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A terrible task

Posted on 28 Dec 2020 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson

1,715 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Tomcat Conference Room
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 00.B


After Jackson had left she looked up "Commander Cahill, Lieutenants Dodd Thompson and Winchester I need to speak to you before you leave here" the Colonel began, she was fully aware that they were not going to be happy with the tasks she was about to give them, one was dedicated to saving lives, one to keep a ship in working order, one a scientist and one dedicated to securing the crew's safety, what she had for them to do would not sit well of this she was sure.

Matt was about to head back to the lab, but he acknowledged the request with a "Yes Ma'am" and sat back down again.

Paul sat back down and his gut was telling him that he was going to have a bad feeling about what the Colonel was going to ask of him and the rest of the assembled personnel, he thought oO Oh god what are we going to be tasked with? Oo as he replied " Aye Colonel"

Remington was aware that the Colonel was going to ask something not typical of those she had to remain. He could sense Winchester's uneasiness and that Thompson also seemed worried. At this point, he knew he needed to just man up and do what was about to be asked of him regardless of his personal feelings and help the team get through it. So he took to his seat once again

Dr Cahill remained seated as the others left. She knew whatever it was it had to be done. "Understood Col Somers.

Looking at those she asked to stay behind "okay, you four may be wondering why you have been asked to remain back, simply put I am going to put a heavy burden upon three of you, the fourth will be a toss-up" she pauses as she looks at them again "Lieutenant Winchester you will provide security for what I am about to ask of these others and the security must be the strictest there is, only myself and the select personnel you each pick will be allowed past the guards which will be armed, understood Lieutenant Winchester?" She asked looking at the ACoS.

Paul asked the question that everyone was thinking, "Sir, are the four of us going to be breaking the prime directive?" as he looked back at the Marine, he continued," if so, the four of us would like it noted that what we four do was done under orders from yourself " he concluded, "and we are not to be held accountable for what we do," as he wanted it clarified that they would not be held on charges for it.

"It is not the Prime Directive Lieutenant Winchester, but a moral one, but it has been noted that our actions out here have been sanctioned by the Federation, now if this was deeper in this Galaxy then it would be dealt with quickly and quietly by combat teams, I was on one such team decades ago so I know the teams are assembled in times of need and they have two orders complete their task at any cost and speak nothing of it if they ever return, it is the case that the Federation will deny everything, I was part of one such mission" she added as the pain of a long-buried memory came to the surface "So from here on in the highest authority had cleared us for this task" the Colonel added.

"Thank you, Sir," replied Paul as he glanced back at the Colonel as he continued," I was just asking for some clarification as I was looking at the fall out Sir," as he knew that if anything did come back at him he could deny anything and everything.

With that answer she looks at the other three, Lieutenant Dodd you will create a delivery system, while Commander Cahill and Lieutenant Thompson work on the pathogen to kill host and Bluegill down on the planet, I will sort out the fire element, so use minimal staff and keep it on the down-low as none of us are happy with the tasks we are going to have to do. The formulae for this Pathogen will be keyed to your biometrics on your departmental computers, now you three have any queries?" the Colonel asked.

"A pathogen Sir? To create a pathogen we will need samples, you did imply that these were a mutated version of the bluegill. Also, are you ordering us to come up with a bio-genic weapon,? Bio-genic weapons are outlawed, Sir." Lt Thompson stated.

Bio-genic weapons sounded like something from a nightmare to Dodd. He had his assignment to create the delivery method. He knew he could work it out to have the maintenance drones modified to be the delivery method with minimal work and thus it would limit the number of the engineering staff involved. But now he waited for the dreaded answer to Thompson's question.

Dr Cahill replied, "Understood Col Somers, I agree. A lot of the Júnior Officers don't understand this type of mission. But most of the senior officers know we have to do this even though we don't like it. Also, the chemical compound I came up with is about to be increased in strength will be fatal to the Bluegills and the host. This will allow us to do what is necessary to prevent the exposure of any other people may be exposed, also, a delivery system will be needed as well" the Doctor responded.

Looking at Thompson "That lieutenant is what the away teams will be doing on the planet, catering air samples and flora and ground samples, you and your chosen team will need to be in Hazmat suits when the samples come back up to the ship and full bio protection protocols will be initiated and science lab you use will be placed under high security where Lieutenant Winchester will be assigned two heavily armed guards outside with orders to let only the research staff and a very few non-staff members. *looks at Cahill* Also apply the strongest safety protocols, Doctor, I want to get this mission done as quickly as possible with as much safety as possible, anything else?" The Colonel said ending with a question.

"Understood Colonel, no questions". Thompson replied.

"I placed double guards on the science station with 2 outside the door and 2 just inside the door. The ones inside are far enough away from the research area so they cannot hear what is being said but can be there if a security breach is detected," replied Cahill

"Are we using the transporter or a shuttlecraft? I ask because we could outfit a type 9 shuttle with a lab to make the away mission more effective." Matt said.

The Colonel looked at Thompson "Sounds great we can do that, use one of the transport shuttles, but keep away from the shuttles belonging to the Rifles" the Colonel said. "Okay, you all know what is needed and required are there any questions before I let you all go?" She asked then looked at Cahill "I know you are acting XO for this mission, but if you are going to assign Security officers to a place, please work with Mr Winchester and such, but kudos on assigning the people" Alex said.

Cahill replied, "Aye Col. I find myself looking over my shoulder a lot and it shows too. You see I still expect Commander Sterling to show up and take over as XO. It is an old habit having her here and still doing her job. But it is now time for me to start to make the 2XO job mine and eventually the XO job mine. And stop looking over my shoulder. And show I am capable of doing the job myself."

Dodd replied, “Colonel, I will have two of my best engineers work on the drone modifications for deploying the bio-genic compound. I will advise Taggert so she is aware of what is going on and not to share without further orders. The modifications should not take long once we know the specific nature of the compound.”

Mr Dodd, I request assistance in helping to convert the class 9 shuttle into a mobile lab. Specifically a more powerful transmitter-receiver array for the uplink to the ship's computer. I trust you can spare a technician or two for that?" Matt asked. Maybe an extra shied generator or two as well. Matt added.

"I can provide you with the assistance you need. I can have my Assistant Chief get you a team within the hour to start the conversion and modifications needed." Dodd replied.

"Excellent, now if there are no more questions, you have your duties, I shall let you go?" The Colonel said.

"Ma'am, I have no questions and I will accomplish what is asked of me as it is for the better of all life in the grand scheme of things," Dodd commented after the Colonel's statement.

"I have nothing at the moment, Colonel," replied Paul as he made sure after his last few meetings that he kept his mouth shut, he knew that this mission was going to have a major downside for those in his department and would give his teams time afterwards to visit the Counsellors. even he might take up the offer of a chance to talk about the outcome of the mission and his feelings, which for him he didn't like doing.

The Colonel nodded and turned her attention to Thompson and Cahill "What about you pair?" She asked.

"No questions Colonel, I request to be dismissed to attend to my duties". Thompson asked.

Cahill replied "No question Colonel," The Doctor said.

Looking at the assembled "okay all of you dismissed, get to your duties" the Colonel said and watched all of the officers leave, she knew what was being asked of them, they were not happy and she could not blame them as she felt the same too, she sighed heavily and left the conference room to attend to her duties.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somrts [P: Somers]
Acting Commanding Officer

Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Acting Chief of Security


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