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Preparations and improvements.

Posted on 17 Feb 2021 @ 3:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Ensign Lauren Jordan
Edited on on 17 Feb 2021 @ 9:44pm

2,371 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Engineering


=/\= Dodd to Winchester, can I get a few moments of your time. =/\= Dodd asked.

Paul had been in his office for the last few hours when he heard his combadge chirp, He wondered who was calling him when he tapped it and heard the voice of Lieutenant Dodd come therethrough the channel, he thought to himself oO I wonder what he wants? Oo as he leaned back in his chair.=/\= Winchester here, =/\=replied Paul looking back at the terminal with the reports that he had been doing for the last two hours, he asked,=/\= why what's up?=/\= as he wondered what the matter was and why was the CEO contacting him? as the questions flowed through his mind.

=/\= Nothing is up, but would you be available to meet me in my office as I have something to ask you about? =/\= Dodd asked.

=/\=Sure, why what is it you need me for Lieutenant? =/\= posing the question to the Chief Engineer, as he knew the break would be a good idea and a chance to stretch his legs and not get too tired looking at the screen. He continued, = /\= I can be down in 15 minutes Lieutenant, Winchester out=/\= as he closed the channel and rose from his chair and quickly vacated his office.

=/\= Great come on down when you are able. I want your help with something. =/\= Dodd replied. Dodd was in his office and sensed the arrival of Winchester in Engineering. Dodd got up from his desk and headed out of his office to the pool table. As he did so he saw the young lieutenant and approached him.

- Main Engineering -

“Hello, Lieutenant. I asked you here to ask you about the environmental suits we currently use on our away team missions. Let's go into my office to talk more." Dodd addressed Winchester.

"What new EVA suits?" asked Paul as he knew about the missions that were coming up and knew that EVA suits would be needed as he noticed other Engineers going about their tasks, he followed Dodd into the Office.

"So I know from experience that our current EV suits are not the most comfortable and so I would like your help with a test," Dodd replied. I know there is a mission you may be on about to happen. I would like to give you a prototype of a new EV suit to test out on the current mission. Would you be up to that? Dodd asked of the young lieutenant.

"A test?" replied Paul looking back at the CEO, as he continued," What sort of Test are we talking about?" as he leaned against the wall "and don't these need to go through R&D?" as he was worried that something might go wrong with them.

"I do understand your concerns," Dodd replied. "We do have some new nanite/nano-probe hybrid suits that could be of help to any situation on this mission and those to come. This comes from research done with Borg nanoprobes and the help of Kaviosian Nanites that maybe we could incorporate into the mix to fully replace the existing EVA suits."

Dodd then turned to grab a PADD to show him the information. "We could likely have 50 suits encoded and ready to go by the time we reach the planet. These Nanotech polymers from Borg nanoprobes and nanites would be able to mend itself a few times before needing to be replaced. They would also allow more natural movement from the person wearing the suit. This information was provided to me in the updates done at the Starbase before we got started on this mission."

"Then I can have Charlie team test them for you if you so wish," replied Paul knowing that the Security officers would love the chance to help out and one officer, in particular, would be useful. He tapped his combadge and Said =/\= Ensign Jordan, please meet me in Main Engineering, Winchester out,=/\=

"Great, so I can ensure you that the suits will be more flexible for the wearer and the only minor issue is the wearer practically needs to be near-nude to make the most of the suit. Once Lauren gets here, I can go over more of the details and give you each a suit to try out on the holodeck to see what you think. IF all goes well with this test and the reports, likely they will take off and replace the current suits within the year." Dodd replied.

Lauren still angry at Paul after finding him dating the Pilot whose callsign was "Ghost" held her anger in,=/\= On my way sir.=/\= Lauren said as she walked to the nearest turbo lift and walked calling for Main Engineering, as she rode the lift she kept her anger built up inside her as she calmed down to breath and finally walked over to Main Engineering and met with him. ”Yes, sir what's up?’ Lauren asked Winchester as she looked at him and the other officer.

"Ensign," replied Paul, "we have been asked by Lieutenant Dodd here to test out his new Version of the EVA suits that he has designed for use on this mission," he continued looking at the young Ensign. He finished "would you be interested in helping us with this?" as he had heard from Lauren that she was angry with him over finding him dating another Pilot.

"why me," asked Lauren looking back at her former boss as she was still angry with him over finding Paul in the arms of another woman whilst she had carried a torch for the former CAG. she continued "and I still have Paperwork to do for the CAG and now this?" as she gave an angry growl to her senior officer. she thought to herself oO is he being vindictive towards me or Do I have to go see the colonel? Oo as the Chief engineer spoke up.

"I have a total of one hundred fifty suits, fifty are specific for marine use. The remaining one hundred have twenty-five security versions which include standard phaser and phaser rifle abilities while the other seventy-five merely for standard use which means no weapon generation is active in them." Dodd replied. "I am asking everyone that may need to use these to allow a subdermal transponder injected into them for study purposes and I have read that it does help the suit and wearer bond as well."

Paul turned to face Lieutenant Dodd for a minute and asked the question, "are you telling me, Lieutenant, that these EVA suits will be bonded to us and only us?" before Ensign Jordan could get angrier with him as he himself didn't like the idea of something being embedded into his body unless it was added to his prosthesis and how would that work.

"I am not going to have anything injected into me," replied Ensign Jordan "Unless it is so ordered By Colonel Somers, not you or he will make me do that," looking at Dodd with an angry look on her face, "Now if you both excuse me I have paperwork to catch up on," as she turned and stormed out of the engineering office.

Paul turned to face Lieutenant Dodd and said "I'm sorry about that Lieutenant, I am going to have to have a word with her," as he knew that this was going to be difficult, he continued "About this transponder, could it be fitted into my Prosthesis?" as he might have found a compromise to the idea.

"No worries, the subdermal transponder is standard Starfleet issue and it allows us to track the tests of the suits, also it seems to help the suit bond to the wearer. The nanotech can use the transponder to read the wearer and thus adapt accordingly as well as making the suit like that second layer of skin." Dodd replied after Rena left the office in a fury. "The subdermal transponders will also help the suit send all data to the computer onboard the ship for storage and analysis. Also if an emergency it will have the wearer beamed back to the ship or nearest shuttlecraft. The transponders will only activate when the wearers put on the devices. They also act as a link to communications to not have to worry about combadges or communicators while in the field."

"Very well," replied Paul looking back at Dodd, he continued "When do I start?" as he rolled up the sleeve of his shirt on his prosthesis and held out his arm, he knew that by doing this would put him back in the good graces of the Colonel or he hoped it would, after all, he had done some good then done another cock up with Walon when he should have given her the codes that he had kept.

"I forgot you had a false arm. I can look at seeing if the nanotech could be installed and charged from what powers your arm. The processors that help you use the arm will also help you with the nanotech. You already have the necessary subdermal implant needed for the test purposes." Dodd replied with a large grin on his face. "I am glad I reached out to you for this test. I hope to get all the Security team equipped with this technology along with at least fifty of the marines on board before we get to the final part of this mission."

"So Lieutenant, When do we start?" replied Paul as he started to unzip his Jacket to get better access to the Prosthesis as he thought to himself oO Well, there is no time like the present Oo as he wanted to see how the tech would incorporate with his arm and what else they could add into his arm.

"Well, for now you will have to wear these bracelets around each wrist. They will function for the test but I am working on a different means to wear the nanotech in the future. The bracelets will be the receptacle for the nanotech to be on you ready to go. You are the perfect test subject for the NEVS as we can also see how it will work with people with prosthetic limbs. I am glad you are willing to do this."

"I know you have had some issues with Lieutenant Walon, and the fact that we are involved does not affect my thoughts about you. I am glad we are getting this chance to work together and I hope that we can team up more in the future after the NEVS pilot program goes on to full use." Dodd added as he took the nanotech devices and linked it around Winchester's wrists. Dodd then adjusted the bracelets with the scanner and synced the nanotech to Winchester's biosignature and activated the programming to be the Security/Combat attuned to Winchester's implant frequencies.

"Thank you for letting me test it," replied Paul as he watched the Lieutenant start to install the nanotech bracelet around his wrists, he knew that being the first person to test it with the limb would help when it came to others in his predicament, He asked, "Now how do I activate this Lieutenant?" as he posed the question to the Tomcat's CEO.

"Well, you merely speak to the bracelet and say, 'Active Suit' and the nanotech will jump to action. The suit will work its best if you are as naked as possible but it will still function over your standard duty uniform but it may limit some range of motion. Dodd stated.

Paul was still slightly anxious about the whole idea but still, he had an Open mind and looking forward to the first trial of the suit. He asked Lieutenant Dodd.

"So, what about my uniform?" Asked Paul as he wondered if it switched between the uniform and the EVA suit, looking back at Lieutenant Dodd as he was rather confused by this, as Paul hoped that the nanotech would not interfere with his cybernetic arm for the tech to shut off at the wrong time.

"The NEVS will react to your voiceprint when I activate it and it will also sort of read the way your arm reads your thoughts to use it. Once we get you to wear the NEVS for a few times the nanotech will adjust to your body and adapt itself to your needs. You can wear you duty uniform under the NEVS but it still would be encouraged to have some flesh exposed when activating the NEVS. The NEVS will be the standard security/combat variation since you are the Chief of Security. When wearing the NEVS you can have the suit generate your standard issue weapons as well as the functions of a tricorder and a forcefield. The NEVS you get is similar to the same variation the Marines will get as you will have full combat specs, where your standard security team will get the basis EV features such as the tricorder and forcefields, phasers and then while you are in the NEVS you will be a perfect specimen of a Chief of Security. The system will pass scanners as clothing and the weapons are only activated when needed so you can still transport and normal." Dodd added. "I am working on a harness version that would the tech worn on the chest and shoulders and not as bracelets, but that will be down the road."

"So for now you have played with the basics and Holodeck Three is all set up for you to go and test out more of what you can do in the NEVS." Dodd added. "Again you simply need to speak 'Activate NEVS' or 'Deactivate NEVS' and the nanotech will form the Environmental Suit around you within seconds. To charge the bracelets, you merely need to place them in your replicator over night and they will be charged and download all the data to the ship's computer as well as update any new data to the nanotech. The standard charge has lasted twelve hours and I am working on extending that."

- OFF -

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief of Engineering


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security


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