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Phase 2 Briefing Part 4

Posted on 18 Dec 2020 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 18 Dec 2020 @ 1:40pm

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: Tomcat Conference Room
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 00


Continued from Part 3...

"All I can say is, I hope the counsellor is good because a lot of us will be needing them," C'Tirr growled. His nose was crinkled and his ears were laid back at the thought of what they had to do. His tail was moving agitatedly as he leaned against the bulkhead with his arms crossed. Oo I hate that we have to do this but the Lieutenant Colonel was right, it had to be done. oO "As the Vulcan Spock once said, 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'."

Leland held his exterior façade well enough, although his stomach felt the rinsing need to wretch, as the creatures screeching never left his memory. Hawksley slightly cocked his head to one side, as his eyes then focused once again to Colonel Somers. There was no humanity left alive in that scene.

Lamia looked towards Iria before looking around those gathered. “The counselling department stands ready to assist any who need us.” She offered a friendly smile.

'I just bet they are.' Cassi thought now thoroughly disgusted herself. She finally figured out the answer to the question she had been wondering about her being promoted here. Defiantly pissed somebody off. There was no honour in this. It made her feel like she needed a shower just for listening to it. Still, she stayed silent. She'd speak to her CO. Get his feel of it. Then well... then they try to figure out a better way? Something... yeah something.

"I for one was against the mission to wipe out the life on this planet, but orders are orders. This just shows us that we would be doing a favour to those who have been lost to this savage mutagen." Dodd replied while still feeling the emotions of all in the briefing. "I will have all engineering teams ready to assist where needed to complete this mission."

Still sitting quietly, taking in the briefing and letting the more tactically qualified officers hash things out, Geoff's mood grew steadily darker. He thanked his strong stomach yet again after what he'd seen and reconsidered his objections to sterilizing the afflicted planet, quarantine and thorough disinfection might be the best thing their ship could do for the galaxy, much as he wished it weren't so.

Iria had seen some distressing and disturbing things but what they had witnessed was terrifying and had her stomach rolling in protest. She was sure she wasn't the only one. Since she didn't trust her voice yet, Iria instead, sent a direct message to Lamia's PaDD, 'After the briefing we need to talk with Lili to plan and ready for sessions, ongoing treatment for likely PTSD and other possible issues.'

Lamia looked at her PADD as Iria’s message relayed across. Looking across at Iria she nodded in agreement.

After a few more moments she was able to more or less settle her emotions and stomach, speaking aloud, her tone soft, "I might not have agreed with our orders upon hearing them, after the visual we have been treated to." Iria paused and looked slowly around the room at each person, "We have to agree that we cannot allow such infections and dangerous aspect of these afflicted colonists to spread throughout the galaxy." Iria shook her head slightly as she continued, "The terror lives lost would be immeasurable in comparison to in effect euthanization of rabid animals which is what the colonists in the visual recording were displaying, the actions and tendency of." Iria finished speaking her tone still soft yet firm.

Serina was catatonic from watching the scene. In her head, she was screaming but her voice was silent. The horror of what she saw was horrific and unbelievable and totally disgusting. It took all of five minutes before she came out of her state of mind. She shut her mouth and swallowed hard. "This is worse than a plague. I can't even begin to fathom what could do this, but what I do know is if this were to even leave that planet, the devastation would be unbelievable," she said.

"Agreed Lieutenant Donovan, but what is more concerning is this infected Colony has working shuttles from the colony on the first Class M planet, at the moment it seems the inflicted have lost higher brain function, but we are all aware that viruses can mutate further and evolve," she said and added, "Mr Donovan I want you to assign a squadron to attack and destroy said shuttles, there should only be two on the planet, we will need to destroy those shuttles, understood? Also, I want you at Navigation on the bridge when we set out as your skills may be needed with helm when we have to ride the highest part of the atmosphere, it will be bumpier than a rider at a Texas Rodeo show" she added.

"Understood Major, I will have Rebel's squadron take care of the planet's shuttles and I will be on the bridge as ordered for navigation and helm duty. I know how she bucks in the atmosphere," Serina replied quickly.

Sometimes it is more humane to do what we are about to do rather than let them suffer needlessly. I have on another occasion had to do it, LTC Somers. In that case, it was Radiation killing them slowly, replied Cahill.

Nicci's pulse was quickened and she was, to an astute observer, silently frightened out of her boots, disgusted, and shocked, all at once. "This is disgusting," she said quietly. "Let me know how I can get engineering to help fix this," she said, the wavering of her voice barely under control, her emotions, heightened from her experience during the last mission facing that Orion in engineering resurfacing.

Rena kept listening and taking notes on her pad, as the captain continued to talk in the meeting. She stayed quiet the whole time.

Dodd kept quiet as he knew something terrible was coming and that to accomplish this mission, he would have to follow orders that he would not necessarily agree with or be comfortable with.

"What is it exactly that we are being asked to do?" Matt asked.

"We have become the angles of mercy and death. We are the destruction of the plague and the bearers of peace to those who desperately seek the release of pain and agony," Serina said solemnly.

Looking at the CAG "I could not have said it better myself" Colonel Somers said as looked at the four she would need to speak to, "okay everyone get to your duty stations we will be undocking in an hour, dismissed" the Colonel said and saw most of the crew quickly exit the room as the MCO approached her.

(Please see as it is directly after)


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Assistant Chief Counsellor

Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Assistant Chief of Security

Lieutenant Iria Walon
CIO/Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

2nd Lt Cassandra Matthews
Marine Executive Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant CSO

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer


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