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Concerns for another

Posted on 13 Jun 2021 @ 5:16pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 19 Jun 2021 @ 3:04pm

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Intelligence Office


Having finished his meeting with Ensign Ted Silver, Paul was rather concerned about Ted and how worried that the young man was not ready to command his first away team, yet he was going down to Planet Hell with the Science team. But first, he needed to Speak with Iria and discuss his concerns with her as she was the ship’s counsellor as he thought to himself oO Am I doing the right thing? Oo. as he made his way to the nearest turbolift. As he continued towards the lift and the journey to his old office, he knew that Iria still was not happy with him from their last confrontation, but would she listen to him that was the question?

- Intelligence offices, Chief Intelligence inner office -

Iria was writing reports and making notes, she had not seen Winchester since the last incident where he had thrown a data chip at her and it landed in her hot cappuccino and melted the chip and burned her hands with the splashed cappuccino. As it was she hadn't spoken to him since. She checked her schedule and was looking forward to her end of shift.

As Paul came to a stop outside of the office and pressed the door chime and waited for Iria to call him into her Sanctum, as Paul waited he wondered if this was a good idea to visit her after the last time when he threw the data chip at her and it landed in a hot mug of coffee, he knew that he should not have done it in the first place. But he hadn’t been happy at the time when he had been moved from the department to Security but he had taken it out on Iria, this was the best chance to apologize to her about it and to speak to her about Ensign Silver.

Iria looked up at the sound of the chime and set her PaDD into a draw and locked it. Then she got to her feet, walked out of her office and secured the door, then she walked across the room to the outer office doorway. Releasing the door to open she blinked quickly as she was surprised to see Lieutenant Paul Winchester standing there. "Lt.jg. Winchester what can I do for you?" she asked lightly, though she was slightly tense, ready to move in case he was still in a hostile mood from his previous meeting.

“First of all, I am here to apologize for my actions last time in this room “ replied Paul as he knew that it had cost him a gold pip, he continued,” it was very unprofessional of me and I hope we can put it behind us,” as he hoped that she would accept his apology. And as luck would have had it, he resents the codes that had been destroyed to her terminal that same night.

Iria raised her eyes brows slightly, "It will be a while before I am ready to put it behind me, Lieutenant Winchester, I am not certain I can fully trust you yet. I will consider the apology." she said lightly, as she regarded him.

“Another reason I am here is that I have concerns about Ensign Ted Silver who is leading the science team,” he stated looking back at Iria, "I have just had a meeting with him and he is scared of cocking up,” responded Paul as he hoped that she would let him in, He stated,” He is scared silly that he is going to come back with losses as this is his first away mission in command,”

"Cocking up, I haven't heard that expression before. As for the rest of his fears, anyone would be upset to lead an away mission." Iria said evenly before she took a step back and motioned for Paul to follow, she wasn't going to take him into her inner office but standing in the outer office to talk was better than at the doorway with him in the corridor. She wasn't ready to trust him yet but she was willing to hear him out.

"It means messing up," replied Paul as he followed her into the outer office, he continued " I do want us to be working on the Same page Iria and not fight," as he didn't want the pair of them to continue this feud. he knew that when he went down onto the Planet of Hell he would need an intelligence officer to pick up the intelligence as he knew that Iria would not allow him to do it himself.

Iria frowned slightly at him, "What do you mean you want us working on the same page?" If he wanted her to work on something with him, he would need to gain her trust back first. It would go easier if he explained what he meant from the start.

"What I mean Iria is that I want to put the hostilities behind us and be a team," replied Paul as he looked back at her, he continued, " I know I haven't been the most social of late with you and after what I did I was wrong," as he stood there he finished "and I am here to offer my services if needed,"

Iria shook her head softly, "Until I can trust you which at the moment I am sorry but I don't, you hid files instead of turning them over, after which you threw the data at me, so until I am sure can trust you. I am afraid you will not be my first choice in asking for help." she paused and added, "If you have something to offer that might build up a reason to trust you I will hear you out."

"So what do I have to do to get you to trust me?" asked Paul looking back at Iria as he was here to make amends for his past actions, "I do want us to put this behind us both," as he didn't like having to fight his crewmates and that he would have their backs in a pinch as he hoped they would have his back also.

"I am willing to forgive you but until you prove you can be trusted I am afraid I won't be putting any confidence in you yet." Iria felt she was going in circles with this conversation, he was only saying the same thing different ways but not actually offering reasons on why she should and could trust him.

"Thank you, Iria," replied Paul looking back at her, "Just tell me what you need me to do to earn your trust once more," bowing his head as he knew that he now was on the path to redemption with her, he finished "in time I hope we can be friends,"

Iria nodded her head, "In time that may happen. For now if there's nothing else you want to share or say I should get back to work."

"Then I shall leave you," responded Paul as he had to get the away team ready for hell, but for him at least he had made a start at redemption and make amends, he turned and left the intelligence office and headed back to his own to make the preparations.

Lt. Iria Walon-Dodd
CIO, Chief Counselor


Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Sec/Tac


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