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NEVS (Nanotech Environmental Suit)

Posted on 17 Jan 2021 @ 11:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

1,265 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 02.1


- Bridge -

Dodd was at his station on the bridge and realized he needed to have a conversation with LTC Somers. So he stood up and walked up to her.

"Ma'am, may I have a moment of your time in your Ready Room? I have something I need to talk to you about but was instructed to wait until we departed Starbase 51." Dodd asked of LTC Somers.

She looked up "Of course," she said and headed to the Ready Room wondering what her CEO wanted.

- CRR -

They then exited the bridge to move their conversation into the ready room.

"Ma'am, first off, I am honoured to be serving under your command on this part of the mission. You seem like a seasoned leader and I look forward to learning from you and working for you. However, the reason I needed to talk to you is that I have been asked to test new technology for EV suits." Dodd stated.

Looking at him she tilted her head to the left slightly, raised an eyebrow "do tell Lieutenant" she said indicating the sofas as she sat down.

"This new technology is developed from a hybrid of Nanite and Borg Nanoprobes. It will make the EV suits more adaptable and self-repairing to a degree. I was advised that 150 units have been stored on the Tomcat and that I was to get at least 100 of them out on the mission for anyone that would need to go to the surface of any planet during this mission segment." Dodd stated.

She looked at him "my silence is your invitation Lieutenant" she said smiling.

"I have been reading the data, and there is a small unit that is worn around the waist of the wearer. This unit is to be placed directly on flesh as the nanites will be able to then pick up on the thoughts of the wearer. The nanite/nano-probe hybrids then form the suit's fibres to adjust to the wearer and also to help it self repair when in critical distress. The nanite/nano-probe hybrids are always renewing themselves and the fibre is almost like a second layer of skin to the wearer. The fibres actually form two layers so that if the outer layer gets damaged the inner layer still protects while the outer regenerates. If there is a severe blow to the wearer, the suit will adapt and seal the damage or put the wearer in stasis until help can get to them." Dodd added.

"Sounds interesting but won't the nanoprobes assimilate the wearer? please continue" she interjected sitting back as she crossed her legs.

"The data states that the nanite/nano-probe hybrids were developed using technology from the Borg. However, the nanite part of the process will not let the nano-probes assimilate the wearer. The suits were all created by Starfleet and thus will not assimilate the wearer into a drone and can also help with medical situations as well. So there are many advantages to this new technology. I would like to be able to use it for any away teams that need it." Dodd stated. "I know the Marines that will be going planet-side would benefit from this technology," Dodd stated.

"I like the idea, but while we can test it I want you to do a tech write up on this new EVA suit and what is required, as the Fleet as in Pegasus Fleet Department of Resources will need to decide if it should be implemented fleet-wide. But for now only have the Marines and Security personnel who are on the Away teams to the second planet wear them, a limited field test and I want you to monitor what happens to those who have them on and if successful we will submit the designs to Starfleet Resources" she said.

"Thank you, I will work on what is needed and I will address the injection of the control probe with Doctor Cahill. But the control probe is merely a modified subdermal transponder to a degree and no actual nanoprobes are injected inside the wearer." Dodd added. "I would like permission to go work out of my office as I know Taggert will be assigned to an away team and this will help me get the data together for your requested write up."

"Your office will be acceptable if you need to use the holodeck, make sure there is a free one, and do not forget to work on that delivery system I mentioned in the meeting" she added with a smile.

"No problem, ma'am. I will have the maintenance drones modified and kept limited to key engineers as I will the new EV suits." Dodd stated. "I appreciate this opportunity and the new direction the Tomcat will be taking under your tour as our Commanding Officer."

"I am only holding down the fort Lieutenant, Fleet Captain Somers will return, if all goes as planned she should be back for the next mission if all goes well that is, but how often do things go to plan? *sighs* No matter I have discussed the First Officer situation with her and she has agreed to who will be the new XO, but I will announce who the new Permanent First Officer is at the close of Phase 2 as myself and the Fleet Captain agree that there should be a First Officer in place sooner rather than later, despite this the plans for whatever our next mission is have not changed where bridge crew is concerned" she said.

"Ma'am, I meant no disrespect to you or Fleet Captain Somers. I have a great deal of respect for both of you. I am going to give you my best no matter what. I do hope that I am able to give to the ship what she has given me. While you are temporarily in charge, you are still part of what I consider my family." Dodd replied sensing it needed to be said. "I will work with the Marine XO and get a few units of the new EV suits issued and allow her to give me the feedback from her team. I was surprised to get these units and be the first to test them out in real situations."

Looking at her Padd "It seems you will have to work with Lieutenant Jackson instead Lieutenant, still if you can get them fully functional and assure that they are safe to use we can put them forward to fleet Resources to see if they can be mass-produced" she responded.

"I again appreciate the chance to serve with you on this mission and will get to work on the drones and the new suits right away. Thank you." Dodd said.

Smiling "pleasure is all mine Lieutenant, tell me though how are things going with your Fiancee Iria, you guys set a date, yet?" She asked doing a curveball.

"We are looking to get married after this mission." Dodd replied. "I still have to get a best man. But we will get a specific date to you as soon as we can."

"Excellent, well I will not keep you any longer Lieutenant dismissed," she said with a smile.

With that, she watched the CEO leave knowing that marriage was not an easy task, perhaps she was imposing her look on weddings being a daughter of a prominent diplomat she had a lavish wedding, but no honeymoon sighing heavily she returned to the laborious task of "paperwork."


Lt Col Alexandria Somers[P: FCap Somers]
Acting CO

Lt. Remington Dodd
Chief Engineering Officer


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