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Posted on 12 Feb 2021 @ 4:56pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Captain Patrick Jackson

1,639 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Marine Country/MCO Office
Timeline: After the Away Mission


As she entered the lift and the doors closed "Marine Country" she instructed and the lift whisked her to the designated destination, while she travelled there she runs a few things through her mind and smoothly stepped off the lift the moment it had stopped and the doors opened, as she walked down the corridor the Riflemen she passed came to attention until she had passed, none of these wore the White Cord as they had not yet earned the right to wear it, but with nods of acknowledgement she seemed to glide through the halls leaving behind whispers, she so missed the days when she did not have to put up with ship protocol as in combat it was relaxed as she approached the main office she tucked the left side of her shoulder-length Red Hair behind her left ear as she entered, her long scar that she had picked up as a Second Lieutenant that went from the side of her left eye and down to just below her chin was clearly on display and she tugged down her tunic and made sure it was straight, her white band was clearly visible as was the Rifles Officers sash and Unit badge on her left shoulder as she entered the outer office and the room snapped to attention.

"At ease Rifles, return to your duties," she said and they did so, as she approached the MCO Office she was pleased to see both her MCO and MXO was currently there. So she opened the door and entered the office, "hello you two, I do not believe we have met Second Lieutenant?" She asked holding her hand out.

Patrick stood up and snapped to attention. He realized she was probably here on something less than formal, but he had been drilled too long and without a seconds thought he was at attention. "Apologies ma'am. The second Lieutenantis not here at the moment. Is there anything I can help you with?" He said and offered a chair.

Looking over at Jackson with a smile "Now that you have settled in I figure I would hash out some details with you on what I expect for the Rifles" the Colonel said.

"Of course Ma'am. I seemed to arrive at a time when both you and the Captain had very little time for an explanation so I began working on a tentative outline and a mission plan." He said sitting back down and pulling out a padd.

Sitting down "please be seated El-tee" she said and waited till he was sitting "what you were told about the Rifles has not changed, but I am here on other business and considering where we operate they will be needed" the Colonel began.

Patrick sat down and got himself comfortable, or at least less rigid. He understood some of the areas they were in, at least enough to know that nothing was a walk in the park here. "Understood ma'am. We are at your disposal. "

Quickly gathering her thoughts, "I want you to work with Lieutenant Winchester on assembling SAR, Hazard and QRF teams for the Tomcat, we are out in the wilds of space where it is little or no rules, we have been attacked by Pirates before your being stationed here, so I want to put things in place so that we have added security and emergency teams. For the Hazard Teams, you will need Medics. Science and Engineering officers also working with the Security Chief on a training regimen and a personnel rotation for these teams, I will leave the rest of the makeup of these teams to you. So now that you have had a chance to settle in what is your assessment of the Rifles?" she asked.

Patrick nodded as he listened. "I think the rifles here have the opportunity to become something much more than just a group of grunts waiting for deployment." He paused. "I will get with each of the department Chiefs and arrange a personnel roster and training schedules. I'll make sure the makeup of each team is balanced with experience as well so some of our greener Marines can get involved and earn some honour without needing major deployment. "

"Sadly all the Rifles are Rookies, they are fresh out of boot camp, you have two CWOs, Four Regimental Sergeant Majors and four Sergeant Majors in Alpha Unit, all the rest are green where combat is concerned, even the Sergeants and Corporals are green, the only combat vets out of the Rifles are those in Bravo Unit and they mainly here as the Captain's Personal Guard and all have white bands like mine. As for your assessment, it sounds about right, I will speak with the Fleet Captain to see if your Rifles can do some Semi-Independent Operations beyond the normal, but for now, you need to simply whip your troops into shape. *pause* As for MXO I am looking into getting you another one, but if you need any help you can call on Major Donovan, she is the tall one with a mark between her eyes best as she can" Somers said.

Patrick nodded. "In that case, it will be extensive training. I'll make veterans out of them before you know it. They will be so well oiled, when we get into a situation you would have guessed they are veterans. Those that can't handle the SAR or QRT teams I will make sure they are assigned to a duty that fits their strengths." He paused. "I will of course clear my training with any departments that might be affected by the training, but in an effort of full disclosure, my training may get creative."

"With that, I have no problem El-tee I was Given a field commission years ago, unlike you I never went to the Academy, I entered boot camplike all regular marines, it was some time after a Black Ops mission that I was given a field commission to 2nd Lt and it was not an easy adjustment I was the youngest officer and talk about the scorn from the Marine Officers when I had to go to OCS for the finer points of Officer duties until they saw my service jacket and my combat skills I was picked on. But scuttlebutt being what it is word got out that I was in a Black Ops mission, the speculations run wilds *giggles a little* but when the rookie officer cadets were called forward to learn melee and unarmed fighting they had to face me and their faces were a picture, especially after a visiting Klingon High Council Member introduced an experienced warrior" she laughed "needless to say after that my life was easier, but I know these Rifles they will try everything to get out of something, so do not spare the iron Lieutenant" she finished.

"Thank you, ma'am," Patrick replied. "I appreciate the latitude to run things. I also appreciate that you've to go through it all. I have a couple of Klingon run-ins myself, which are now both my friends. Admittedly, I didn't actually beat either of them, and each cost me a day in sickbay, but I kept getting up, even if I had to use the ring to pull myself up. Gave them no end of amusement, but they appreciated the warrior spirit. Also why I took sniper school and not advanced infantry." He answered and glanced at a padd. "With your permission ma'am. After our primary objectives are completed, I'd like to take any opportunity we have between missions to find an empty planet and have the whole division run a live ammunition exercise. I'd like to keep them sharp for rapid deployment en mass, but that obviously comes second to any missions we are assigned to."

"Permission granted after the Second planet has been sorted you will be free to take the Rifles to the First planet and do your live-fire practice there as this ship will be mapping the rest of this system," the Colonel said and could not hide the distaste of the last bit she said about mapping the rest of the system.

"Thank you, ma'am. The system scan sounds." He paused a moment thinking of the right word. "Autonomous. If you think the ship can scan for a few hours without you, I can make sure there is some heavy ordinance available for your enjoyment. " he offered.

*Smiles* "Thank you Lieutenant, but I am good I am not currently stressed, but the Rifles do need practice, so when the Second planet has been sterilized and cordoned off we will go to the first planet where you can take all the Rifles down for target Practice, Bravo Unit personnel can go if they wish, but the main lot do need some practice," she said then stood up as she tugged her tunic down, "I think that is all Lieutenant unless you have anything further to ask?" She said pausing a moment to see if he had.

He shook his head. "No ma'am. I appreciate the off-ship training and your support." He let a small smile creep onto his face. "There will always be a cup of coffee and a weapon here for you ma'am if that big chair up there gets a little to routine for you."

*Smiling* "thank you El-tee" she responded as she left the MCO's office, he had his marching orders and she felt confident that he would carry them out well, she made a mental note to still find her an MXO poor Jackson was going to be swamped with more work than he could handle in the short term, but she had confidence he would see it as a challenge.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

1st Lt Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


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