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Posted on 30 Apr 2021 @ 6:13am by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Racine "Ghost" Hanson
Edited on on 01 May 2021 @ 4:16pm

2,088 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Paul's Quarters- USS Tomcat
Timeline: after And now for the bad one


Paul had just finished his shift and had returned to his quarters and with the upcoming mission and having asked Racine "Ghost" Hanson on a date, now was the best time to do it, as he surveyed his quarters that were decorated in green and gold tinsel with a green tree with lights on, As he started to prep the table with a golden candlestick and two wine glasses. Paul knew that he had to treat her with respect after his last love Siren and what a Jackass he had been with her. As he started to remember the fun times, but now he had to focus on the start of this new relationship with Cassie, as he heard the buzz of his door chime, he called, "Enter.”

Racine was wearing a gold-trimmed forest green chiffon blouse, with red flowing chiffon pants. Open sandals and around her neck a beautiful gold and silver pendant showing off her low neckline. She wore very little makeup which accented her clothes. "Hello Winchester, I didn't know what to bring if anything," Racine said, as she entered his quarters.

"that's ok Racine, do you want a glass of red or white wine?" asked Paul as he looked over at the young woman as he knew that he had to make a good first impression with her, but for now Paul just wanted to have some company for the night without having to talk shop.

"Wine? How about some whisky, " she said. Racine was a drinking woman and she was here to have a good time. Good food and good booze. "Haven't had a good stiff drink or either whisky or scotch in ages," Racine added as she sat down.

"1 whisky coming up," replied Paul as he tapped the replication unit for both the drink orders as he continued, " I was rather surprised that you accepted my offer of a Dinner date," as he hadn't been on a date since his bride to be another pilot whose callsign was " Siren" back on the Bismarck. as he had made it a rule not to date another pilot, which he had now just broken.

"I didn't know you had a wife?" Racine said. "I'm so sorry you lost her. However, if you want, we could put this date on hold. I do not wish to intrude on a very personal moment", she added getting up to leave. "Will leave you alone until next we meet," and she walked out of Winchester's quarters.

Serina was strolling down the corridor when she saw Racine hurry out of Winchester's quarters. Worried about Winchester, and possibly something Racine had done to upset him, she hit the door chime quickly. "Lt. Winchester are you ok? Open it is Serina. Please, Paul!" Serina pleaded.

Paul was shocked at the way Racine had left and he hadn't even mentioned Siren out loud to her as he thought to himself oO Oh lord, she's an Empath, Oo as he heard Serina banging on the door and pressing his door chime repeatedly. he said reluctantly "Enter,"

As the door opened, she saw Winchester standing there like a lost puppy. "Paul, what happened? Did she say anything to upset you? You DO know she is Betazoid right? Oh god, she felt your emotions. What or who were you thinking of?" Serina asked. Walking up to him, she put her hand on his shoulder, "Paul, talk to me please, what happened?" Now Serina was genuinely concerned with Paul's expression.

"I don't really know Serina, " replied Paul looking back at her as he continued" All I was doing was thinking about my last full romantic interlude with Liz "Siren" Stone then she ran out of here," as he hadn't spoken with Liz in a long time and maybe he should have and would she talk to him after so long? that was the question.

"You didn't know she was empathic right? It happens to the best of us. Relax, I think maybe she was thinking that she intruded in on something. I will talk with her, but in the meantime, tell me about what happened to Siren," Serina asked sitting down. "Oh, I'm sorry you were going to eat. Don't let me interrupt, please eat Paul," she added.

"Of course I didn't," replied Paul as he looked back at Serina, he continued " and as for Siren I haven't spoken with my ex-fiance in years after she jilted me at the alter, "looking at the pilot "plus I was about to have dinner, would you like to join me?" he said with a smile.

Looking at Paul, " If I am not intruding, but yes I would love to join you, and thank you. It looks scrumptious," Serina said, taking the offered seat.

"No, you not intruding Serina, I wouldn't have asked you to join me otherwise," replied Paul as he tapped a command into the replication unit and began to order a bottle of wine and two glasses, he continued, "I have been on my own for so long now your the first woman in a long time I've been on a date with," smiling at her.

"I'm flattered, Paul. I enjoy your company. You are a pleasure to be with. Smart, generous, respectful and honest. All the qualities I would want in a man. Don't get me wrong, I think the world of you and am happy you asked me to stay," Serina said chuckling.

" Why thank you," replied Paul as he glanced back at her as he smiled once more, continued "May I ask you a question?" as he thought to himself oO Is she interested in me? Oo whilst he opened the wine bottle and began to pour the liquid into the first glass and then hand it to her.

"Of course Paul, feel free to ask," Serina said smiling warmly. Serina took a sip of the wine while looking at Paul's eyes.

"Before I do," replied Paul as he looked back at Serina, he said, "Computer, Play True Colours by Phil Collins," as he knew this would set the mood as the music started to play. He asked her "Are you interested in me?" giving her the meaning that she wanted a relationship with him.

Calmly, Serina smiled and simply said, "Yes I am interested in you." "Since our first talk when you spoke to me concerning the air group. For some reason you have enchanted me with your demeanour," she added, sipping her wine, still looking into his eyes.

Paul looked surprised at her statement and all he could say was "Wow," looking into her eyes as the music played in the background, Paul now understood that there was some sort of attraction here, he continued," And your alright with my biosynthetic arm then?" as he was worried that might put her off of him and he had to be sure she was genuinely interested in him Biosynthetic arm and all.

"Any man who had a bio.....whatever, is still a man regardless. If I let a small imperfection be the judge of my interest, I would not be here," she said. "A relationship is not a book to be judged by its cover but to be judged for what's inside. I was taught when I was a young girl, you can't judge a person by how they look but only by what they present to the other person. You could be a one-legged beggar, but be the warmest and most compassionate man you'll ever meet. I would go out with him," Serina finished saying. "I am not seeking a platonic relationship with you Paul, but a genuine one that can grow together. That is how serious I am," she added, taking another sip of her wine.

"Thank you, Serina, that puts my mind at rest," replied Paul looking back at her as he wasn't ashamed of it far be it, he just felt that now with the elephant out of the room he could relax a little bit more. as he took a sip of the wine, he said," Then we take it slow and see where it leads us then shall we?"

"Of course, it is always best to slow and gradual. You are aware I do have twin girls, right?" Serina asked taking a bite of the dinner that Paul had fixed. "Ooooo...Paul, this is good what is this?" she added

"It is my Moms recipe for Cajun chicken," replied Paul as he took a bite of his meal, he continued," and you have twins huh, My Sister has an adopted Daughter Davina who is troublesome but I love her," as he leaned over to the table behind them and picked up a photo of them on Risa. "and I'd love to meet them," he finished as he took another bite of the chicken.

"The next time we dock at SB51 I will introduce you to my parents and both my girls. You have got to give my mother the recipe for this chicken. She would die for it. She is big on catering for groups and such. Where are Davina and your sister now? I would love to meet them," Serina said finishing up the chicken meal.

"Well, Paula and Davina are actually stationed on SB51," Paul replied, "she has taken on the same role I had as a Fighter pilot, but where I am grounded, she can still fly" as he still resented the accident and that he hadn't ejected in time," any news on the investigation into my crash?" as he had asked Lauren about it and had told him to speak with Serina.

"I have not heard anything about it yet but I am getting a suspicious feeling that it might have not been an accident. I have been looking over the maintenance logs and the investigation findings and there are a few things that look weird in my opinion. I will know more as I read on," Serina said sadly. She was hoping she could tell him something, but, she didn't want to give him anything to give him cause for concern. "So your family is on SB51 as well! I guess we will both be seeing them when next we are back at base," she said smiling warmly at him. Paul was certainly a handsome man in her eyes.

"Not an accident, that means someone tried to kill me and that means an attempted Murder attempt on my life," replied Paul looking back at her, he continued, "Can I have copies of both the Maintenance logs and the findings?" as he now had changed things from a date to talking shop, he finished, "May I give you a hug?" as he wanted her in his arms.

"Yes, I can give you copies of what I have got so far. It could go either way, murder as opposed to sabotaging. The sabotage theory comes to mind, simply because my wingman Sam, we went over his fighter and there were a few things also that didn't add up either. His accident caused him to turn in his wings and quit flying. But enough shop talks", Serina said, getting up. She had heard what Paul said about hugging her and she walked to him and hugged him instead. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she kissed him on the lips. The kiss was deep and full of emotion on her part. Paul, on the other hand, tightened his grip on her as he pulled her closer.

After a few seconds, Paul pulled away from her and smiled and said "Wow, I could get used to this," as he pulled her close once more and began to kiss her even more deeply. As he broke the kiss again, he asked, " Do you want Dinner or Dessert? as he asked the question.

"I think dinner first as I believe we are going to need nourishment to deal with desert I do believe," Serina said coyly. She knew what she wanted and Paul's kiss gave her his answer. The evening was going to be very intimate and sensual especially for her.

"Well then," replied Paul looking at Serina as he gave her a playful slap on her rump, " Let's eat shall we," as the replicator had finished the dinner order, as he knew that this was going to be a fun night.


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Sec/Tactical

Lieutenant Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Command Air Group

Lt. Racine "Ghost" Hanson [P: Donovan]
Deputy Commander Air Group


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