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Meeting in Sick Bay

Posted on 03 Jul 2021 @ 12:30am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD
Edited on on 03 Jul 2021 @ 7:57am

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Sick Bay CMO Office
Timeline: Start of Phase2


Dr Cahill had called Ensign Hale to her office to brief him. She knew she would be very tied up with research and First Officer duties and needed him to watch Sick Bay while she did these necessary duties. She was working away in Medical when she heard a noise and looked up and saw Ensign Hae enter Medical.

It was a bit of a hectic morning so far for the Medical Officer so when he arrived Hale arrived a couple of minutes late and was breathing heavily. "I'm very sorry sir, I got caught up on my way here. I hope I haven't caused too much of an inconvenience for you." He remained standing as he explained, his jaw working ever so slightly whenever he wasn't speaking.

Looking at him with a friendly smile Cahill replied, "Not a problem. Get what you want to eat or drink and have a seat, Dr Hale. I will be tied up a lot on this mission as Acting XO and in Science working on the solution to the Bluegills. You will be acting as ACMO for this current mission and in charge of Sick Bay during this time. If you need anything you can ask me or one of the other doctors in Sick Bay." Cahill said.

Hale shook his head slowly. "I can't think of any right now sir unless you want me to be something other than prepared, professional, and proficient in dealing with whatever the mission sends Medical's way?"

Cahill studied the young officer, she had many things currently running through her mind, but there was not much time for them, there was scant little time for most of it at this moment in time "any questions?" She asked. and then continued "you will handle Sick Bay as the Acting CMO when I am tied up with other duties. You will be in charge of everything here. If it is needed I can assist but most Sick Bay duties will be under your control.

Running the latest news through his mind as he considered what his boss had just said to him "absolutely, Sickbay is ready and I hope we will all make you proud sir. We'll be doing our best to make sure that you can stay focused on your duties as XO and don't have to worry about putting out any fires down here. We're all rooting for you sir," Hale affirmed.

Again Cahill studied him closely he was a little green around the gills so to speak, but she was confident that he could do the job, after all, he did not really have an option "I am glad to hear that Mr Hale" she said and stood up "okay, time to got to work, me to the bridge, you here in medical" she added.

With that, they both stood and as Hale returned to main medical from the CMO's office Commander Cahill headed out of her office ad to the nearest turbo lift and what would take her up to the bridge.


Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Medical Officer


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