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An Angry Chief

Posted on 28 Feb 2021 @ 2:40pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Ensign Lauren Jordan & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

3,785 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Winchester's Office
Timeline: En-route to UXSys 659842


- Winchesters Office -

Paul sat in his office after he met with Lieutenant Dodd and Ensign Rena when the Door to his office opened and an old friend stood at his door. She said “Hi Paul, May I come in?” using his first name since now he was no longer her boss as Lauren gave him one of her smiles although she was an Ensign and respected him, she understood why Ensign Rena was angry with him after all she had seen him may a time lose his temper with pilots after a training mission.

“Hello Ensign Jordan,” being formal as he always was with her, he continued,” What can I do for you and please have a seat?” as he waved his hand towards the empty chair as he guessed this was not a social call and that something weighed heavily on her mind. As he vacated his seat and headed over to the replication unit in the wall, He asked: “would you like a drink?”

“Sure,” replied his former Aide Decamp as she looked back at Paul, she said “Boss, I’m here about Ensign Rena,” as she heard a slight groan from Paul, she continued” Just for you're information, she is mad as hell at you,” knowing Paul as she did, she knew that he was not amused and what she was also going to tell him was going to make him mad as hell.

“Oh do tell,” replied Paul as he tapped in the commands for there drinks as he knew this was going to be bad, he said, “I know she showed off in Main Engineering this afternoon,” He continued as he remembered Lieutenant Dodd asking for some help with designing new Eva suits. He was not happy about that one bit and now whatever Lauren was going to tell him was not going to be good.

“Well, you know she is a full Betazoid don’t you?” replied Lauren looking at Paul as he waited for the drinks to arrive, she continued, “ she threatened to use her telepathy powers on you in such a way that you wouldn’t know what time of day it is,” as she saw Paul’s face start to turn red with anger and she knew from experience what was going to come next.

“WHAT THE HELL!” replied Paul as he glared at Lauren who had brought him the news, He said trying to hold his temper in check, “are you telling me, Lauren, that she has threatened to invade my mind?" as he knew the answer from the way she looked at him.

She replied "Yes Sir, That I do," she responded formally to his question and knowing him as she did, he would have to take the matter higher up the chain of command, and boy that was not going to be pretty.

Paul said, “ Lauren, I need you to hang around if that’s ok with you?” looking back at her knowing that her own boss might be needing her, he continued, “and I’ll get you cleared by the Colonel for being late back on duty,” as he noticed Lauren give a short nod as the machine next to him stopped humming and he picked up the pair of drinks and walked back to his desk with them to await the arrival of the Colonel.

"I think we better get the Colonel down here,” as he tapped his commbadge, he said, =/\= Winchester to Colonel Somers, I need you in Main Security=/\= as he knew that the Colonel was not going to be happy when she heard this news.

- Lower Decks -

Alex was taking a walk through the ship when her Commbadge going off startled her...

=/\= Winchester to Colonel Somers, I need you in Main Security=/\=

She rolled her eyes oO what does he want? Oo she asked herself as she tapped her commbadge to make the two-way connection and using a diplomatic tone =/\= I will be there shortly, what is the issue, Lieutenant Winchester? =/\= the Colonel asked.=/\=

=/\= I'd rather not say over coms Colonel as it is rather a matter that you will be annoyed over =/\= replied Paul over the Comms. as he knew the Colonel was about to flip when she heard what the Ensign had threatened to do to a senior member of staff.

*sighing heavily* =/\= Understood Lieutenant I will be there Directly, Somers out =/\= she signed off and changed direction and headed to the nearest lift, whereupon entering and the doors closing "Security" she said and the lift took her to her destination. It was a short ride and she finally stepped out of the lift and walked at a brisk pace to the CoS office and leaving curious faces in her wake she entered Winchesters office.

- Security Chief's Office -

As she entered she saw a young Ensign who she did not know and looked at Winchester "I am unfamiliar with all the crew Lieutenant, you mind introducing us then tell me what has happened?" the Colonel asked looking at Winchester as she sat behind his desk and steepled her fingers waiting.

Upon seeing the Colonel enter the office, Lauren readily stood to attention and replied, "Ensign Lauren Jordan, Aide De Camp, Sir" keeping her eyes fixed towards the wall as she knew when to speak and not to speak in front of the two senior officers.

*looks at the young Ensign amused* "relax Ensign" she said with a smile and slowly looked at Winchester her head tilted slightly to the left and a raised eyebrow.

Paul responded, "Colonel, the reason I called you here is that I have received a complaint from this Ensign about Ensign Rena Sara," he continued "Which concerns using her telepathic abilities," as the Replication unit finished humming and the drinks appeared on the shelf., Paul picked up both of the beverages and carried them over to the desk and placed both down. "And also creating holographic likenesses of myself to use as targets in her weapons training" he started moving around the side of his desk. and took his seat opposite the Colonel, he finished" which I asked her to do to bring her weapons skills up to date,".

*Looks at Winchester her face not looking cheery anymore* "what did Ensign Sara do?" her tone had an Icy tilt to it as she sat forward, oO if there was a misuse of her telepathy then there will be hell to pay! Oo she thought to herself.

Lauren spoke up, "Sir, if I may," looking at the Colonel, she continued "Whilst I was in the Mess Hall I overheard her talking with another Officer about Lieutenant Winchester and how he was a jack ass and that she wanted to use his likeness on the targets in the shooting range," she looked back at the colonel and she could see the anger beginning to build.

"And Sir, before you ask you could not miss hearing her rant," responded Lauren as she continued, " I approached her to see if I could help after the officer had left and she threatened to use her Telepathy on the Lieutenant in such a way as make him a vegetable," as she waited for the Commanding Officer response.

Paul Looked back at Colonel Somers and could see her anger boiling up and boy did he know it as he himself had felt it, he thought oO I wonder what she is thinking? Oo as he could not believe how stupid a young Ensign be ruining her Career as she had.

She was not happy and looked at the Ensign "I cannot hold her to account for using Lieutenant Winchesters face as a target on the firing range, I have done it many a time since he crossed me, but this slander and misuse of her ability cannot be ignored" she said sitting back her tone icy cold and without looking at Winchester "Mr Winchester you are now officially Chief of Security so you can remove that A from your Department initials" she said and now looked at him tone really icy "get Ensign Sara in here now!" She said.

Lauren could see how angry the Colonel was getting and she knew Paul had the habit of rubbing people up the wrong way and had pushed a few of the pilots up the wrong way in the past and now it had been confirmed that Paul was now the chief security officer, Lauren said," Congratulations Sir," knowing that as of now he was halfway back to being what he had before falling foul of the Colonel.

Paul replied "Thank you, Ensign," as he tapped his combadge and spoke calmly =/\=Ensign Sara, =/\= as Paul hoped that the young ensign in question would have claimed down enough and not say anything rude over an open com, however; with Ensign Rena at the moment anything was possible.

- Corridor deck 17 -

As Rena was going about her daily Patrols, he combadge chirped and tapped it, she responded =/\= Rena here goes ahead,=/\= as she heard the Security chief call her as she was still in the foul mood from speaking with Winchester, she blurted out without thinking =/\= What do you want Jackass? =/\=

=/\= please report to the My office, Winchester Out =/\= replied Paul's voice as it came over the Com channel as she knew now she was in serious trouble and found the nearest turbolift and made her way to main security.

The Colonel looked at Winchester and Jordan but directed her comments at Winchester and with a bland expression "I see you upset someone else Lieutenant, is there no end to how easily you upset people?" She asked.

"Sir, I think you will find that Ensign Rena's scores are below standard even for a Marine such as yourself," replied Paul looking back at the Colonel, He continued, "All I asked her to do was to do some extra Weapons training and improve before I sent her on an away mission," as he looked back at her, he finished " As you can see from the PADD on your left Ma'am," as he had yet to file it away.

*notes that Winchester let that one fly over his head* "I see" she said looking at the Padd, "I know you did not waste my time by calling me down here about Ensign Sara's test scores, you know better than to upset me and waste my time, so where the hell is the Ensign, she should be here by now, her test scores are up to you to help her increase, I am concerned with the abuse of her ability" the Colonel said angrily.

"As am I Colonel," replied Paul as he knew that she was now getting angrier by the minute with the Ensign not showing up when called for by a superior officer, he tapped his combadge once more and spoke =/\= Ensign Rena This is Lieutenant Winchester, what is your ETA to my office?=/\= as he didn't want to keep the Colonel waiting any longer than she needed to be.

Rena responded =/\= Shut up Jackass or I'll use my Telepathy and have the Colonel dump you out of an airlock,=/\= as she growled walking through the outer office, as she pressed the door chime, she said, =/\= I am outside now you idiot,=/\= as she knew that by disrespecting Paul would put her in his bad books, However; he was in hers.

The Colonel looked at Winchester and to Jordan and her face took on an angry hue "She needs to be dealt with! Somers said and watched as Rena Sara entered all haughtily she looked around the room and upon seeing the Colonel she paled.

"That she does Sir and if you don't mind I'd like to leave the punishment up to you on this one," as Paul knew that his punishment would be cleaning out his quarters without the use of the automatic cleaning system and serve him his dinner. but that was cruel, but would the Colonel agree to it?

Pacing around the Ensign "Ensign Sara, I overheard everything you have said to Lieutenant Winchester and I am not amused with your comments to your Department Head and I must say you are in a lot of trouble Ensign, now as I have heard plenty on your attitude, I will give you a chance to have your say before I give you your punishment" the Colonel said.

Rena stood there and gulped at the sight of the Colonel sitting behind Chief Winchester's desk as she watched her rise and began to circle her, she thought oO Oh shit, I didn't know she was here! Oo as she stammered "Ma'am, I am sorry for what I said, but I felt that Lieutenant Winchester was Discrimination me as I am a woman," as she knew using this tactic against the Security chief as it had been known of the run in between the Colonel and the Security Chief.

*thinks a moment* "I have heard and seen everything as it is recorded, I must commend Fleet Captain Somers on wiring up the ship so that we have proof, for starters, Lieutenant Winchester was not discriminating against you, as he is your Department Chief he has every right to make sure his team is up to date with weapons qualifications. *with a bit of levity* As for the small matter of using his image to use as target practice, it is nothing I have done the same in recent weeks *suddenly her tone was calm, quiet and steady and it was not a tone she used often.

"Ensign Sara, you may not know this, but I am the daughter of an influential Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, am trained in diplomacy and as a fully trained Klingon warrior and my warrior training says you should be sent to Rura Penthe for your actions, my diplomatic training is wanting to be fair. BUt my Starfleet Officer training is telling me something else altogether. *pauses as she continues to pace around the ensign her posture at Parade rest* There is also the matter of abusing your telepathic ability with Ensign Jordan here *points to the Ensign* there are rules in place to stop unauthorised scans of someone without their permission or under supervision of the appropriate personnel. You have broken that rule Ensign Sara and this cannot go unanswered and then there is the rudeness of yourself" she paused as she stopped in front of her and looked at the Ensign with a less than happy look "If you were on of my Rifles I would put you through so much punishment drills and a possible flogging, but you are not, I am a Starfleet Officer and I have to ask you, what do you have to say to your actions as I have laid them out? Remembering I have visual and voice evidence" she said.

“Sir, if I may,” replied Ensign Rena looking back at the Marine in front of her “ I was unaware that you were even here” keeping her head up straight and not showing disrespect to the Colonel she finished “and as for my use of my Telepathy I would not have used it like I said I would and I am sorry Lieutenant Winchester for my actions,”

Paul looked back at her for a moment and then stated “So Ensign,” as he came to a stop beside the Colonel, He continued,” Are you willing to follow any directives that I ask of you?” as he wondered that by giving the Ensign a new role that of his armoury chief might just give her some responsibility and a chance to redeem herself, he started to hope that her next answer might just give her a chance.

“Sirs,” replied Ensign Rena “I am sorry for my actions towards Lieutenant Winchester and Ensign Jordan and I am willing to work hard and do the weapons training as ordered,” she continued speaking keeping her gaze upon the two senior officers. she knew that her career might be in danger she finished speaking “I do wish to remain in Starfleet “ she finished hoping that she had done enough to keep her job.

Still upset "if I had my way Ensign I would ship you off to Rura Penthe and be done with you, but I have to obey the rules on this matter, as I heard myself you did and said stuff to a superior officer which comes under Conduct unbecoming an officer, as for your breach of telepathic rules that will be left up to the Starfleet Tribunal. I can only deal with your immediate future, I am sure you are sorry for your actions but you committed the crime of a form of mental trespass that used to be called rape and that is against the rules" the Colonel paused as she began to circle the Ensign "You might be aware of an axiom, said by a human centuries ago, but one the Vulcans are fond of applying when teaching us non-Vulcan's a lesson, for every action, there is both an equal and opposite reaction and you have done that, telepathic trespass and abuse to a senior officer and I am told you wanted to do things to Lieutenant Winchester mentally to some extent. I admit the Lieutenant can be an ass, but he does not deserve such a thing, anyone does so your Starfleet career is over Ensign of that there is no doubt, all that remains is sentencing" she paused and stopped right in front of her.

"Ensign Rena Sara, I hereby strip you of your rank and confine you to the brig until we return to the Starbase," she said as she removed the Ensigns rank pip and handed it to Winchester. "Your security clearances will be revoked as well those security codes you were given by Commander Smithson on SB51, that emergency code you were given is now null and void, thus you have no replicator privileges, no rank and are under arrest" the Colonel finished as she stepped away and looked back at her as of this moment "Miss Sara you are not Starfleet personnel and you have lost the right to speak *looks at Winchester* Get her a Prison jumpsuit, she does not deserve to wear that uniform and put her in the brig," the Colonel said looking at Winchester.

"Yes Sir," replied Paul as he turned and placed the gold pip upon his desk and walked to his replication unit and ordered the Jumpsuit, as he thought to himself oO what a shame, to lose her Career for not following orders, Oo as he remembered how he himself had been demoted for the same thing when he had not given Lieutenant Walon the intelligence codes, he said "Miss Sara, I hope you learn from this," as the Jumpsuit appeared upon the shelf and walked over to her he said, "Please change into this?" as he handed the jumpsuit to her.

Rena looked back at the Lieutenant as tears started to well up inside her as she said," Sirs Please don't do this, I will do as you ask of me," as she watched Paul hand her the Orange Jumpsuit as she knew that she now regretted her actions she continued," I am sorry Sir's for my actions, I promise I will not do it again, please give me another chance,"

"No Miss Sara, you broke the rules Starfleet put in place for telepaths, perhaps you will remain in Starfleet, but not on this ship and not in this sector," she said and then she looks over at Jordan "how is your mental well being Ensign? Hope the prisoner did not hurt you too badly!" The Colonel asked in a concerned tone.

"No Sir, there was no harm done to me," replied Lauren looking back at Rena, "it was never my intention Sir to see her lose her rank," as she noticed how upset the former Ensign was, she continued," If I may Sir's I could use some help in my office with filling reports and such and could make use of Miss Sara?" as she wanted to try and get the young woman out of the brig.

"Sorry Ensign Jordan, Miss Sara needs to learn a lesson, but I will assign an enlisted rank to assist you with your work, is that okay?" the Colonel ended with a question.

"thank you, ma'am, Sorry I meant Sir, I'm just snowed under at the office and need a couple of hands that's all" replied Lauren looking back at the Colonel as she knew that she could relax a bit more and not rush about like a Mad Hatter.

She looks back as Rena returned from the back room now in a prison Jumpsuit, she looked at two security "you pair take her to her cell" she ordered and they nodded as a distraught former Ensign was escorted to the brig. She turned to Winchester "When the judicial pick her up at Starbase 51 she can put her uniform back on and her pip, I want to make sure she learns a valuable lesson. The only actual thing I can do is remove her from all duties and such on this ships the demotion and loss of uniform was temporary as the Starfleet JAG will decide her real fate" The Colonel finished.

"I will see to it that it gets Done Colonel," replied Paul as he glanced down at the solid gold Pip that sat on his desk as a reminder of how he had screwed up himself with Walon and how close he had come to the same fate os Sara had. he finished "and I am sorry for having to call you down here,"

"You have what you need and instructions Lieutenant Winchester," the Colonel said as she tapped something into the computer and looked at Jordan "okay Ensign an enlisted rating will be seeking you out to help you with your backlog, okay?" she asked.

"Thank you Sir once again for getting me some help and may I keep the said Enlisted ?" she asked posing the question to the Colonel as she hated being behind, she looked at both her two senior officers.

*Smiling* "excellent, well I will leave you pair to it as I have to get back to the bridge," the Colonel said and with a smile, she left Security and headed back to the bridge the long way around so as she could cool off a little.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security

Ensign Lauren Jordan [P: Winchester]
Aide to CAG


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