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Hologrid Failure

Posted on 17 Jun 2021 @ 2:14am by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Main Engineering, Deck 15
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt was encompassed into his work down in main engineering. He was tasked with reviews of the Tomcat's Tactical relay optimizers. The whole task had taken Hewitt only a few hours to refine the matrix LCAR directory.

Just as he was finishing up the minor changes to the systems, Todd heard the computer alert sounding.

= Warning = Deck 12, Holodeck 04 Emitter Degradation Failure, System L-41-422 = The monotone computer had heralded an outlier performance in the emitter's 3004 diode display assembly. This had meant that a portion of the holodeck was fading and reading data incorrect.

The current system was operating at a 89% optimal level, which was far from the usual perfect .998% that most scaled holodecks operated under Starfleet Regulation.

Todd had blinked. Accessing the remote computer to the hologrid, he had opened an access patch to the system to study the cascading alert in System L-41-422.

"That's not supposed to happen now." He had entered in a few keys of commands into the interface, and looked back at the screen in front of him, as he stood.

Tapping his communication badge =^= Lieutenant JG Hewitt to Chief. I've been notified by the Main Computer that there is a cascading emitter failure in progress for Holodeck 04. I've opened up an inquiry into the failure, there seems to be updated corrupted data into the systems long range proprietary holo entertainment programming. In other words. Someone uploaded a faulty entertainment program. =^=

=/\= Dodd here, please head to my office and we can discuss your issue in more detail face to face. Dodd out. =/\=

=^= I'm heading to your Office as we speak Sir. Hewitt out =^= He clasped his com badge to his chest off, as he had met the doorway to the Chief's entrance.

"Sir." Todd had a PADD at his side. "We seem to have a curious problem on Deck 12." He had begun, visually looking for an invite in to the Chief's personal office.

"Please enter and have a seat." Dodd replied when this young engineer appeared at his office door. "So what is the issue at hand?"

Hewitt had entered and stood at the entrance. "Sir. I reported to you that we are having holo matrix emitter issues. The system is operating currently at 87% efficiencies." He said.

Todd then took the moment to have a seat.

"What seems to be the origin of the operational deficiencies in the holo matrix?" Dodd replied with a curious expression on his face.

"I ran a sequential data query. The uploaded proprietary program has corrupted the emitter synchro synthesizers." Todd stated. "Sir."

Pausing, Hewitt furrowed his left eye, "Ironically. The problem is not the uploaded program. The holo system should have found the data error and rejected initialization. Something happened." Hewitt as a Computer Specialist, was more interested in the failures that led to the program being operated anyways. Why did the computer system let it load?

"Interesting, you are correct in the data error should have triggered a rejection of the program." Dodd replied. "I do recall that deck twelve was always our trouble child in anything engineering related or computer related. I think we may have to overhaul Deck 12 next time we are docked at a starbase. But for now let's see what we can do to fix it. You can use my personal lab if that will help."

"Should be good. Thank you Lieutenant Dodd." Hewitt had visualized the processes that would entail with fixing the hologram receptors and anodes.

"Should be a matter of checking over the chipset and upgrading to a system re-set with the changes." Todd had estimated.

"The chipset may have been a faulty set but the upgrade will happen at the next layover at starbase 51." Dodd replied. "We will need to get a work around in place until that happens."

"Aye, Sounds good." Hewitt had acknowledged, before he then resumed his ready posture. He was happy to complete work, as he found the Hologrid interesting. "I'll be on deck 12."

"That will be appreciated. I will be by to inspect your work when you are finished." Dodd replied. "You can take a few engineers to help if you need it."


LT Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer
USS Tomcat


Lt. Jg. Todd Hewitt
Computer Specialist, Engineering
USS Tomcat


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