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Blue away

Posted on 26 Apr 2021 @ 9:13pm by Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Maria McMahon & Ensign Lauren Jordan & Lieutenant Christine Childers

1,790 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Shuttle Bay -USS Tomcat
Timeline: Current


Paul being a team leader was the first to arrive as he strode into the shuttle bay after mentally preparing himself for what was to come, he knew that this was going to be difficult as he knew that they had to retrieve data from a terminal and that his team had a job to do, as he checked over the shuttle like he would do his old Fighter instinctively, Paul heard the shuttle bay doors open and in walked the three ensigns that he had selected for this mission.

First of then was Ensign Jordan, his former aide who knew that needed the experience and to get out of the office and some field time as did Ensigns Childers and McMahon, He heard the Girls say "So Winchester chose you as well huh, he must want us to get out of the ship for experience?"

"I had already told him no," replied Lauren, "but he added me anyway," she grumbled looking at Christine and Maria, she said," I do hope this doesn't go Pear-shaped," as the last mission Paul had been on had cost him his arm.

Hawksley had finished taking his pre-flight check of the engines with his tricorder and reviews on the thrusters and machines as a Chief Flight Control officer would for all the shuttles on duty rosters.

Confident everything had looked good. The shuttle bay computers confirmed their level 04 scans that the shuttle was ready and prepped according to the mission parameters.

Stepping in, he lent his head ducked to the overhead compartment as not to hit it. “Lieutenant Winchester, Sir.” Leland had saluted.

Taking the Flight Control, he had relaxed in and then begun the pre-flight checklist of his computer dynamics and controls. Interfacing with the LCARs and the systems he was to advise.

- Marine Country -

Being suddenly asked to join Winchesters away team was a surprise, so she pulled out her old trusty mark 15 advanced combat EVA suit, she still was unable to fix her built-in music player, still, it would not be needed here, so helmet in hand and no combat glasses, which meant she was seeing in infrared and her red eyes could clearly be seen and the crew she passed on her way to the shuttle bay flinched when they saw her natural organic eyes and only then if they looked up.

She made her way to the nearest lift and with some difficulty entered and the moment the doors close "shuttlebay" she said while she was on her way she put her hair into a bun and finished as the lift stopped and the doors opened onto the shuttle bay.

- Shuttle Bay -

As she entered the shuttle bay she saw Winchester and Taggert with two others she did not know as she approached them, "hello Lieutenant Winchester, Taggert who are these other two? And why the sudden reassign me to the away team?" She asked.

"Ah Major, I asked for you as I heard you have training as a field medic, Yes?" asked Paul looking back at the Marine, "And I need someone I trust," as he glanced over at the three Ensigns that had arrived before she had. Paul said "Those three over there are Ensigns Jordan, Childers and McMahon," continued "and inside the shuttle is Lieutenant Hawksley,"

S'arila nodded "not yet met the new CHO, but I suppose I will now!" She said and looked at the Ensigns "Greetings Ensigns" She added in her thick alien accent, her accent sounded like Welsh Gaelic, although this was not the case.

"No clue, ma'am," Taggert said but S'arila moved a bit faster than her, leaving her hanging for a bit.

oO Oh god, S’arila is now coming! Oo thought Lauren as she knew the Marine was tough as they come and that it was some relief that it was her, she also knew that apart from Paul, she would not let anything happen to them. She replied “ Major, glad you are coming along for the ride,” as she noticed that the other two female Ensigns looked over at her. As she noticed that they were afraid to speak and just nodded at the major.

Paul replied “ and thanks for this I do appreciate it,” as Paul made sure that everyone was accounted for, but Paul knew that for some a first away mission would help them define themselves and their Career and if they chose to stay in Starfleet, As he also knew that not many had as they felt that they could not handle it and why it hadn’t shown up on there Physical and mental tests.

With a nod, Donovan looked up at the shuttle and groaned "why can this damned ship nae have larger shuttles, do people not realized it is hard for me to fit my 7-foot frame in there even harder with my EVA suit on" S'arila griped and suddenly her suits built-in sound system started playing "Why can't we be Friends" song "Dammit, thought this thing was broken" she said confused as she began to hit the crap out of it only changing the song to "We are family" "GAH!" she exclaimed and devolved into cursing in her native tongue, as her parent species tongue was unknown the universal translators could not translate what she was saying. Eventually, she managed to shut the music off "damn thing has not been the same since I arrived in this reality all those years ago *looks at Winchester* Do you know what song the suit played all of its own when I first arrived in this reality puzzling the hell out of the Security unit with weapons trained on me, Lieutenant Winchester?" She asked.

"I don't think I was here for that Major?" replied Paul looking back at the Marine, He continued," I bet it was disorientating for you though?"

*thinks a moment* "No you were not, it was We are Family tune" she said in whistful Memorium

“Yes we are a family of sorts,” replied Paul looking back at the major, continuing to make sure everything was ready and that the others were ok, he finished “right, Everyone onboard,” as he stood looking at the three Ensigns who nodded at him and walked up the ramp followed by the Major and him in the rear.

She gave him a look oO did that humour really go over his head or is he really like a Vulcan with no humour Oo she thought to herself.

Hawksley had sat inside at the Navigation Console. Inside of his new advanced EVA bodysuit, he had felt himself having to shift around, trying to be comfortable in the other regionals. “Damn it.” He cursed inside of his suit. Hearing chatting voices outside of the craft, he had swivelled in his cockpit seat, his head looking outward. “Yo! Are we all done coffee talk back there?” Leland rolled his eyes while nobody was looking.

"I'm good here," Nicci said, not wanting to get involved with an angry 7' alien arguing with her EVA suit. "The shuttle looks ready for you from here. Engines and environment check out. Navigation is loaded with the latest star charts, and the rest of the shuttle is within spec. Good luck."

*Grumbles but mainly at her suit* "Excellent, now please excuse me while I squeeze my frame into a small space" she said grumbling about all the injustices on small shuttles, just then she paused as a Security rating arrived with her weapons she paused and turned to face the security officer, the first was the magazines which she placed in practised ease into the slots on her suit, then came the twin Spatha blades that she placed into the built-in holders on her back then came the M45 Assault Rifle.

The M45 Assault Rifle she had brought from her reality was born out of a reluctant need for a defensive firearm after the Dominion/Breen Alliance used a modified form of energy dampening radiogenic isotope on Earth allowing only their weapons to work and both Starfleet and Klingon weapons to fail. while Alliance forces were pushed back on Earth and Kronos Starfleet R+D fell back on past technology where energy power packs were not used. The result was the M45 Assault rifle, like its fore-bearer weapons it used a 30 round manual loading Magazine and used Armour piercing rounds. It had two modes of fire Semi-automatic which allowed for single shot and fully automatic.

She put that over her shoulder then her holster on her thigh opened up as the Security officer handed her her L52 Sidearm. Like the M45 Assault Rifle, the L52 Pistol was also something she brought with her from her reality and was also borne out of a reluctant need for a defensive firearm after the Dominion/Breen Alliance used a modified form of energy dampening radiogenic isotope on Earth allowing only their weapons to work and both Starfleet and Klingon weapons to fail. The result was L52 Pistol Sidearm was also developed and like their fore-bearer weapons the L52 used a 20 round manual loading Magazine and used Armour piercing rounds. It had one mode of fire Semi-automatic which allowed for a single shot and it had a recently upgraded modification for a silencer unit.

She put this in her holster and thanked the officer who left the area and looked back she was now effectively a walking tank "now we can go" she said heading into the shuttle.

Leland turned to his Nav and Conn console. He was strapped in his buckled into his bucket seat into the modified shuttle. Taping into the controls and readings, he had the flight deck shuttle door commence closure as he leaned upward and tapped some LCARS shutting the door into a standard pressurized lock.

"Engines are revved up, ready to go, Sir." Leland had turned to Winchester.

Nicci walked up the staircase and went into the control booth for the shuttlebay. "All systems go," she said to herself, verifying the forcefields, doors, and launch guidance systems were ready for the team to depart. She paged the shuttle. =/\= All systems ready for departure. =/\=

Upon taking his seat, He said “ Mr Hawksley, I want these engines kept running whilst we are on the planet,” he looked back at the rest of them, He continued,” and when we touch down everyone activate your N.E.V's suits,” as he finished,” Now let’s get this show on the road,”


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security

Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan [P: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander

Ensign Lauren Jordan [P: Winchester]
Aide to CAG

Ensign Christine Childers [NPC: Winchester]
Intelligence Officer

Ensign Maria McMahon [NPC: Winchester]
Engineering Officer


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