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Another New DCoS

Posted on 09 May 2021 @ 10:15am by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

1,578 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Security Office
Timeline: after And now for the bad one


a few days after having the Nanotech installed in his arm, and also named as Chief Security, things were looking up for Paul as was still getting used to the Nanotech uniform that now conformed over his torso. but what had surprised him was that another officer was taking Lieutenant C'ttirs spot as Deputy chief as he sat behind his desk looking at the service record for his new Deputy.

He thought to himself oO this is the first time I have worked with an Andorian in a long time? Oo as he hoped that both he and his new deputy would get on and work well together, as he rose from his chair and walked to the replication unit to get a cold beverage as he didn't feel like a coffee at the moment.

Thyra walked into the office and looked around a moment. Then she saw the security chief. She walked up to him and said in her always bubbly voice and a smile on her face, "Hello Lieutenant, I am Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir, reporting for duty, sir!"

"Ah, Ensign welcome to the USS Tomcat," replied Paul as he looked back at the Andorian, He continued, "Please take a seat and would you like me to get you a drink?" as he stood next to the unit as he was about to order his own drink.

Thyra took a seat and then looked back over to Paul. "Oh, I would like a Jasmine tea to please, with a bit of honey." She smiled looking over at the desk.

He said," one Jasmine tea with honey and one large Coke with Ice," as the machine started to hum, Paul turned to his Newest officer, "So, tell me a bit about yourself, Ensign?" as he waited for the drinks to appear upon the replication unit's shelf.

She raised her hands and said, "Well, what is there to tell? Born on Andoria prime. Four loving parents. I love to paint. Meet new people, like yourself. I love tea and a variety of cold drinks. And yes I do drink Andorian ale. I don't know what you want me to tell you, sir."

Paul replied, "So what was it that drove you to join Starfleet and Security in General," as he wanted to get to know his new Deputy chief better and what she brought to the table so to speak and what ideas did she have for the department, this is what he wanted to know and find out.

Thyra smiled. "The prospect of meeting new people. Security was just a by-product, I am socially educated, but sometimes having social skills can be handy in security. Other than that, I am technically skilled and studied in weapons as well as several martial arts, which in some Earth's cultures are considered contact sports. Also, I do think security is one of the sides that can help me meet new people." She seems to just keep on rattling on when no one stops doing so. "Ok, well, anything else you wanted to know?" She looked to the replicator. "Can I have my tea, sir, I think it's getting cold now?"

"Oh Sorry, " as he picked up the beverages and carried them over to the table and handed the tea to her, "I see," replied Paul looking at his new Deputy chief, he continued, " I recently have been briefed on an upcoming mission to an infected planet," he stated getting down to Business He continued " as there will be two teams, Team 1 will be led by Ensign Ted Silver and team 2 will be led by myself," as he took his seat to continue the briefing.

Thyra accepted the tea with a smile. "Thank you, sir," She said as she then leaned a bit forward. "A mission you say? Infected planet? Tell me more."

"Yes, " replied Paul looking at his new assistant chief, " I take it you remember the thing with the bluegills?" as he took a sip of his drink," well, they are back and have infected this planet, "However; I am assigning you to Ensign Silver's team as this is his first away mission and needs reassurance and back up if needed," Paul finished letting the information sink into Thyra's mind.

"Reassurance? Is he that of a scary cat?" She took a sip and then said, "Oh ehmm..." She swallowed and then took out a chip. "Before I forget, Commander Smithson told me to put this in a secure computer. My security codes."

"No Thyra he is not," replied Paul looking back at his deputy chief, he continued, "this is his first time as a team leader and is worried that he might muck up," as he understood the nerves of a first away mission as a team leader, he finished " I bet you felt the same when it was your first time?"

"Sir," Thyra started, "This is my first time as a deputy department head. I am scared as hell, who will be reassuring me while I am reassuring him, that everything is going to be fine?" She finished her tea. She put her mug on the desk. "Also like every ship has their whole set of rules. Now I am here wearing an ID tag so that when the ship crashes they can ID me and this security codes that I need to put in the Security console, you think you can point me in the right direction, sir?"

"As I told Ensign Silver, remember this YANA," do you know what that stands for Thyra? asking her the question to see if she understood what he was trying to say as he knew that the mission was scary and that both had a right to be scared, Hell, even he was, but he could not show it. he was a Leader and a Leader should not show weakness to those under him as he had gotten that from the Colonel when they had been in the holodeck.

"No, sir, who is this Yana?" Thyra was still holding the chip in her hand. Already she was feeling she was here too long and hadn't learned anything new about the ship she would find important. She leaned forward sighing a little inwards. She looked at him as she let him rattle on about what this Yana whatever means. o0 This is my superior officer. Does he like to hear himself talk? Is he aware he is not really that interesting?0o She thought to herself.

"It is an anagram, replied Paul looking at Thyra as he continued "It means You Are Not Alone," as he knew that his fighter instructor had pushed it into his class and that either out in the void or on the ground on an away mission you know your team have your back, he finished "Just remember your team will have your back and I told this to Ensign Silver and I'm saying it to you as well," as he tried to reassure his deputy chief.

"Well, thank you, sir," Thyra rose and put the chip on his desk calmly. "I will most definitely keep it in mind. Now, where can I insert this to get my new security codes added to the ship. I am really eager to start."

Paul picked up the data chip and slipped it into the slot on his terminal and tapped a few commands into the console and the computer began to download the data, Paul said, "this won't take long," as the machine continued to its job. Paul said, "just be careful down on the planet,"

Thyra nodded. "Be it. Is there something I need to know before I go down to the planet?" She had a curious look and her antennae pointed forward.

"Yes there is," replied Paul looking back at his deputy chief, He continued, "you are going to have to meet with Lieutenant Dodd to get your Nevs suit," looking back at Thyra. he knew that this was going to be tough, tougher than his last space flight.

"Ok, got it, Lieutenant Dodd. Nevs suits. Are they better than EV suits?" Thyra was not fond of suits. And she knew wearing suits meant they were going down to hostile environments. She learned to adapt to the suits, but she still didn't like them.

"Also, I need the Security Roster looked at for their evals in case we need to shake the Security details up a bit," as he didn't want the teams to relax and think they had it good here. as he hoped that Thyra would agree with him.

Thyra sighed. o0 Paperwork, of course, what was I thinking when I agreed to be a Deputy. 0o She thought to herself as she held out her hand to him. "Hand me the padds and I also need their personnel files and their performance slips." She said.

"Here you go," replied Paul, as he handed her the stack of DataPadds as he finished, "and let me know your recommendations on the Security details, Dismissed," as he had to finish up planing on the upcoming away mission.

Thyra looked a moment at the stack. "And this is one department. I'll get right on it." She walked out of the office rolling her eyes without him seeing it. This wasn't really how she pictured her first day on a ship.


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical


Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaquir
Deputy Chief of Security


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