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Gearing up the Mod Squad

Posted on 30 Mar 2021 @ 5:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Captain Patrick Jackson
Edited on on 30 Mar 2021 @ 7:57pm

1,830 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: USS Tomcat



=/\= Dodd to Lieutenant Jackson, could you please meet me in my office when you have a few minutes? I would like your assistance with something. =/\=

=/\=Jackson here. I'm on my way Lieutenant. =/\=

He was a bit surprised to get a call from. The Lieutenant, so his interest was peaked. He didn't know what Engineering needed from a Marine, but there was one way to find out. Making a quick walk down the corridor, he took the turbo-lift to Engineering and made his way through the hive of activity to his office. "Lieutenant Dodd?"

"Greetings, Lieutenant Jackson," Dodd stated. "I have a new form of technology that I would like you and forty-nine other marines to experiment with and help me with my study. It is a new environmental suit system that uses nanotech to make the suit form around you and is more flexible and adaptive than the standard suits we currently have for use."

"The fifty systems I have for the Marines to use are the full combat version and allow you to have weapons generated by the nanotech. Thus allowing your troops to carry more specialized weapons or supplies that are not part of the programming. The suits can generate phasers, rifles, grenades and several other defensive means. The suits can even produce forcefields and fire flares for location purposes. The nanotech will also repair itself and can last in the field for up to 12 hours at this time but I am working on adjustments to make it last longer as we go on."

Patrick's eyes opened in surprise. It sounded too good to be true. "That is some pretty serious tech Lieutenant. Don't get me wrong, that sounds fantastic and I am all for giving you that field test." He paused thinking a moment. "What kind of power range do those phasers have? Making an energy weapon like that, how hard will it hit the 12-hour power pack?"

Sensing the surprise from Jackson, "Well I am glad you are on board, I have fifty Marine Combat units ready for coding to your fifty best candidates including yourself. The Combat variation your team will get is twelve hours at full intensity, so if you are not in need of the weapons to be blazing in battle your suits could last longer. The weapons range would be fully comparable to all standard weaponry you currently have. If you need speciality weaponry, that you will have to carry it with you. But you have forcefield generators, grenade launchers and phaser power that can be generated from the NEVS. The helmet will generate any type of scanning you would get from a tricorder so your hands are free for battle. The whole thing is meant to be multipurpose and that is why it can be adapted to the user's needs easily and it can be modified as we go forward to do more as the technology advances with other Federation technology." Dodd stated.

The Marine smiled. "Well colour me, impressed Lieutenant. What will it take for me to get calibrated? Is it field ready for this away mission?" He liked the idea of having all his tools available and not just what he could pack in. "I'll be honest, if we are in heavy combat for more than 12 hours, we are in trouble anyway."

"I knew you would like this new tech," Dodd replied. "I merely need to get a reading from a subdermal transponder that I can implant into you and the set the bracelets to your biodata and all is set. You charge the bracelets in your replication bin overnight and that will also let my subroutine download any data and update any programing that the devices need. I would need to do this to all fifty marines that will get this first batch. Once this mission is over and your reviews and those of your fellow marines are reviewed, I hope that this new tech will be the new normal for all away team missions."

Patrick offered his wrist. "You'll get a full report when we make it back. What kind of maintenance besides recharging will this need? I'm not planning on doing any field stripping of this, but since our lives depend on this tech, I'd like to be familiar with some of the ins and outs to double-check readiness."

"Holodeck Three is currently set to run a testing simulation with the safeties set to the extreme lowest possible setting, but you will be able to test it in many harsh conditions. Feel free to send your marines to Engineering and I will have Petty Officer Machado work to get them all set up for the suits. Once your reports are logged we likely could then get more NEVS for the entire complement of the ship and then the whole fleet."

Patrick nodded. "I'll have my SAR team report in and get a run on the Holodeck. So let's say I need a grenade and a TR-116b rifle with an optical scope. How do I make that happen?"

"Well, glad you asked," Dodd replied. "If you are on a mission and need to launch a grenade, you will merely say to your wrist 'Grenade' and position your hand to allow the formation of the device and throw it as you would a regular grenade. As for the TR-116b rifle, you will need to take that with you at this time. The standard issued phaser and phaser rifle can be replicated from the nanotech."

"But I am always looking for ways to increase the capabilities of the nanotech so in the future it may be possible to have the coding implanted for those with a taste of more sophisticated weaponry," Dodd added as he added the note to his PADD for future upgrades.

Patrick nodded looking over the new tool. "Can it replicate ammunition or just currently grenades and phasers? Outstanding work by the way. This is some premium equipment." He said. He felt this could give them an edge that they need down there.

"The replication of grenades will cause the nanotech to lose some of this longevity while in use as that means there will be less to repair or adjust to other uses. So the less you generate that is expelled from the suit the better." Dodd added. "Phasers project energy so that will not affect the suit as much as grenades or ammo. I am working on a future variation that would consist of gauntlets that would house more nanotech that could likely help with grenades and ammunition as you may need and thus allow the freedom to not carry excessive gear with you. But at this time phaser type weapons are the only major means, but grenades are doable as long as you realized that each grenade is a part of your suit's ability to maintain itself and shortens the duration of the wearing of the suit. So for every four grenades, you will decrease the time the suit can be maintained by fifteen to twenty minutes. But again, I am looking into a different means to allow more nanotech for weaponry or even for excavation tools for the future."

Patrick nodded. "Understood. Typically, we only bring about two grenades on our person. Access to the additional ordinance, when needed, is helpful. Believe me, that will be plenty of firepowers." Patrick looked the module over again. "Very nice work. Soon as it is calibrated, I will head to the holodeck and give you a test run." He paused. "Has this gone through a human trial first or am I it?"

"Lieutenant Winchester has already been equipped and tested in the holodeck. I have worn it when inspecting the outer hull of the ship and it works in the vacuum of space just fine. I would state my existence on this new technology." Dodd stated in response.

The Marine nodded. "Good enough for me. How long will it take to get calibrated? I've got some time today to make it to the holodeck if is a quick pairing. I can also make time tomorrow for this."

"You are set to go and use the suit as you want to get used to it." Dodd replied, "I have already calibrated it to you as we talked. Holodeck Three is running the simulation with safeties at a setting that makes the suit needed for survival but the computer will be monitoring your stats via the transponder and activate safeties if an emergency arises. I am letting you get used to the suit on your own. Again, charge in your replicator bay overnight and speak to either bracelet to activate or deactivate the suit."

The marine nodded. "Understood Lieutenant. Thanks for the new tech. I'll make my way to the Holodeck and get comfortable with it. I'll give you a general report after I break it in, then a full report on its performance after the mission. I'll also make sure I send the SAR team down for a fitting. They will be the first volunteers. Good work." He said looking it over once more.

"I appreciate your willingness and look forward to your report," Dodd stated firmly as he was very anxious to see how this creation would work for real in the field. "I am glad you will put it to the test."

Patrick smirked. "Have no fear Lieutenant, my Marines will put this through the paces. The Colonel gave a green light that after this mission and while we are finishing the system scan, the Rifles will do live-fire training on the abandoned planet. You'll even have side by side data." He secured the bracelet to his wrist comfortably. "Anything else I can help you with Lieutenant?"

"I have nothing else at this moment," Dodd replied. "You are free to go and have some fun with your test drive so to speak."

Dodd then offered his hand for a handshake to bid farewell to the MCO.

Patrick took the offered hand. "A pleasure Lieutenant. I'll keep you posted on the test drive."

As the two men shook hands, Dodd got a sensation of something Jackson was holding back.

"You ever need to get a drink and vent, I am game," Dodd mentioned as he let go of Jackson's hand. "I can help if you need to let go of anything bottled up inside. I won't judge as I think we could become good friends as I feel you are a decent guy."

The marine nodded. "I appreciate the offer and I'll keep that in mind." Looking at the bracelets with a smile he nodded at the man. "Thanks again." He said and turned to head out of the office.

"No problem and I do appreciate getting to work with you on this," Dodd stated as the Lieutenant started to head out of his office.


Lieutenant Remington S. Dodd
Chief Engineer

1st Lieutenant Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer


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