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An Unexpected Promotion Part 1

Posted on 01 Mar 2021 @ 7:16pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant Karyn Somers

1,429 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Various/CRR Tomcat
Timeline: During the Phase 2 Mission


She had stopped at another Starbase closer to the Mira Sector and opened a secure channel to the Tomcat, one of the ships in her Taskforce needed a new Marine Executive Officer, sadly there was no graduate Marine officer available, so she decided to elevate her cousin's Sister, Karyn was not looking for a Commission, but she would be familiar to Commander Sterling and a solid addition to the crew, so she put the request into Starfleet who readily agreed, experienced officers on the front lines were few these days and if giving a Field Commission to an Experienced Chief Warrant Officer was an acceptable compromise so she was given the go-ahead for it. So she opened up a secure channel to the Tomcat and to her CRR computer, as it so happens Alex was there and the Federation emblem was replaced by her cousins smiling face.

- Tomcat CRR -

=/\=Hey Jas, this must be important, a second time so soon after the last, what is up?=/\= Alex asked and she did not like the body language of the Fleet Captain.

=/\=I have spoken to Starfleet headquarters and I was told a ship in my Taskforce is needing a new Marine Executive Officer and as we currently have no experienced ones available to do duty out in the Mira Sector, they agreed to promote one of ours to 2nd Lieutenant, they understand experience out here is a must and where inexperienced Fleet Officers are okay an experienced Marine Officer is really needed=/\=

=/\= I can agree there, a marine nugget does not belong out here, still, who is it?=/\=Alex asked honestly curious as to who was the lucky NCO that would be given a field commission!

Fleet Captain Somers looked at her cousin, =/\= your Sister CWO Somers, that is who=/\= Jasmine answered and noticed the look of surprise that Alex now wore, she inwardly smiled it was not often she could catch Alex off her guard, but she had here.

=/\=You do know that she will not thank you for doing that! Karyn never wanted a commission, happy she will be not, so who is going to give her the good news?=/\= Alex asked with a touch of irony in her tone.

Jasmine simply smiled and saw a horrified look on the face of the Colonel who knew how vindictive her Sister could be, it may take her time, but she would get her own back =/\=you will be the one to do the deed and Commander Smithson will give the physical promotion to her=/\= Jasmine said.

=/\= You do know Jas, that she will nurse her revenge and we will both get it when we least expect it!=/\= Alex warned and heaved a heavy sigh "I take it this is effective immediately?" Alex asked and Jasmine nodded.

=/\=I will leave the rest in your capable hands, I have sent the promotion agreement via a sub-channel and I will see you when I get back=/\= Jasmine responded with a shaky smile as she closed the link.

Alex thinking dark thoughts as she looked at the darkened screen "yeah not so jubilant now are we cousin!" she said to a darkened screen which she soon activated and opened a secure link to Starbase 51.

- Security Office - Starbase 51 -

Samantha Smithson was in her office when her communications desktop popped up with a message, she looked to who was sending it she smiled and made the two-way connection and low and behold the Colonel's visage appeared with a smile =/\=Sam how are you, is my Sister there?=/\= the Colonel asked.

=/\= What has she done now?" Smithson asked curiosity tinged with worry, it must have been showing on her face as the Colonel's next words were calming, so it was no troubled it would seem.

=/\= No she is not in trouble, can you call her to the office, I have something for her, but it means you will lose her as she is being re-assigned to another ship, however, I need you to replicate Second Lieutenant Pips and a Rifle Officers shoulder belt like what I am currently wearing =/\= the Colonel said pointing to it

oO So it is trouble, but not for Karyn for the Colonel and likely the Fleet Captain, no wonder there is a quiver in the Colonel's voice Oo she thought to herself as she knew of Karyn's vindictiveness streak and she felt sorry for the two senior officers. But she did as asked and called Karyn to the office, she only told the woman that her Sister wished to speak to her so it would be a surprise.

A short time later Karyn all smiles enters the inner security office and stands in front of the big screen =/\= Hey Alex, what is up, not that I am not happy to be hearing from you, *she studies her Sisters facial language* =/\= What is it Alex? =/\= Karyn asked.

=/\= I have gotten word from Jasmine who said that you are to be reassigned to the USS Leto as it's new MXO, they are in desperate need of combat experience personnel =/\= Alex said and saw a mix of emotions over her Sisters face oO hear it comes Oo she thought to herself.

=/\= Wait for a minute, MXO on a ship, even one as small as the Leto required that the MXO be an officer =/\= Karyn said and looked at Sam who held a Rifle Officers shoulder belt and an Officers rank pin, she turned to her Sister with a little bit of panic =/\= Now wait here a moment Sis, you do not mean me?! *asked in disbelief* I do not want a commission, never have, so why are you doing this Alex you know there will be consequences to this =/\=Karyn said her tone turning bland and emotionless.

=/\= Yes, I know so does the Fleet Captain she put in for a new officer to be assigned to the Leto, but none were available so she asked about a Senior NCO and your name came up. You have the skills and qualifications and you know Commander Sterling who is commanding the Leto, there is nothing wrong in a field Commission, I was a corporal when I got mine, at least you have had longer as an NCO that I did. So ATTENTION Chief Warrant Officer Karyn Somers =/\= Alex said and like a well-oiled marine, she automatically came to attention.

=/\= Chief Warrant Officer Karyn Lynne Somers, by order of Starfleet and SFMC HQ and Fleet Captain Somers and I Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers acting Commanding Officer USS Tomcat to herby promote and grant you the elevation to Second Lieutenant in the 95th Rifles, congratulations Lieutenant =/\= Alex said.

As she was saying this commander Smithson removed the CWO rank pin and replaced it with a bronze bar and put the Rifle Officers shoulder belt over her and Karyn adjusted it.

"Congratulations Karyn," Samantha said.

=/\= Stand easy Lieutenant, I am sorry this promotion had to be done over sub-space, but as you know we are on a mission and I am unable to be there in person, so your promotion and the new appointment have been logged this day =/\= Alex said.

Now Karyn looks over to Sam "thanks" and looks back at her Sister, not smiling =/\= Okay give me my orders =/\= Karyn said.

=/\= You are to report to the USS Leto in the Thorion system and report to Commander Sterling, you will take your orders from her, you may be pissed with me, but I know you will uphold the family name with pride and do your big Sister proud =/\= Alex said.

*All formal* =/\= Thank you, Colonel, I will go and pack, I will leave at 0600 tomorrow, and there will be repercussions =/\= Karyn said and the newly minted officer left the Security office.

Commander Smithson called to her "Karyn are you really going to get them back?" she asked the newly minted officer...

Karyn stopped and looked back "Nope, but do not go telling them that will you! I want them to sweat and so goes my revenge" she answered with a cruel smile and walked away, Samantha was unsure if she was honest and understood why the Colonel was edgy during the promotion ceremony, sighing heavily she looked at what was on her docket *sighs* "more paperwork!" she said to herself and returned to her desk.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security

CWO1 Karyn Somers [P: Somers]
Station Warrant Officer 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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