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What must be done

Posted on 10 Feb 2021 @ 2:57pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu & Ensign Teela Tjaansz & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

2,153 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 07


With other things now sorted out, Colonel Somers returns to the bridge. As the ship dropped from warp speed and took up high orbit over the healthy planet, the Colonel turns to the Caitian "Ensign C'T'irr I want you to lead an away team, grab Ensign Silver and Lieutenant Taggert and beam down to the Colony and get the colony data recorder from the deserted settlement" the Colonel said looking at the Ensign.

"Aye, Ma'am. Do we require EVA suits on this planet or is there any bluegill presence here?" C'Tirr asked Somers.

"Negative Ensign, this is the safe planet, all you need do is to get some sensor readings to have Lieutenant Taggert locate and obtain the Conly's data logs while SIlver does his science scan and then beam back up to the ship, hand Phasers only and assemble your team in Transporter Room 2," the Colonel said looking at the Caitian.

C'Tirr nodded and headed for the turbolift. =/\= C'Tirr to Lieutenant Taggart and Ensign Silver. Please meet me in transporter room 2 and be ready for an away mission. I'll fill you in when we meet up.=/\= He nodded once more to Somers as the turbolift doors slid shut and it started its descent.

- Main Science Lab -

Ted sat at the workstation and idly drummed his fingers.

On the monitor screen before him. Was a perfect display of molecular construction. That would build a poison capable of killing the infected people. Without destroying the plant or non-sentiment life forms. Unless of course they were infected. As the poison went for the infection. Unfortunately, the host would not survive without it. So death was inevitable. He jumped as his comm. badge chirped.

=/\= C'Tirr to Lieutenant Taggart and Ensign Silver. Please meet me in transporter room 2 and be ready for an away mission. I'll fill you in when we meet up.=/\=

Giving a sigh he replied.

=/\=On my way=/\= He said.

He saved the image. Then grabbed a few things he would need on an away mission. Making sure all was secure he left for the away mission.

- Engineering -

Nicci was going through her checklist for the engines with Nelson and Pril. She wanted to ensure that the Tomcat had a proper baryon sweep done at the next available time frame, and sent the two to rescan the coils. There was a minor variance in the aftmost warp coils in both nacelles.

"We're not going to fly apart, but when we're warping the very space we exist in, we need to do it safely," Nicci said, chuckling a little to herself at what she said. "Grab a few engineers and make whatever adjustments we need. I want to see those variances in the subspace field down a third or more by the time we get back to warp speed."

"No problem, Lieutenant. We will get those warp coils back to par in no time." Nelson replied. "You will be leaving the department in great hands."

"I will see to it he does get the variance fixed and all is well with the ship before you return."

Nelson and Pril then grabbed the gear they needed and took off for the aft-most warp coils.

"Ensign Tjaansz," Nicci called to her purple friend.

"Yes ma'am?" Teela replied with a smile. She had her dark purple hair up in a ponytail, and her purple eyes seemed to smile too.

Nicci wasn't used to being called ma'am, but she was the assistant chief, so it came with the territory. "We're tracking a few ways to recharge the shields using the distributed computing system to take the load off the core in combat, just in case, and I want you to head that up. And run a few simulations on planetary sterilization..."

Teela's eyes got wide and her mouth dropped," Planetary sterilization? "

"This is classified," Nicci said in a whisper, "but I want three or four backup plans in case things fall apart down on the planet. I trust the captain and the colonel, but nunquam non-paratus."

"Noon quaam...?"

"Latin. Old Earth language. It means 'never unprepared," Nicci explained. "An ancestor of mine was from Clan Johnson in Scotland. That's their Motto."

"Oh, I see," she replied. "I'll do it in the private access centre, so no one will see what I'm researching."

"Good. Computer, grant Ensign Tjaansz temporarily restricted access and priority on computer resources for 72 hours," Nicci said.

"Access granted," replied the familiar computer voice.

Just then, a call came over the intercom for Nicci.

=/\= C'Tirr to Lieutenant Taggart and Ensign Silver. Please meet me in transporter room 2 and be ready for an away mission. I'll fill you in when we meet up.=/\=

=/\= On my way, =/\= Nicci replied as she tapped her commbadge, looked around and said, "Mind the shop for me while I'm out."

"Okay," Teela said with a smile in her cute soprano. "Wait, what shop?" she said with a confused look on her face, before she realized it was an Earth expression. "Oh! I get it. Stay safe!"

Nicci smiled and gave a little girlish chuckle as she waved, looking over her shoulder at Teela, who looked like cute as she waved with her huge grin on her purple face, walking out to the transporter room.

- Bridge -

While this was going on the Colonel turned to the Navigator Lieutenant "Donovan organise a CAP, I do not want to be caught unawares by Pirates while we are at a standstill" she said then looked to Thompson "Lieutenant Thompson scanners at max range" she added and spoke again to her CAG "have the CAP patrol around the ships scanner range and have them extend their scanners, I want to know things in advance! the Colonel finished.

"Understood Colonel. I will have Lt. K'Rin lead the CAP, as she is Raider 2 and my number two in line," Serina replied. Hitting her combadge, =/\= Lt. K'Rin, scramble Raider Squadron for CAP and when you reach our ships furthest scanner range, extend your scanners to give us more range. The Colonel wants to know immediately if anything crosses your scanners=/\= she said and closed the com.''

Matt made several adjustments to his console.

"Short and long-range sensors to maximum range, Colonel. Telemetry looks good." Matt said.

With a nod she looked at Winchester "Mr Winchester get your ass on Tactical" she said.

"Copy that Colonel," replied Paul as he rose from the communications terminal and took his place at the tactical station as he watched his deputy leave the bridge, Paul knew that this was the first time in a combat setting that he had manned this station, he said formally "Security and tactical are ready Sir,"

She then looks over to her left "Lieutenant Arderne take over from Lieutenant Winchester at Comms" she added.

Lamia looked towards Somers. “Aye Colonel” Getting up from her seat she moved to the communications station and took a seat.

She then stood up and looked at Cahill "the bridge is yours, Commander, if you need me I will be in Marine Country speaking to the MCO and MXO" she said as she headed to the Turbo lift.

Cahill replied, "Aye Col, I know the Marines as special for you is you are one too. I will contact you if needed."

Alex simply smiled as she left the bridge.

- Fighter Deck -

K'Rin heard the orders and since Serina had already ordered Raider squadron up and on standby, getting them launched was fast and easy. =/\= K'Rin to Raider squadron, we are flying CAP and extending the range of scanners to pickup any bogies before they get within the scanners of the ship. Pay attention to your scanners no slip-ups!=/\= and she was greeted by several mic clicks in acknowledgement.

=/\=K'Rin to Serina, We are airborne and orders are received and acknowledged =/\= she purred slightly.

- Bridge -

Serina acknowledged K'Rin's com. "Cmdr. Cahill, Raider squadron had been deployed and should be on station in just under three minutes," she said.

Cahill was reviewing all information coming in. Deep down she wished she was going on the mission but knew it was her duty to remain behind and to command this time. She knows one day as an XO she will be doing everything she is now. And not go on so many missions anymore. The command needs to review overall command on the whole mission. She takes a drink of coffee that a young yeoman has brought her and gets her head back in the mission.

Cahill replied, "Understood, assume routine patrol formations and notify the ship of anything you encounter."

Hawksley had assumed the helm from the shift change. He began his shift with a level 04 diagnostic run on flight controls and engines. Leland checked the long-range navigational sensors and sensor palates in a specific sequence.

Checking in on the IDF generators, two were in operation while the other’s on standby. No doubt, he thought to himself, he would need all four engaged once manoeuvring in low orbit of UXSys 659842.

“Commander Cahill. Helm operations standby at your command.” Leland had reported, his eyes on his controls.

"Assume normal orbit and deploy 1 fighter squadron. Orders are they do not let any type of shuttles or other craft to leave the planet so we can be sure the Bluegills are contained on the surface. "Replied Cahill.

"Aye, Commander." Hawksley had tapped in the coordinates of UXSys 659842, executing a standard Normal Orbit. Leland extrapolated the current rotation, spin, and direction of the planet, in simultaneous position with the shuttles' coordinates engaging surface operations. He engaged the auto directional pilot of the Tomcat, engaging the impulse engines to match.

"Maintaining Standard Orbital Geosynchronis Orbit," Leland reported. His eyes were fixating on the LCAR's and visuals.

Since the Flight Squadron was already prepped and ready to go, Hawksley had seen no need to complete a pre-flight inspection down in the Fighter Bay visually. As part of his duty, the Fighter Crews themselves already achieved this.

Serina spoke to K'Rin, =/\= K'Rin, send Red Squad to patrol the planet space. No shuttles are to be allowed to leave the surface. Destroy if they do not return to surface=/\=

=/\= K'Rin to Serina understood=/\= and she relayed the message to Red Squadron who immediately left for their destination leaving Raider's 2 and 3 with the ship and their mission.

LCMD Cahill sat in Conn and listened as things were starting to happen. She tapped her Communications Badge. =/\= All fighters and shuttles start tart the operation as we need to do it. Also, continue watching."

Finally returning to the bridge "Sitrep Commander?" the Colonel asked stepping onto the bridge and taking the centre seat.

Cahill replied, " I have fighters deployed to ensure no one is able to leave the planet and the shuttles along with other fighters have started the spraying operation. Right now we are at about 10% of the planet covered. And working from the North pole South on the planet to ensure it is completely covered. Also have a warning satellite ready to deploy to announce the planet is under quarantine for 300 earth years. The satellite is ready to deploy on your orders, LTC Somers." As she moved to the XO seat to along LTC Somers to assume her position on the Bridge.

*Looks at the Second Officer* "extend the fighters range Commander I want an early warning should Pirate show up they do not need to guard this planet and have that alert on the satellite put on hold, we are currently over the SAFE planet and there is nothing here to warrant such measures" the Colonel said.

Cahill replied, "Aye Cool, increase fighter patrols to expand our sensor ranger. Tell them to patrol and watch for pirates in the area. Notify the Tomcat if found."

With that, the ship now hunkered down to wait out the Away Team's Findings on the Safe planet, even not the Colonel found it strange that the people from this planet would all leave to help their sister planet, but hey that was the Federation mentality these days help all in need.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Assistant Chief Counsellor

Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Assistant Chief of Security

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant CSO

Ensign Rena Sara
Security Officer (Retd.)

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Jg K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu
Pilot Raider 2

Petty Officer 3 Kara Pril [P: Dodd]
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist

Petty Officer 2 Timothy Nelson [P: Dodd]
Propulsion Specialist

Petty Officer 3 Kara Pril [P: Dodd]
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist


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