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And now for the Bad One

Posted on 30 Mar 2021 @ 4:55pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant JG Racine "Ghost" Hanson

3,176 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: UXSys 659842/Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 09 After Safe Planet Findings


A couple of days after Lieutenant Taggert and her Away Team returned with a survivor and the Colonel ordered the Tomcat to the second planet at full impulse, they had finally arrived over the planet.

"Mr Hawksley take up a standard orbit around this planet" the Colonel Instructed.

"Aye, Colonel. Assuming standard orbit." Leland had entered the commands into the LCARs. The Akira Class vessel smoothly easing into orbital proximity, the thrusters and impulse engines completing a methodical dance.

She then looks over to Thompson "Mr Thompson scan the planet and find two safe landing spots for the Away Teams and prepare for further orders" the Colonel said and opened up a link to Engineering as her CSO responded.

"Aye Colonel," Thompson said. Scanning the planet. Safe, in this case, was a relative term. He stayed away from heavily forested or swampy areas concentrating on what looked like open plains or beaches. close enough for their needs without too many heavy predators in the area. the problem was that while there were plenty of places to land, the biosphere was poisonous to their kind so really was there any safe place to land on the entire planet?

=/\= Somers to Engineering, Mr Dodd how goes the use of the NEV units? =/\= She asked.

=/\= Ma'am, the few who need the NEVS have them. Lieutenant Winchester is the best candidate for this test and the others have had their trial in the holodeck. All is a go for the mission on the surface of UXSys 659842. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Excellent Lieutenant, I am sending down our CHO for a fitting if he has to do a shuttle extraction he will need the NEVS. =/\= Colonel said as she looked at Hawksley.

=/\= Acknowledged, Ma'am. I will start to set up the NEVS for him and be ready for him. Dodd out. =/\= Dodd responded.

=/\= Acknowledged, Somers out =/\= she said and closed the link and looked up at the CHO "what you waiting for Mr Hawksley get your rear down to Engineering and get you fitted for a NEV, Lieutenant Donovan can take over here" she said.

"Yes, Colonel." Hawksley had tapped in a few commands relinquishing the console programming to Donovan's helm. On his way down to Engineering, he had wondered o0 What exactly is a NEV... 0o

As the CHO left she looked at Serina "okay Lieutenant keeps us in a higher stable orbit over the Colony" she said.

"Understood Colonel, higher stable orbit," she said and made the necessary adjustments to obtain what was requested. The Tomcat settled into a smooth high orbit. oO I hope Hawksely remembers how to fly in the atmosphere...Oo "Colonel, orbit achieved", Serina said calmly.

"Colonel I have several sets of coordinates for landing sites". Thompson said. "All good possibilities". Thompson continued.

Somers looks over at Thompson, are any of them near the Colony Hub and such, if so how many bio-signs are at the Colony hub?" The Colonel asked.

"Negative the colony hub seems abandoned and is overrun with toxic life forms, Ma'am," Matt replied. I choose sites that were a bit safer but not near the colony hub. He continued.

"Excellent, but it will have to be the shuttles then, contact Lieutenant Racine to report to Lieutenant dodd to get kitted up with the New EVA suit and then report to Ensign Silver as she will be attached to the Science Team as their pilot," the Colonel said.

"Aye Colonel". Matt toggled the intercom switch on his console.

=/\= Bridge to Lt Racine please report to Mr Dodd to get fitted up in a new EVA suit and then report to Ensign Silver as she will be attached to the science team as their pilot, bridge out =/\= the CSO sent.

Racine almost jumped as the message startled her. =/\=Understood, Racine out=/\= she said. EVA suit? What the hell? Oo she thought as she headed for engineering.

Looking over at Commander Cahill "the bridge is your Commander" she said.

Cahill simply nodded and watched the Colonel leave the bridge, she was a little excited and nervous at the same time as this was essentially her first time in command, even if it is only a short time.

Serina was listening to the bridge chatter and could not help but feel a little bit sorry for the infected, but the Colonel was right and it was an ugly job, but it had to be done to keep the plague from spreading. She wondered how many had already died and how many more would lose their lives once the sterilization began.

- Outside Holodeck 3 -

Paul had finished testing out his new EVA suit in the program that Dodd had constructed for him and upon exiting the Holodeck, Paul had heard the colonel call him back to his office, for once he now was happy with the device as it was and how well it worked, He tapped his combadge and replied =/\= I’m on my way Sir,=/\= as this could mean a briefing on the mission he knew was coming up. Having read the reports of the last planet they had visited was clean it seemed to Paul that this was the bad one. Paul began his journey back to his office, he started to wonder just how bad this Planet was that they were going to and that he would have to ask the Colonel that question.

As he walked around the corner and headed towards the nearest turbolift, Paul had this nagging feeling that something was not going to go to plan with this mission, he didn’t know what it was but it was there in the back of his mind and he always knew that away missions could go pear-shaped as he knew to his cost as he flexed the bio-prosthetic hand as thoughts went back to that fateful day when he had crashed his fighter. He thought to himself oO Boy do I miss flying that small craft, Oo as the doors to the lift opened before him beckoning him in. He said “Main Security, Deck 6”

5 minutes later...

Upon exiting the lift, Paul walked around the corner towards the outer office and began to straighten his uniform to make himself presentable for the Colonel and that his attire was Cromulent. As he entered the outer office his Yeoman said,” Sir, the Colonel is waiting for you in your office,” as she looked up to see who had entered the outer office. Paul responded “Thank you, Ensign….”

“Drake Sir, Samantha Drake,” she responded looking back at the Lieutenant in front of her as she knew that this being her first assignment along with her friend Maria McMahon, but she knew that talking to the Lieutenant was keeping him from the Colonel. As he gave her a nod and said “ Nice to meet you, Samantha, I hope we will get on like a house on fire,” he entered the office to speak with the Colonel.

- Bridge - Security -

As the Colonel entered the Turbolift she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Silver and Winchester meet me in Main security pronto =/\= she said and as the doors closed "Main Security" she said. As the lift moved she ran things through her mind and collated things and wondered what her cousin was doing at this very instant, probably enjoying some downtime.

When the doors finally opened onto the Security Level she stepped out and walked into the Security complex and straight into the CoS office and waited for them to arrive, she was surprised that she got here so quickly, so she waited.

A few moments later the pair arrive at the Security Chiefs office, sitting behind Winchester's desk "ah gentlemen, please have a seat, I am here to give you the Away Team briefings, I will give you the details and you will then brief your Away Teams, understood?" Colonel Somers asked.

Ted was out of breath. He had literally run all the way. Although he did not know why he had been called. Ted had a sneaking suspicion of what it was about. As he listened something stood out in the Colonel's words. Ted’s away team?

“Um.....Colonel said our away teams?” Ted nervously asked

Upon entering his office, Paul said “Colonel, you wanted to see me?” as he took the seat opposite the Marine, as he waited for the other officer to arrive for the meeting, he asked “And would you like a drink whilst we wait?” as he wanted the Colonel to relax before giving the briefing that he knew was upcoming.

Looking at the pair "yes, you are both team leaders for the upcoming Away Team mission *looks at Silver* You Ensign will lead the Science team which will consist of yourself, PO Pril, and one other Science personnel and as Security for your team, First Lieutenant Jackson and Ensign Sh'shraaqir and your shuttle pilot will be Lieutenant JG Racine. *pause* Now your Pilot is to remain in the shuttle with the door sealed after you depart the shuttle and the Pilot will open it again when you have completed your task. The only other time the pilot will open the ramp is in an emergency, now your team's job is to take atmospheric readings and scan the flora around you NO physical samples, recorded data only. There is also a Science databank and such that you will need to download, do not worry about decrypting it, just download it finish your tasks and get back to the ship and you have two hours from the moment you make, planetfall. When you are done you will return to the shuttle bay and enter quarantine and will only be allowed out when Medical clears you, understood and any questions before I move onto Lieutenant Winchester?" Colonel Somers asked Silver

Ted was scared. He couldn’t do it. There was no way he was confident enough to run an away team. Just no way. He had only been on the Tomcat for a few months. No there had to be someone with more experience. Please.

“ Sir......please I...I can’t do it......I am not experienced enough to lead an away team. Surely someone with more time in this uniform should be in charge?” He said shaking.

Looking at him "Ensign grow a pair and take charge of yourself if I thought you were unable I would have had assigned another, but I have faith in you, Ensign Silver, I know you will get the job done, you are scared, that is understandable and wise, this means you will do things quickly and efficiently so you spend less time on the planet. You have the MCO who is combat trained and Engineer Pril who is experienced in Away Missions so you have two members who you can turn to for help if you need to. I would assign Lieutenant Thompson, but he has another task to do so is unable to lead an Away Team, *she paused and in a softer tone* My first away Team leading had me upchucking, we have all done it at some time, so I am well aware of how you are feeling, but push through that fear and control it, do not let it control you as I have said I have faith in you, now prove to me my faith is well placed" she said.

Ted felt a little better after hearing that. He gave a more confident nod. “ Understood,” he said.

But just the same Ted now felt a little angry. He was scared not a coward. If he had better training or a CSO who he could easily speak to. Then maybe Ted would have been more gung ho.

"Excellent Ensign, good man," the Colonel said with a smile...

Ted just nodded. Inside his head, he began planning.

- Engineering -

Down in engineering Dodd could not help but feel what was going on in Serina's thoughts about those who would perish in the actions of the mission. He knew this would be hard for all the crew and he also knew they could overcome this once they knew they did this to save everyone else in the known universe.

Dodd was working in his engineering office to get ready to get Winchester and Jackson on board for testing the new NEVS. Then he also got word that COL Somers would want Hawksley to get a suit as well. He was excited to get the new technology out to those who needed it and hoped that everyone would like it and give good ratings to using it.

Dodd then got a call to report to a science lab to help get a few members of one of the away teams set up for using the NEVS so he departed knowing that his staff was getting ready for what was to come. Nelson and Pril had completed the modifications to the maintenance drones and loaded them with the compound that would be needed to be deployed on the planet's surface. Machado was working to get NEVS devices tuned up and ready for assignment to those who would get this first batch.

Racine walked into engineering, "Looking for Mr Dodd, I'm supposed to get fitted for an EVA suit?" she said wondering.

"I can help you with the NEVS, Chief Dodd was called way to a meeting in one of the science labs. I am a Petty Officer Machado." Machado started to the young woman.

"I have been helping the chief with getting the subdermal transponders and the bracelets tuned and can get you all squared away," Machado replied.

Looking at the young man, "Go ahead handsome do your thing. When your done let's have a drink later ok?" Racine said grinning.

Machado then had adjusted the bracelets and gave them to Racine, "Please hold still as I inject a subdermal transponder in your left shoulder." Machado did the injection and then tapped on his PADD. "Your bracelets are now conformed to your biodata. You put these small and thin bracelets on each wrist and then hold one up to say 'Activate Suit' and the nanotech will go to action. Then you do the same for deactivation but say 'Deactivate Suit' and it will retract. These bracelets are designed to be thin and compact to not interfere with your standard uniform. To charge the bracelets, simply put them in your replicator bin when you go to sleep and they will charge and also update and be ready for the next day or mission. The suit will last up to 12 hours on continual usage." The Klingon engineer stated to the young woman. "And yes, I would be interested in getting a drink to celebrate the completion of this mission with you. Blood wine is best drank with the company."

"Very good, blood wine it is! Now as for the suit, it is awesome but damn cumbersome in my opinion and uncomfortable," Racine said, wrinkling her nose in dislike.

After Dodd had finished with his call to a science lab, he then met Hawksley in Engineering to do his NEVS system set up.
Then he had to go back to another science lab to get with Thompsons and Hale about the mission's main event.

- Main Bridge -

Hawksley had returned after a while from having his NEV fitted with the Chief. Dodd had impressed him with the technology. He had felt more confident now for any suited mission.

Re-assuming CHO position he had relieved the temporary officer. Checking his assessment, he had relaxed back into his seat on the Bridge.

The Colonel had not long returned to the bridge when her CHO arrived, she looked at him "Mr Hawksley, should you not be fitted for your EVA NEV suit? You are one of the shuttle pilots for the Away Teams

Hawksley had turned from his CHO position. "Yes, Ma'am. I have completed my suit fitting. Dodd explained the procedure." He furrowed a brow, placing his large hand at his left shoulder. "I now have the NEV chipset embedded into my skin. I am prepared for the away mission, and have been reviewing the atmospheric dynamics," Leland added assuredly to the Colonel.

"Well then, get your ass to the shuttle bay El-tee you are pilot for Lieutenant Winchester team, now you as shuttle pilot will remain in your suit and on the shuttle, keeping the impulse and thrusters warmed up, just in case the Away Team needs to get away in a hurry, each time you close the ramp cycle the Oxygen so that no contaminated air is in the shuttle. Lieutenant Racine will be assigned to Ensign Silvers team as his shuttle pilot and she will do the same as you" Alex said.

Hawksley nodded to his new orders. He was happy to be going down to the planet, to do his best and help with the terrible situation. He swallowed, his Adam's apple reflexing...

"Aye, Ma'am." He then got up from his seat and relieved the FC to the next pilot. Leland grinned. "Post haste!"

*she smiled* "excellent Lieutenant" the Colonel then looked over to Thompson "Mr Thompson grab Ensign Hale and bring him up to date on what was discussed after the meeting, I want him to help you with the Napalm pathogen which we will be used to sterilize the planet *then as an afterthought* if he has finished grab you Mr Dodd and get him to work on a delivery system but let him finish the NEVs first," the Colonel said in a monotone she was not happy on the BDZ order, although while it was titled thus it was more of a terrible act as you would need more than just the Tomcat to bombard the planet quick enough to stop any infected from escaping.

"Aye Colonel," Matt said.

He nodded to Dr Hale who was in the room.

"Dr Hale I think it would be better to handle this in science lab two, we have everything we need there and Mr Dodd can even help us with the delivery system for the Napalm Pathogen. I believe we can deliver it through an aerosol system, but we will have to monitor the biological decay factor to make sure we get all of it." Thompson said.

"Of course sir," Geoffrey Hale sent back. "I'm on my way to lab two and will be there shortly. I'll do whatever I can to make sure we're successful the first time."

With them now gone Alex sat back and waited, she hated waiting, oh how she hated it...


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Ensign Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer

Lt. Racine "Ghost" Hanson [P: Donovan]
Deputy Commander Air Group

Lt. Jg. Leland Hawksley
Chief Helm Officer

Lt Jg Matt Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Petty Officer 3 Ramon Machado [P: Dodd]
Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical

Ensign Geoffrey Hale MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer.


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