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Before we visit the bad planet

Posted on 18 Mar 2021 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Captain Patrick Jackson & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant Alexandra Lee & Lieutenant JG Racine "Ghost" Hanson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

1,862 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Main Science Lab

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~ Main Science Lab ~

Ted was not happy. This mission was completely out of his comfort zone. He needed someone to reassure him. About the next phase of the mission. Plus they were to be given new EVA suits. They needed to have a pre mission chat. As they were yet to be told who was doing what.Ted decided to jump ahead.

He had an idea who would probably be on the team , he would be in. So he called them plus Lieutenant Dodd. That way they he could have these new EVA suits , explained to him.

“ =/\=Silver to Jackson, Sh'shraaqir , Dodd and Lee. Could you please join me in the main science lab. It’s to do with our mission to the Bad planet.Plus Lieutenant Dodd I need suiting up as they say.=/\= “

=/\= Dodd here, I will prepare three sets of the NEVS and come to your lab in about ten minutes. Lieutenant Jackson already has his assigned NEVS unit and will be able to demonstrate for the rest of you. See you soon. =/\= Dodd replied to Silver's call.

=/\= Lieutenant Lee here, I am on my way. =/\= Lee replied to Silver's call as well.

=/\= Ensign Sh'shraaqir here, on my way now, be there in a few.=/\= Thyra replied as she made her way to the main science lab.

=/\= Patrick here. On my way.=/\= the Marine was still getting familiar with the new EVA suit in the holodeck, but was already impressed with it, and they would need that edge in the next mission.

Ted sat back and rubbed the back of his neck.

Lee arrived in the science lab, "Hello Ensign, how are you?" she asked of the young man that requested her presence.

Ted nodded at his fellow science officer. Ted wanted to tell her. He was more nervous then a frog in a box of grass snakes. But thought as team leader. That might not be a good idea.

“ Hello. Not to bad and you?” He replied

"I am doing great." Lee replied. "But curious what sort of meeting this is."

“ Don’t worry all will be revealed in a moment.” Silver replied

After a few more minutes, Lieutenant Dodd entered the lab and had with him a duffle with the NEVS units and some supplies to help him get the team in this meeting prepared for the surface.

"Hello, Lieutenant Lee, Ensign Silver, who is ready for to get started?" Dodd stated as he entered the room. "I do trust there will be two others others joining us?"

Patrick walked in at the end of the sentence. "You rang Lieutenant?" He said strolling in and giving a nod to each of them.

“ Greetings” Ted said with a smile

"Hello, Lieutenant Jackson." Dodd stated. "How was your test session for the NEVS?"

A smile crossed the Marines face. "Very well, thank you. This can bring far more with it than I would have been able to pack down. It has my approval. And more comfortable then the EVA suits."

Dodd was already working to get Silver's NEVS set up. He also got an update on his PADD from Machado that simply let him know that Racine had been in engineering and was already issued a NEVS unit so that should help speed up the process in the science lab.

Racine walked into the science lab not really sure she was supposed to be there. "Excuse me but I'm to fly your shuttle I think," she said.

Thyra walked in with a phaser rifle. "I was actually cleaning this, I am sure we need adequate weapons. What about hand phasers?" She looked over Racine. "You do need weapons too. Let me look in to it for you, lieutenant. name is Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaquir. I am the deputy chief of security." Her voice not hiding the enthusiasm.

“ Very well. We are to make up the science led away team. I am to be your team leader. Our job will be to scan the water, air and the environment. All the data we retrieve will hopefully help. To stop this happening again. Now before I go into the meat and potatoes part of the mission. Are there any questions so far. Silver asked

"Ensign Silver, your NEVS is all set and just go to Holodeck Three to run a scenario at least once before you go to the surface." Dodd stated to him as he moved on to the next person. "Lieutenant Jackson could help with pointers using the NEVS as he thoroughly tested it on the holodeck already."

Ted gave him a nod.

Patrick nodded to Thyra. "Are we aware of any atmospheric disturbance that might lower the phaser beam power output? I know a dampening field is not common on a colony so new, but when bluegills are around, I like to cover all my bases."

Thyra put the rifle aside for a moment. "That is an interesting question. So I have gone over the scans myself, cause I knew this mission was coming up and as you say, you need to have everything covered when bluegills are around. There are some types of radiations, that have been detected, that could cause minor disruptions in the electrical magnetic fields of the phaser. I have there for calibrated the phasers to compensate for that. I hope that will alleviate some of your concerns."

Silver considered what was being discussed.

“ That's interesting. On the first away mission we never picked up any radiations that could effect phasers. I wonder if these Bluegills are generating it themselves? Like the Earth electric eel or the Vulcan power snake. When threatened they generate an organic electric defence mechanism. That’s lethal to anything trying to turn them into lunch.” Ted said

Dodd moved on to Ensign Sh'shraaqir and worked on her unit while the team members continued their discussion. He knew Racine already had her NEVS and that left Lieutenant Lee as still needing to get her unit set up.

Thyra nodded to Ted. "I am not a scientist, I am doing with what I have at hand. But if you say so, then that would explain the radiation detected, do you know a lot about these Bluegils?"

Ted gave a small nod.

“ From the information we have . When the host is infected by the mutated bluegill. There is nothing left of the person. They normally just shuffle along. But when they detect anyone who is not of their kind. They viciously attack. Screeching to other zombies so they join in. A phaser to the head will kill then out wright. Whatever you do don’t let them touch you.” He said

"As long as the shuttle is functioning correctly and there are no problem with the flight controls, it should be a walk in the park," Racine said looking at the cumbersome NEVS. oOShit those things are going to be uncomfortable, I just know itOo

Patrick gave a small shake of his head. "It could just be my profession, but never assume any mission will be a walk in the park. Especially with Bluegills. I'm going to pack in a TR-116. Just in case that is even a remote possibility, I want to have ballistics and explosive ordinance available should the energy weapons fail." He looked around at the team. "Of course, avoiding combat will be our highest priority."

Ted nodded in agreement.

“ We are just collecting data. But if we have to get into a fire fight. Then so be it. Although I would like to miss that.” He replied.

"Ensign Sh'shraaqir, I will inject a subdermal transponder and then you can put the bracelets on. Please go to Holodeck Three for at least one simulation test before you depart for the surface." Dodd stated to the ensign as he did the injection. "The bracelets will activate the NEVS merely by speaking to either bracelet 'Activate Suit' and then to deactivate, you speak 'Deactivate Suit' to either bracelet and that is it. Charge the bracelets overnight in your replicator bay and they will be updated and charged for the next use. They will last twelve hours on a single charge with standard usage."

"Understood," Thyra as she put the bracelets on. She looked over to Patrick. "I have everything prepared and some extra surprises if needed." She winked before leaving out for the holodeck to try this new thing out.

"Lieutenant Lee, you are next." Dodd stated as he moved over to her.

"Thank you, I am looking forward to this new technology." Lee stated as she sat still and continued to pay attention to the information presented from the others.

Racine wanted to just get it over and done with. She didn't like the idea of killing a species. Too much like genocide. She just hoped it would go swiftly.

The Marine turned his wrist around. "I would recommend the Holodeck for a little suit training before we leave. It takes a little getting used to, but once you get used to it, this thing is worth the time. We will need every advantage we can get to be sure."

"Hello, sorry I am late, I have been working on a vital assignment and I just finished. I then got word that I was to join this away team mission." Pril stated as she arrived to the meeting. "Hello Chief, Nelson and I are done with the modifications you needed us to do."

"Great, and I know you already have your NEVS, so I am good to go, So I am all done here and now you all should have your NEVS devices and they are all tuned to each of your bio-signs. The transponders are designed to only activate when you activate the NEVS. I encourage you all to test the devices in Holodeck Three before your departure to the surface." Dodd stated. "I will be heading to another meeting but Petty Officer Machado should be able to assist any of you if you need something and I am not available. Good Luck and Thank you all."

Chief Dodd then departed the science lab and started for another science lab to meet up with Thompson and Hale.

“ You’ll find all the information we discussed here. In the main database. It might be a good idea to download it to a padd. Before we end this briefing. Does anyone have anything to add?” Silver asked.

"Again so very sorry I was late getting here. I will download the data to PADD and review it. I am a quick study and will help in any fashion I can." Pril added to the room. The young Trill would do all she could to make the mission a success.


Ensign Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Patrick Jackson
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

Petty Officer III Kara Pril (PNPC: Dodd)
Engineering Officer - Matter/Energy Systems Specialist
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexandria Lee (PNPC: Dodd)
Science Officer - Alien Archeologist/Anthropologist
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat

Lt. Racine "Ghost" Hanson
Deputy CAG
USS Tomcat

Ensign Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Deputy Chief of Security
USS Tomcat


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