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How are you feeling?

Posted on 03 Jul 2021 @ 12:30am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD
Edited on on 03 Jul 2021 @ 8:16am

909 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Prior to Phase 2


Ensign Geoffrey hale, sat working at the desk tucked against the back wall of the main sickbay. It had fortunately been a quiet day so far, and he only glanced up every so often to keep an eye on the space. He'd already explored the biobeds, the equipment, the equipment storage lockers, the operating area, and the rest of the space. He glanced up again, taking in the arc of biobeds in front and to his right, and the examination bed in the centre. To his left, the small waiting area remained empty, and so was the operating area, just out of sight around the CMO's centrally located office. He turned b2ack to the Starfleet Medical Journal on the desk's viewer, and was just getting absorbed in a piece detailing the effects of Neocorduzine on Nausicaans when the device pinged with a reminder for an impending appointment, and it was soon. Now with the prospect of something to do, Geoff sprang up and busied himself prepping the exam area.

Not long after the doors to the main medbay opened to admit a large catlike person with black fur. He glanced around and upon spotting Geoff, approached the man. "I'm Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras, Deputy Chief of Security and I'm here for the check-in physical," C'Tirr said with a toothy smile.

Geoff flashed back a professional smile at the security officer, warm if a lot less genuine than they seemed. "Very good Mr K'Ruuras, would you mind taking a seat on the examination table here?" He gestured to the centre of the space. "Your file doesn't mention any conditions or concerns to monitor in addition to the baseline for a Caitian. Is that right, Is there anything you want me to be aware of?"

Cahill came out of her office. "Hello, how can I help you? I am just here to observe you, Dr Hale. Routine when I get a new Dr when they first arrive. I hope you don't mind Ensign K'Ruuras?"

C'Tirr nodded from Hale to Cahill as he sat on the biobed. "No sir, nothing really to report health-wise that isn't in my record already or isn't usual to a Caitian." He answered Hale first then looked at Cahill. "No ma'am, I don't mind." He said. He looked the female up and down. Oo She's pretty for a human. Her scent.. oO He thought as he roof and sniffed the air. Oo It's really nice. oO He finished his thought as he turned his attention back to Hale.

"Alright then ensign, we'll begin with some routine questions." Geoff began, making a brief examination with the probe of the tricorder as he did so, he waived the small sensor in loose patterns as he continued speaking "To start with: I hope the adjustment is going smoothly so far, has the change in surroundings been causing you any stress?"

"No, they haven't," C'Tirr said as he remained as still as he could through his tail twitched occasionally.

DR Cahill watched as Ensign Hale went about his duties. And smiled at the remarks he was making. "I have dealt with other Catians and am familiar with their traditions. And how on their world women are considered superior to males."

"So Ensign C'Tirr, how are you adjusting to the way Star Fleet is and how all races are considered equal. I know it is a big difference to your world?

"I was actually raised in Starfleet. My father served on the USS Saturn as Chief Science Officer amongst other stations. I spent only about half my time on Cait." C'Tirr said with a grin. "I am well accustomed to human society as I also have an adopted human sister."

Dr Cahill replied, " Glad to hear Ensign C'Tirr. I am glad all goes well for you. Is there anything special as far as medical needs go."

C'Tirr shook his head. "Negative. All my medical records should be up to date and yes, I have had all my shots." He said jokingly as a hissing chuckle escaped him.

As the device in his hand pinged, Geoff, knit his brows together and examined the results closely. "The results bear out your testimony ensign, a few more of these indicators of perfect health, and we'll have no choice but to release you." He tried to keep his tone light, joking about medical matters wasn't his most developed skill.

Cahill smiled "So it looks like you have a clean bill of health and are fit for duty."

"That's good," C'Tirr said with a chuckle as he got to his feet and stretched. "Is there anything else you need?" He asked looking from Cahill to Hale.

"That's all for the check-up, but there might be one more thing. Would you like to be prescribed an ethanol inhibitor while you're aboard?" Geoff explained, closing up his tricorder.

"That is not necessary. I avoid alcohol and stick with tea and milk." C'Tirr said with a grin.

Geoff nodded at the Caitian's answer, "Alright then, I don't need anything more from you, you're free to go unless Dr Cahill has anything to add."

Dr Cahill replied, I have no further questions.

"Thanks again. I need to get to my duties now so I'll see you two around." C'Tirr said as he headed towards the door.


Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Assistant Chief of Security (Retd.)

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Medical Officer


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