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A Lunch Conversation

Posted on 14 Dec 2020 @ 6:38pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current


The mess hall was rather quiet for this time of day. Since it was later in the evening, Leland had felt there was more time to sit down and relax, rather than hearing the cacophony of conversations during rush hours.

Looking over his Flight Roster, he was checking in on the various systems that he was reviewing with Lt. Donovan. He was happy with his progress. So far, so good. The Tomcat was a real force to reckon with, and even more so with piloting the Akira class vessel.

C'Tirr sat with a couple of PADDs scattered around the remnants of a meal. His chair was turned sideways and his right arm rested on the table. He faced the viewport though he wasn't looking out. His black head was bowed as he read the PADD he held. His ears would occasionally rotate to focus on different parts of the room and his tail was wrapped around his waist and rested in his lap, the tip moving infrequently.

Leland had turned his shoulder over, when he had heard some work being completed accross from him. There sat a Caitian Male, who was in the Security Department.

Not having met too many Caitian's in Starfleet, Leland had taken it upon himself to meet the Security Officer and hope for some conversation. He was finished up with his current work. Taking his few pads with him, he had then got up from his table and walked over to the Caitian.

Holding his steel mug of coffee, Hawksley had looked down at the table full of Security Pads or presumed to be. "A lot of work?" He then noticed the pip on the Males uniform. "Ensign."

"Reports and service records." C'Tirr said as he looked up from the PADD in his hand and quickly adds, "Sir. I'm the new Deputy Chief of Security. I'm C'Tirr K'Ruuras." He said introducing himself as he got to his feet.

Hawksley was an CHO on the Tomcat. Himself, he was not used to being used rank. "Please, K'Ruuras. Call me Leland." He had nodded, then taking a seat. "Pleasure to meet you C'Tirr." He welcomed. "You seem to be very busy, I had just wanted to introduce myself. I have met a few Caitian's before in the Fleet. You are an incredible species, fascinating to me." He paused then taking a seat across the table. "How goes Security work?"

C'Tirr chuckled at the enthusiasm in the young man before him. "Oh, it goes. Please have a seat my friend." He motioned to the empty seats at his table. "I currently have to make a few schedules as well as check everyone's equals from their last test." He let out a sigh. "But I could use a diversion at the moment." He smiled.

Hawksley had chuckled. "Do Caitian's enjoy cookies?" He then brought his plate of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from the other table Leland had seated from. "I bet you could really go to town on some intruders. Does Starfleet allow you to attack thus aggressively?" He didn't want to sound too offensive in the question, it was a plausible question to ask.

C'Tirr leaned forward and took a sniff. His ears laid back as he moved back. "That has plants in it doesn't it? Caitians are a carnivorous species. We do not eat fruits though some plants we like." He explained. The cookies had a nice yet offensive scent to his sensitive nose. "Please don't take it as an insult but I think I shall decline the kind offer, my friend."

Leland had held the chocolate chip, oatmeal cookie up to his eyes examining it. "What. Wait a minute, there is plants in this?" He raised a brow intrigued. "I don't know what's more fascinating, that you could smell that out, or that I didn't know that oatmeal was indeed a plant base." He grinned, taking a bite from it. "No worries!" He patted his chest." All the more for this Omnivore!" He grinned.

C'Tirr chuckled at the man's antics. "Oh we Caitians have better hearing, smell and vision that humans but we have a bit of a weaker system than humans. Poisons and toxins affect us faster due to our metabolism and we can't consume alcohol as it is very poisonous to us." He explained. He smiled over at Hawksley.

Listening Leland took in the information C'Tirr informed him. "No alcohol." He shook his head, that was a downer in Leland's eyes. "Now. I'm going to ask something. I don't want to sound ignorant, nor offensive." He paused. "Are you close to felines, in say, you enjoy Cat Nip? If you can't have alcohol, how do you let loose?" Hawksley questioned.

"I do enjoy a warm cup of catnip tea. As for being like Terran cats, not really. We aren't into the petting that humans tend to do to their cats. We do enjoy the family grooming though." C'Tirr said as he picked up his glass. The cream within had started to get close to room temperature when he took a drink. He grimaced a sec before finishing the glass.

Hawksley had finished his plant based cookies. He then took a drink from his mug of coffee. "Looks like I probably should head back to the Bridge. Seems whenever I am gone, something ends up happening." He jested.

"It has been a real pleasure meeting you C'Tirr. I will see you around. Do not be a stranger, ok." He had offered a friendly smile.

C'Tirr looked over at Hawksley. "Leaving already? You just got here." He said as he got to his feet, a smile on his face. "But if you really have to go, I hope we can run into each other again." He held out his fur covered hand in the human gesture.

Hawksley had felt bad. Although duty had called. He did not want C'Tirr to think he was running away. "On the contrary, I would love to stay and talk. Perhaps we can have some fun soon together, on the holodeck? A little sharp shooting practice?" Hawksley questioned.

He extended his hand, firmly shaking, noticing the supreme softness of the Caitian's fur.

"We could." C'Tirr said as he released the hand shake. He looked at all the reports and files he had to read up on and het out a hiss of a sigh. "Thank you for the brief respite of these reports but I need to get back to them as well. You have a great evening, Lieutenant."

"Of course C'Tirr. I will see you around the Tomcat." He nodded. "Don't be a stranger!" He stated, and then left on his way back to the Bridge.


Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Deputy Chief of Security


Lieutenant JG Leland Hawksley
CHO, Uss Tomact


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