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First away mission for the Ensign

Posted on 29 Apr 2021 @ 12:42pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 29 Apr 2021 @ 1:33pm

685 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Security Office
Timeline: after And now for the bad one


After Colonel Somers had left his office, Paul looked back at the young Ensign and said "Ensign, I know you are scared about your first away mission," replied Paul as he looked at the young man, he continued," Hell, Even I was when I was in your shoes, But my Commander at the time gave me some good advice," as he sat back behind his desk.

He asked Ted, "Would you like to know what he told me?" asked the young man the question trying to put the young man at ease before the mission that they had been briefed on.

Ted looked at Paul.

“ This isn’t my first away mission. It’s the first time I have been an away team leader. But yes please tell me. Anything that can save me getting anyone killed or worse will help.” Silver said

Paul replied " He told me one word that was all and that is YANA and do you know what that means?" he asked looking back at the young man in front of him who was scared as hell leading his first away mission, Paul could sympathise with him as he had been as well but now after his accident, he knew whatever happened the universe had in the store he would face it head-on.

YANA. Ted tried to think.

~ You always need alcohol? ~ Silver thought but said aloud.

“ Sorry I don’t.”

Paul replied, "You Are Not Alone" looking back at Ted as he smiled at the young man, "Never forget that Ensign, on every away mission you go on, your team will have your back," as he knew and hoped that this might reassure him. as he tapped in a command into the replication unit, He continued "After I lost my Arm, I got angry but with help from my friends I got over it,"

Ted had noticed his arm but did not say anything.

“ I understand. I just wish it was a less dangerous situation. For my first go at being head of an away team. These bluegill zombies are vicious creatures.” Ted said

"Yes they are, " replied Paul, looking back at the Ensign, "its what you signed up for and when you put that uniform on to protect those that cannot protect themselves and that one man can make a difference," he finished as he walked over to the replicator again and ordered a stiff drink for them.

Ted could see what he was ordering.

“ um........I don’t drink alcohol “ Silver said

"Ah ok, then what would you like to drink Ensign?" Paul asked as he stopped the order and altered it for just himself as he waited for an answer from the young officer. as he knew that he had helped him.

Ted wondered if he had been wise to admit. That he did not drink alcohol. But he had to be honest. Plus he knew that his system is new to the drink. Would act badly and he needed to be sharp for what was to come.

“ A large glass of iced orange juice please.” He requested.

"One large glass of Orange juice coming up," replied Paul as he knew that trying to relax the young man before the mission might help him, he said, "Why don't you make that a thing before you all go down to the planet to have a drink with your team?" giving the young officer the suggestion.

Ted shook his head.

“ I am sorry but time is against us. We need to get suited up and on our fact, I need to be off myself. Sorry. Perhaps another time if I survive?” Ted said

"Ensign, Just one more thing, Don't ever think that," replied Paul looking back at him, continued "Or you will lose focus," he finished as his own drink arrived on the shelf, " Now Good luck with your mission Ensign, Dismissed" as he picked up his drink and carried it back over to his desk to finish up the paperwork.


Ensign Ted Silver
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Sec/tactical


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