always open." C'Tirr said with a grin. "And you let me know if I have to deal with anyone." He shot her a wink as he finished his tea.

"And don't forget dinner in the mess hall." Cassi called as she disappeared out the door.


Second Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Marine XO


Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Deputy Chief of Security


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