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Final Questions

Posted on 14 Dec 2020 @ 9:25pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Captain Patrick Jackson
Edited on on 14 Dec 2020 @ 10:14pm

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Tomcat Conference Room
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 00.A


As the Colonel dismissed the briefing, he tapped a few pages on his padd and allowed the room to empty naturally. As the last of the senior staff was leaving, Patrick stood up and made his way forward. "Colonel, may I have a moment?"

As the officers left the briefing Alex looked up to see her MCO standing before her asking for a moment, a host of humourous ideas went through her head at that moment in a split second, but she adopted a friendly persona. "A moment is yours El-tee, I am assuming that you have some questions on what we are about to do?" she asked.

Patrick nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Just a couple of clarification questions, but based on the reactions from the rest of the crew, I did not think they would want to know the answers." He said with a pause. "How much risk is authorized for mission completion? Knowing scientists, they may want to dial up the risk to get samples."

Looking at him "they will be permitted to get their samples, despite the uniform I want to know what type of mutagen affect both colonists and Bluegills, but they must be kept safe but do not allow too much of a risk, remember any infected you see a headshot is quick and painless, although I do not think they feel pain now. What are your other concerns Lieutenant, I know you have some and now is as good a time as any to ask" the Colonel said with a friendly smile?

He returned the smile. "Aye ma'am, although with a pair of science teams and a SAR team, I would much rather avoid engagement if possible." He said and took a breath. "Due to the multiple natures of the hazards, while we are down there and if things get FUBA...uh," he stopped himself remembering while she is a Marine, she was his superior officer and changed his choice of language. "They go very poorly, and the planned extraction is not an option, should I have the 95th on hot standby for rapid deployment or should we expect BDZ?" He knew the stakes and was fairly sure he knew the answer, which he knew if he was correct, would not sit well at all with the rest of the crew, but that was the command, you had to make tough choices and he would ensure they made extraction so they would never need to know the outcome.

She looked at him and openly smiled at his aborted use of Fubar "I may be commanding this ship El-tee but I am still a marine, so if you need to cuss do not be shy, I started my life in the Marines as a Private made Corporal and after a secret mission I was given a field commission to 2nd Lieutenant, so trust me I will not chew you out for cussing" the Colonel said paused a moment "have two teams on standby, the away teams will consist of science personnel and they will want to get samples and while I am hoping all goes without a hitch I am too experienced a soldier to think it will be easy. So have two teams of eight on standby and have those teams use TR-116B rifles and make sure they have plenty of ammunition on hand and any native they see acting like what was shown in the footage they are permitted to fire one shot kills with a bullet between their eyes or in the head, the sooner these poor would are put out of their misery the sooner we can put a blockade over the planet and do some exploring of the system, any other questions or concerns Lieutenant?" Somers asked.

Patrick nodded. He was smiling as she talked weapons and then became serious again at the talk of putting them out of their misery. He would be glad to do it based on those images. "I'll have Lieutenant Matthews lead the science teams. She seems to have a good combat record based on what I was able to read. It will give her a good chance to get her feet wet with command on a small scale." He paused for a moment. "Forgive the obvious question ma'am, but wouldn't it be easier just to beam one of the infected into an isolation ward and then blast the planet?"

She looked up at the MCO with sadness "sadly not, you saw those images those poor souls are beyond any help and I will not risk the crew of this ship without good reason on doing so and for the record, I will be having nightmares for sometime after seeing those images" she said "anything further Lieutenant?" She asked as she saw four officers that were about to leave, she needed to talk to them.

"No ma'am. That clears up the loose ends for me." Patrick said now understanding the full scope of what was expected.

With that, she dismissed the Lieutenant and turned her attention to the other officers she needed to speak to, she had some work for the four to do, it was nasty work but it would have to be done.


1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO


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