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Regular Duty Part 2

Posted on 18 Jun 2021 @ 11:34am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

3,469 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Location: Various
Timeline: S3 Mission 4 MD 10 During Away Teams Missions


- Silvers personal quarters -

Silver just made it to his personal quarters and the bathroom. Before he was violently sick.

Lamia had been back to her quarters to pick up a PADD she needed when her senses had picked up the sensation of someone in considerable discomfort. Following the sense, she arrived at Silver’s door. Pressing the door chime she waited but got no answer, concerned she opted to use her medical override to let herself in looking around until she saw Ted “Hello, are you alright?”

Ted just sat on the floor of the bathroom and looked at the floor. Was that the door? Did he hear a voice? Ted was not sure. Suddenly the enormity of what had gone down on the planet. Hit him like a punch to the stomach. Shaking his head he tried to speak.

“...........” Ted tried to make a noise. But nothing would come out.

Lamia could see the traumatised look in Ted’s eyes, walking over to him she knelt down on the floor a respectable distance apart. “I’m Lamia Arderne, I’m the Assistant Chief Counsellor. Forgive me for letting myself in, I sensed your emotions when I went by so I came to check on you.” She held out her hand. “How’s about we get you out of this bathroom, and into the living room?”

Ted gave her a nod and tried to stand. His legs felt light they were made of concrete.

“ Please if you could? For some reason, I suddenly do not feel so good.” Ted asked her

Lamia nodded and helped Ted up as best as she could, the effort was a little clumsy but in the end, they managed to get to the living room, and seat Ted on the sofa. “Okay, given what you’ve most likely witnessed on the surface this isn’t unusual. I suggest you try and get some rest, if you need to talk just drop in, or give myself or Lieutenant Walon a call.”

Silver looked at her and nodded.

“ Maybe I could visit you, please? I think I need help......something is wrong.......Suddenly it goodness.....Could I have a drink of water please?” Ted asked.

“Of course” Lamia nodded and headed over to the replicator, returning a few moments later with a glass of water. “Here you go. Would you like me to stay for a little while, or will you be okay?”

Silver took the glass and emptied it in one gulp.

“ Could you just for a little. Only I don’t feel so great. Oh, we were all cleared in the quarantine. So there is no danger of me turning into one of those things......oh my......” Ted said

"To be honest, I never gave that a thought" Lamia smiled as she settled down in a seat to keep Ted company. "Try this ... Close your eyes, relax, and picture yourself in a place you find relaxing. Let all else fade into the background."

Silver visualised his last holiday on Earth before he had left for the Tomcat. He had visited the northeast coast of England. To a heritage seaside town called Great Yarmouth. It had been preserved to resemble a seaside town in the early 20th century. Complete with all the sites, sounds and smells. He had been happy walking along the seafront. Looking at all the old-style arcades and restaurants. The smells of frying potatoes cut into fat strips. Things called doughnuts essentially ring-shaped fried batter dipped in something called sugar.

“ Yes. I have a place in mind.” He told her.

Lamia smiled. “Good, just stay with it. Let yourself relax and enjoy that place. It’ll help you to feel much more relaxed. Anytime you feel upset just think of your favourite place, and imagine yourself there.”

Ted looked at her and smiled. Yes, he felt that would work.

" Thanks that should really help. I need to book some counselling sessions with you. How about once we have finished here?" Ted asked.

“That sounds like a very good idea” Lamia nodded.

Looking at himself Silver realised he was still wearing his EVA suit.

“ I better get out of this thing. Maybe wearing it is adding to all this in my head. Could you help me, please? I still feel a bit shaky and these things are fiddly to put on. Let alone take off when your hands shake.” Ted said.

“Of course” Lamia nodded and offered a hand, “I’ll take the suit out of your way afterwards, and let you get some rest.”

It took them a while to get him out of the EVA suit. Once out Ted arranged to see her in her counselling capacity.

“ Anyway going to try and have a nap. Thanks for your help.” He said

“My pleasure” Lamia smiled warmly. “If you need anything just call.” With that, she nodded politely and headed on her way.


=/\= Nelson to Dodd. =/\=

=/\= Dodd here, are you ready? =/\=

=/\= All is good to go and the payload can be launched at will. =/\= Nelson replied.

=/\= Great job, transfer control to Science Lab Two and thank you for busting it out to get it done. Dodd out. =/\=

=/\= Launch Control and Payload monitoring are now transferred to your location in Science Lab 2 and monitoring can be shared with the bridge as well. Nelson out =/\=

Dodd reviewed the data and systems that showed up on the station in Science Lab 2. All checked out.

=/\= Dodd to Somers. =/\= Dodd called out to the colonel.

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= go ahead, Mr Dodd! =/\= she said looking at the viewscreen as she waited for the report.

=/\= Ma'am, the payload is ready for deployment at your command. I have controls set up here in Science Lab Two and will have the monitoring shared between here and the main viewer on the bridge at your digression. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Thank you Mr Dodd, but transfer the command to my chair console, I will bear this burden, just load the devices so they can be fired the moment the Tactical team returns from the surface =/\= the Colonel said.

=/\= Roger that, ma'am. Primary control of the payload is being transferred to your chair's console. Devices are set to fire in a specific pattern for maximum coverage at a unified rate. You will have the ability to launch as you see fit. Dodd out. =/\= Dodd replied while feeling a little relief but he was not wanting to make the Colonel have to carry the burden. He was already losing a hundred maintenance drones so that would have been the hard part for him.

=/\=Acknowledge, Somers out =/\= she said and turned to the CoO "Mr Ze target the Science Away Teams shuttle please and destroy it with standard Phaser fire, I do not wish to risk the infected being able to fly a shuttle" she said.

Tosrol looked up "understood captain using pattern alpha to concentrate fire on the weakened areas compensating for energy dispersal too should have the array lined up and ready to go now," he said twisting the dial and pushing the button on the tactical station "Phasers away colonel ship destroyed," he said without even missing a beat.

Serina was still at the helm, her eyes glued to the screen, hands at the ready to guide the ship to just surf on the upper atmosphere, still in space, however, but nonetheless ready to do what was ordered. Knowing Racine was safely back and alright helped her anxiety somewhat, but the fact of what they were about to do had its effect on her mental state. Serina knew it had to be done but it still hurt regardless.

"Colonel recommend that once we seed the planet's atmosphere that we move away from the planet to a safe distance, there may be a severe thermionic reaction once we ignite the payload." Lt Thompson said.

Dodd had already begun the modifications to the shields to allow for a severe blow from the planet's ignition. He was already inputting the specs to all engineering processors and thus the systems were updated throughout the ship and shuttles to be prepared for the aftermath that was to come."

=/\= Dodd to Somers, all shield harmonics have been enhanced to operate at one hundred fifty per cent and the deflector dish will activate when you launch the payload to add another seventy per cent boost to the shields for the ignition process. Just thinking ahead to protect all of us. I hope you don't mind the initiative." =/\= Dodd stated to the CO.

=/\=Thank you, Mr Dodd, mucho gracias, Somers out =/\= she said signing off and sitting back.

Serina looked at the captain, "Helm is ready for action captain," was all Serina could say. Her mind trying to stay focused. Not sure if anyone could see the pain in her eyes, she quickly turned her head around forward, as a single tear rolled down one cheek.

Looking at the CAG with sympathy "I know where you are coming from Lieutenant" Alex said in response.

Cahill made the usual rounds expected of an XO on board a ship when missions were in progress she then returned to the Bridge carry her tablet and sat down next to LTC Somers. "All systems are working flawlessly Captain and no problems reported. I did adjust the environmental levels some to help relieve some of the stress of the crew on the Tomcat and reduce the stuffiness in the ship's atmosphere."

As she passed the padd to the Captain. She noticed Serina let a tear fall, she massaged her shoulder. "It will be just fine Serina. You are doing a great job. No one could do better than you are."

Alex took the Padd and read it and nodded to the 2XO "Helm be ready to take us into a lower altitude, where we will be bumping on the surface of the atmosphere, so you will be needed to hold her steady" Somers said.

"Understood Captain. It is not the first time I have skimmed the atmosphere of a planet with a starship. She will ride the wind smoothly," Serina said as she began to ready the Tomcat for her new course. Serina knew just how to ride the atmosphere and made her calculations and ran them through her navigation computer and then her small PADD she used for flight simulations and smiled. All her calculations were true and on the money. "I'm all set......just waiting for the word, captain".

"Excellent" was all Somers simply said and returned to the Captain's chair.

- Shuttle Rassilon -

After the quick take-off, Paul opened a channel and said =/\=This is shuttle Rassilon to USS Tomcat, we need an emergency evac as the shuttle has encountered spores,=/\= as he looked at his tired team, he continued, " I say again we need an emergency Evac,"

Somers looks at Ze at Tactical "Lieutenant beam the personnel on the shuttle into Medical under a Level one quarantine barrier, now" the Colonel ordered as she opened a channel =/\= Somers to Winchester have your people hang onto their nethers, beaming you into quarantine in Medical, you are to remain there until cleared by the CMO, acknowledged? =/\= The Colonel asked.

[TAG:] Torsol looked to his commanding officer "Understood Captain" he pushed the buttons "Away team beaming aboard now captain straight to medical with level one quarantine shield"

=/\= Copy that Colonel, we are ready when you are,=/\= responded Paul as the team members all out of breath, but at least everyone was back safe and he had not lost anyone which was a plus on his skills and also they had retrieved the data that they had come for.

=/\= Acknowledged, Tomcat out =/\= Alex said and walked over to the secondary tactical station "okay Lieutenant Ze transport, I will take the shuttle out" she said.

Torsol moved away from the console and let the other take over moving over to his station at operations.

Meanwhile, in the moments between actions, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Cahill, Doctor get to sickbay the Tactical team is being beamed into a level one quarantine field there, they are not to leave until you are happy that they are cleared, understood? =/\= Somers said

Cahill tapped her Communication badge, =/\= On my way Captain. Sick Bay Level One quarantine and no one approaches till I get there. Isolation Suits are required for all personnel entering. No one approaches till I get there. Head Nurse Goodall replies, On it Doctor.=/\= Cahill headed to the nearest Turbo Lift. Sick Bay nonstop Cahill override Omega10 Alpha.

Once she was in Sickbay she put on the protective clothing and entered the Isolation area alone. She wanted to limit any possible exposures. "Transporter Room one beam the party straight to the Isolation Room. No one but myself will Have contact with them till I clear the party returning. Also, I have set a security protocol that only I can override once they are clear." In a few minutes, they were in the room. Welcome, home I am going to be your only contact till I clear you." She scanned them each individually. And then she examined each of the head to toe, 3 times each. Once she was satisfied she removed her protective suit.

=/\= Captain the returning Away Team is all clear and will be returning to duty.=/\=

Tapping her Commbadge to activate the line =/\=Thank you, Doctor, but give them another check over, just to be sure =/\=

=/\=Aye Captain will do as requested.=/\=

As she began to examine each of the returning crew members.

=/\=Acknowledged Doctor Somers out =/\= she closed the line and walked over to Tactical "if you will excuse me Lieutenant I will bear this burden we must undertake" she said taking over at tactical, she looked up "yes I know how to operate a tactical station and I will bear the largest part of this burden" she said and targeted the settlements and any shuttles first "Lieutenant Donovan take us into a lower orbit and hold orbit over the two Colony centres" she said.

"Understood and here we go," Serina said as she began her atmospheric descent. Steadily descending to half a meter off the atmosphere, she surfed and very little turbulence was felt. Carefully watching her course and evaluating the distance of her surfing, "Captain we are surfing over coordinates requested. You are a go for launch", Serina added, keeping the ship steady and on course.

Then activating the Comms =/\=Somers to Dodd =/\=

=/\= Dodd here ma'am, what can I do you for? =/\=

=/\= Your devices ready to go Lieutenant? and I trust the chemical plus some flammable liquid is also in the probes ready?=/\= she asked.

=/\= Ma'am you are ready to do the deed. =/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Sadly I am Lieutenant, ready those things, I will fire them off in five minutes =/\= Somers said

=/\= I have the whole plan at your command and ready the moment you are. =/\= Dodd replied

=/\=Thank you, Lieutenant, Somers, out =/\= she said and closed the link and targeted the surviving shuttles and opened up on all the shuttles at both areas of the settlement, thus ensuring that no hostiles made it off-world, "and so it begins" she finished and set up the weapons for the 'final blow'.

As the Tomcat took up a lower orbit and the friction began to buffet the ship "holder her steady" she said and released the probes which proceeded to spread out over the planet, it took a little time but notification came back that all were at their designated locations, she opened a ship wide channel =/\= All hands this is the Captain, all those that are able please honoured the dead of the planet below by standing in silence =/\= she said and left the Communications open so all could hear her speaking a quote =/\=Now I am, become Death, the destroyer of worlds =/\= she added as she pressed the activation code and with a split-second destination time between each one "Lieutenant Donovan please take us into a higher orbit" Somers said as she returned to the Captain's chair as the world below her burned with a mix of lethal chemical agent and a more lethal form of flammable which covered the planet as flora burst into flames, but the BDZ order had been carried out "Communications notify Starfleet that the task is complete" she said to the current communications officer.

"Aye Captain" then came to the response without looking at the CoO.

"Mr Ze launch warning buoys warning any ships to avoid this planet for the next thousand years," Somers said to the Chief Operations Officer.

Tosrol looked to the colonel "Aye preparing them now captain" he said pushing the buttons on his operations console, it had been a hell of a mission and it wouldn't be one the young Betazoid would forget in a hurry, making the last preparations "Buoys away they should remain active for however long we need them" he said with a brief smile as his inner calm returned and the alert he felt eased.

"Thank you, Lieutenant, it is a sad day when we have to do such a duty," Somers said and then fell silent in contemplation.

Sometime later after having been cleared of contamination some of the crew visited the ship's lounge...

- Officer's Lounge -

Nicci was off-shift, finally, after a particularly stressful away mission, and had taken the time to dress down, wearing an old (barely a year old) pair of jeans and a shirt (, and some comfortable running shoes. She was going to head into the holodeck to relax a little and 'take the edge off,' when she came upon some subspace traffic about the survivor on board. They had found some relatives back on earth, luckily, and Jessie could have some family to live with.

" I allowed to be here?" Jessie asked as she timidly walked in and sat down with Nicci.

"Of course," Nicci smiled widely, trying to calm the kid down. She placed a reassuring hand on Jessie's. "An officer invited you here, so you're allowed to be here. No worries."

"Thanks, I appreciate it...Nicci, right?"

"Yep. How're you holding up, Jessie?"

"As well as can be expected after losing my parents," she sighed. Her eyes started watering and her breathing got a little ragged.

Nicci put her hands on the girl and willed her to be a bit happier and calmer, and it seemed like she actually did calm down a bit. "I was just about to have something to eat. You want something?"

"Grilled cheese and tomato bisque? It was my favourite," Jessie said, focusing on the good times.
"You got it," Nicci smiled. Moments later, she returned with a tray of food and two drinks. She set the soup and sandwich for Jessie and a thick slab of beef for herself and a loaded baked potato with sweet tea for herself. Jessie eyed the food, which Nicci saw. "A growing...girl needs protein, right?"

Jessie's eyes flicked down, then back up to Nicci's eyes. "Yeah, I know. Those have stopped growing, thank goodness."

Jessie chuckled a bit, and then with the ice broken a little more, she and Nicci began talking about the good times with her parents and began the process of healing.

Matt chose that time to get something to et as well. He could only imagine the stress and anguish all of this business had but his team in.

Tomato soup, grilled cheese Sandwich he told the replicator. He sat down to eat...

Serina sat in her quarters trying to come to terms with what happened. It was not an easy thing for her to do or accept it. It was something that had to be done regardless of how the crew felt. Getting up, she grabbed the nearest thing she could find and threw it breaking several glass figures and finally the picture on the far wall. "Damn it all to hell!!!" she yelled at herself looking into the mirror. Grabbing a bottle of Spring Water she stormed out the door and went looking for Paul. She needed his comfort and strength.


Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting CO

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Jg. Paul Winchester
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Assistant Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Jg Matthew Thompson
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Jg Torsol Ze
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Ensign Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer

Ensign Geoffery Hale MD
Medical Officer

Petty Officer 3 Kara Pril [P: Dodd]
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist

Petty Officer 2 Timothy Nelson [P: Dodd]
Propulsion Specialist


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