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Weapons test

Posted on 12 Feb 2021 @ 4:46pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Various
Timeline: En-route to UXSys 659842


Paul had been putting this off for some time since he and the colonel had been on the holodeck and used melee weapons and old types of weaponry, but now he wanted to ask the Colonel the question, was he now certified to carry and use weapons like the swords and handguns. He said," Colonel, May I speak with you in private please?" as he hoped that the Colonel would give him some free time to speak with her about this, as he exited the lift to start his shift. He now hoped that she would understand that this was something he wanted to add to his service jacket.

Alex was exiting the mess hall and had made it to the junior officers level when Winchester caught her on the way back to the bridge "I see Mr Winchester, let us talk more on this in the CRR" the Colonel said.

"Aye Sir," replied Paul as he knew that this was one hopefully shot that he had at getting this added to his certificates that he held for his weapons, as he followed the Colonel Back to the Bridge and remained in deep thought as to how to approach her with the subject. as he walked along the corridor, Paul hoped that she was not going to argue with him after the first run in that they had and how they had started working together as other crewmen passed them by nodding to both the Chief Security officer and the acting Captain of the Tomcat.

As she led the way the Colonel run all the possibilities through her mind as to what the pain in the ass Lieutenant wanted to speak with her about, he seemed a little edgy, understandable after the roasting she gave him in the CIO office.

- CRR -

Upon reading the bridge and headed to the CRR, He said," Sir, remember when you took me into the holodeck with those old fashioned weapons?" as he got direct to the point. he finished," Am I now certified to use those weapons if the need arose?" As Paul knew that there would be times when a phaser would not be useful and old fashioned weapons would be and it was better to have that knowledge than not have it.

He did not wait till the CRR doors had closed before the Lieutenant began asking, she inwardly sighed as she sat in her seat and pulled out an actual bottle of earth Brandy and a shot glass and poured herself one. "Lieutenant, kindly slow down, have you a seat and start from the beginning if you will?" she asked using thumb and forefinger to massage the bridge of her nose.

"Thank you, Sir," replied Paul taking the offered seat as he took a breath, he continued " remember after our first meeting in the briefing when we had our falling out and you took me to the holodeck," as once more taking a breath he finished," and we did that training scenario with handguns and swords,"

Looking at him with a raised eyebrow "I remember" she simply said.

"What I am asking Sir is this," he responded carefully in a calm voice, "Am I now Certified to use those types of weapons if the need arose and I could take then on away missions," as he hoped he could and was now Certified.

"From what I recall of the holodeck scenario you did extremely well in it, then that disobeying a direct order came to light, that was a shame because I started to like you after that, so remember in future actions have consequences, you may not see them straight away but they usually come round to bite you in the ass," she said gently rubbing the scar on the left side of her face. "As for the certification, you are not, as of yet there is an official hologram available to all who wish to gain retro weapon certification, it is seldom used as too many like the weapons we have today" she responded.

"Sir, about that I am sorry for what I did, I truly am," replied Paul looking back at her whilst continuing, " I have accepted the drop in rank as a consequence of my actions and hope that I can earn your trust," as he knew that he had proved himself to her only to upset her once more, he also knew that by having the trust of your commanding officer went well for chances of regaining Full Lieutenant. He finished," And I would like to earn the certification to use those weapons,"

"Well then, in your free time report to Holodeck Four and access Training Program 3586J and follow the hologram's directions, trust me that program does not have any safeties installed so if the instructor hits you, then you will feel it and the hologram can draw blood, so be careful what you do and how you do it as for the types of weapons they will be up to you" she answered.

"Thank you, Sir," replied Paul as he stood with his hands behind his back, he said," I will also see the Marine Commander about some extra Hand to hand skills as well to brush up on those," as he knew going into dangerous places, it was better to be prepared than not at all.

Pointing to her scar "You see this Lieutenant, I got this in a real fight aboard a starship when I was newly commissioned from the ranks, I thought I could do a good a job as an experienced officer with diplomacy, it ended with my Bat'Leth in the Alien's chest, myself with a gashed face and in a coma for a lengthy spell, so believe me when I say actions have consequences I was lucky to have survived even luckier I was not court-martialled, do you understand what I am saying, Lieutenant?" She asked.

"Yes, Sir," replied Paul looking back at the Marine, he continued "Which is the reason I want to do the extra training so that I am prepared for any situations that may arise, Sir," as he looked back at Somers, he finished "It is always better to be ready for all eventualities would you not say so?" as he asked the question to her.

"I cannot agree more Lieutenant, you lost your real arm so you have an understanding of limb loss, so go do that training on the holodeck, but slug throwers will rarely be used, Hand Phasers and Phaser rifles will be used mainly, but I am not against you getting slug thrower qualifications" she responded.

"Thank you again, Sir, I will not let you down," replied Paul keeping his gaze upon the Colonel, He continued " I will speak with Marine Commander Jackson about some Hand to hand combat as well," as he now was taking his Security job seriously as expected.

"Excellent Lieutenant," Alex said with her first genuine smile aimed at the Lieutenant "I expect top marks from you as you still got some ways to go to get back into my good graces," she said pleasantly.

"Aye Sir, that you will," replied Paul as he wanted to show the Colonel that he meant business and show her that he was a team player after all the arguments that the both of them had since she had been here.

"Good dismissed Lieutenant Winchester," she said and watched her Security Chief leave the Ready Room, she sighed heavily the CoS vexed her one moment he was a team player next moment he was pissing her off, she shook her head sadly and returned to the bridge.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security


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