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Hope it sticks, this time!

Posted on 05 Jul 2021 @ 8:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 10:01pm

2,808 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51/Various


Samantha had just finished her day's paperwork when an alert came over her computer, she called up the alert and saw that a new Marine Executive Officer had just arrived, she wondered what the hell the Tomcat did to its MXOs to make them vanish, but that was not her issue, her duty was to get the new officer into the system so standing up she tugged her tunic down in a well practised action and headed out of her office. She nodded to the other crew as she passed them and entered the nearest lift and the moment the doors closed.

"Arrival's," she said and the lift began to move down, sideways up, if she was the type she would feel the movements of the whizzing lift, but thankfully the inertial dampeners were working and the ride was quick, five minutes later she arrived on the Arrival's level and walked towards the lounge area and looked around for a green shirt and saw one and walked up to her.

"Second Lieutenant Mazal Falk?" She asked the Marine.

Mazal was looking out at the stars, one hand placed upon a hamper next to her. She was guarding it like something of great worth and that was what it was. She heard her name and turned to face the one who called her.

She took in the features of the blond woman in the colour of Security and noting her pips, Mazal went immediately to attention. "That is me, sir. " and also giving a nod in greeting. She watched as the lieutenant commander walked, taking in the telltale signs of someone who was familiar with fighting. And there was also the signs in the woman's eyes.

"Are you the one that was to meet me?" It was probably considered a dumb question, but one never knew. Mazal's own stance was one that had confidence, and also seemed to stand at the ready as well. Her dark brown hair was braided back in a French braid, all neat and tidy.

"All new arrivals go through me Lieutenant, I get them onto the system give special security codes and Security Clearances, if they are a Department Head, then I direct them to meet the Commanding Officer, Deputy Department Heads go to meet their Department bosses, as you will, now if you follow me Lieutenant we will go to my office where I can get you on to the system and then let you go on your merry way," Smithson said as her Padd sounded, she pulled it out and looked and smiled "you are in luck Lieutenant the Tomcat is on it's way back from its current mission and will be docked for some time for shore leave and after the mission, they just finished, they will need some downtime if what I hear about Phase 2 is true," Smithson said and entered the nearest turbo lift and waited till the Marine caught up with her. When the door had closed "Security office" Sam said and the lift began to move towards its destination, "so Lieutenant, any questions thus far?" She asked.

Mazal followed after Smithson, listening to the details, still carrying the basket which held the wines in it, making note of the path they were following, definitely having a keen interest in what she was seeing.

"I do have a few questions, what was Phase 2? Can you give me that information? Will I be needing to find out what's going on from someone else?" oO I hope I haven't asked too many questions or maybe I've not asked enough. Oo

Mazal was worrying her lip lightly with her teeth then realized what she was doing and stopped it. She's faced scarier things so ..why was she being nervous?

Sam noted what the Lieutenant was holding and made a mental note to ask, but for now, she responded to the questions "Phase 2 was supposed to be Bluegill containment and eradication. But when they got the the target system the first of the two-class M planets had only one person on it and that was a young child, that planets colonists had boarded all their shuttles and went to the second class M to answer a distress call, reports after that are fuzzy, but from what little came back the second class M planet was infected with more than Bluegills, so much the away teams had to wear EVA suits on a planet, but the crew will always remember Phase 2 for the final order they had to implement, it was an order Starfleet reluctantly gave, any more details you will need to speak to one of the crew when they dock" Smithson responded.

Bluegills, Mazal sucked in her breath hearing that dreaded word. That parasitic infestation brought Starfleet almost to its knees, when it was first discovered. It was a nightmare! "I will certainly do so, and from what it sounds like, the crew will definitely be needing some time off." giving a slight shudder. She'd read the reports and heard tales of those parasites.

Mazal noticed the curious glance that Smithson had given to the basket she held. "Would you like to have a perusal of the contents of this basket? I would like to know if it is okay that I brought this with me." opening the basket for Smithson to examine. "It's some of my uncle's best wines."

As the lift stopped at the desired level and as they headed to the security office she took a look into the basket "all look nice, are they for Lieutenant Jackson your Department Head or for the Captain?" Smithson asked looking at the nice wines and such in the basket as she walked down the corridor to her office.

There were four bottles and well, perhaps a gift for the Chief of Operations wouldn't be inappropriate? Mazal was unused to giving out gifts especially the fine wines her uncle had given to her to give. "Well, I suppose it is how I see fit for distribution. My Uncle rarely does this, if at all. I guess he is very pleased with my new rank and position." following after Smithson.

"Interesting" Smithson simply said as she led the Lieutenant into Security and then into her office, "please have a seat Lieutenant I will get you set up with clearances and the like for the Tomcat," she said and she began to type stuff into the system.

"That sounds lovely." Mazal looked at the basket then at Smithson. "Perhaps you would like one of these bottles? They are a very fine wine. I can give one to the Captain, and one to the Department head and I will keep one just for me, for a special occasion." thinking that was a fair option in her mind. She also took notice of the desk and what Smithson may have on her desk, as in maybe photos that sort of thing.

"Is there any red wine in there?" Smithson asked as she typed away not missing that the Lieutenant was looking at her desk "you will not see any photos Lieutenant, I am all alone and not talked to my parents for some time, not on good terms with each other, both are freighter Captain's and they wanted me to follow them into the freighter team, but I chose Starfleet as for a significant other, I do not have one" she said and out from the marching to her right was an ID card with the Lieutenants picture and basic details, now she began to work on her clearances.

"Spartan decor, and it makes things safer," Mazal remarked. "Good thinking, as someone trying to gain intelligence on like for instance, you. They wouldn't be able to pick up much, if at all." She pulled out one of the bottles of wine, red, and walked over to the desk to place it on the top, near Smithson. "here you go, compliments of my Uncle." Mazal gazed once more at the desk then took a seat while waiting. "I am indeed sorry that your parents and you don't get along with each other. It is unfortunate that it is that way."

"I know, but it is what it is," Smithson said and picked up the ID Card and held it out to Falk "this is your ID Card, it is to be worn at all times on the Tomcat, if not visibly, then on your person, the only time you are allowed to go without it on the ship is when you are doing Phys Ed with the other rifles and when you are on away missions the card must be left in your quarters on the ship, any questions?" Smithson asked still holding the ID card out.

Falk moved forward to take the card from Smithson, "Thank you. As for other questions, 1. When it comes to billeting will there be two areas to do so as in, when the Tomcat is stationed here, we have quarters? I do believe that is a given that on the Tomcat that I'll have a place to hang my hat. 2. What are your feelings about friendships being developed between Starfleet and Marines? I am not talking about romantic relationships, just friendships." sitting back into her chair Mazal was keenly watching Smithson, waiting to hear her reply. In her service, Mazal had met people who wanted the division between Marines and Starfleet, to remain, while others didn't.

Sam paused what she was doing and looked up at the Lieutenant "the first question all Tomcat Personnel have billets on the Starbase, as room on the Tomcat is at a premium all excess items are left on the Starbase in their quarters with only a few essential items in their quarters on the ship. Your second question as far as I am aware there are no set rules, hell there is a Sergeant Major dating a Full Lieutenant on the ship, so mingling in such a manner is allowed unlike other ships in the Fleet on the Tomcat Rifles and Fleet cannot afford to be at odds with each other, granted you will rarely see a Rifleman manning a bridge station these days as there are more fleet personnel on the ship now, in fact, if memory serves the only current Marine on the ship that is on the bridge is the acting Captain Lieutenant Colonel Somers all other officers are fleet" Smithson said. With the questions answered, she finished her next two tasks and paused to see what if any other questions or comments the Lieutenant would say.

Mazal was a bit surprised at the answers about romance in Starfleet here. "Well, I think that will be all the questions I have for now, though if I do have any others I will come here to ask." giving a nod. "And enjoy your wine." Mazal also said, "And if you are not against friendship, let's grab a drink. Or coffee or tea. Well, something anyway." standing up. "Thank you for the assistance, and enjoy your wine."

"Excuse me Lieutenant, but we are not quite finished here, yet and yes I will enjoy the wine," Smithson said as she took out an Iso chip that had been in a socket being loaded up the appropriate clearance codes. Sam held out the Iso chip "I know you were given standard departmental clearance codes before you arrived here, but on this chip are codes unique to the Tomcat and are only usable on the ship, without them, well let's just say you would not want to be without them" Smithson said letting Falk take the chip as a paper strip was being printed out.

"As for accommodation on this base, there are plenty of quarters still available, just find one, then register your occupancy with the Quartermaster, dump any excess stuff until you have time to unpack. The Tomcat will be in the dock for a bit so you will have time to meet First Lieutenant Patrick Jackson, now if you see some haunted looks on the faces of the crew, they had to do something that went against their training and as is the norm with all humanoid species of the solid variety they all have a form of guilt for what happened to a lost cause colony, only one pulled the trigger, but you have the helm officer who would have had to hold a low orbit while the firing was done, that is just an example, there are many other variations, I call it survivor guilt Medics call it PTSD" Smithson added.

Mazal had given an apologetic smile, to Smithson as Mazal hadn't realized there was more to getting signed on here, unlike her other posts. She held the chip in her hand and listened to what Smithson had said. "Okay security chip, check. Register with the Quartermaster, check," she said softly to herself. The next words from Smithson really caught her attention.

"Okay, that is a lot for anyone to deal with," Mazal replied, an expression of concern evident on her face. "I will be mindful of what's happened, but won't be staring at them either. Anyone who has survivors guilt does not need a look of pity, but there does need to be understanding as well. I know what it is like to have survivor's guilt but, not at the level they will are facing."

Pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts, Mazal then continued, "I am looking forward to meeting 1st Lieutenant Jackson, and see if we can work together or not. I am going to be doing my best to be a good XO though and make certain there will be communication. And if there is a miscommunication I fully intend on making certain it will be cleared up." she looked at Smithson, "is there anything else I've missed? Is there another person I'll be needing to meet with, besides Jackson?"

"That is good to know Lieutenant," Smithson said as she tore a strip of paper out of the machine in the wall and held it out to her "this Lieutenant is a one-use code, it is to only be used in an emergency, for example, if the ship is taken over by an enemy force and you are the only one left awake or alive, you would use this code to lock out the enemy from the computer before they could access it. As it is a one-use code you have to memorize it and then destroy this strip of paper" she said holding it out to the Lieutenant.

Mazal accepted the strip of paper and took a really long look at it then turned her attention back to Smithson. "Understood," she said, realizing even more than being an XO of the Marines, this new rank and what it stood for, meant more responsibility, more heavy considerations and choices. However, it wasn't something she was going to shy from.

"That is good thinking." Mazal stated, "and I accept this as well." she paused then asked, "Have I forgotten anything else? I don't want to walk away without getting all that is necessary." Mazal giving a rueful chuckle towards herself.

"No that is about it, all new Department Heads and Deputy Heads get such things, but have you any final questions before I give final directions and then I let you go?" Smithson asked.

Mazal went over her mental checklist twice, before she answered. "I do believe that I have no more questions. I think I'm good to go, after your final directions." Mazal replied, a slight smile, as she was feeling pretty good about things so far.

Sam nodded "Good, you will need to seek out Lieutenant Patrick Jackson the MCO and go from there, he is now your Department Head and will take further directions from him. The Tomcat is still en route so you will have time to sort out some Starbase quarters" Smithson said.

Falk gave a nod, "Okay that will work for me, and definitely give me time to settle in my quarters. I think I am good." her dark brown eyes filling with excitement once more.

"Well if there is nothing else you have to ask, then I will let you go about your personal business," Smithson said standing up and holding out her hand "good luck Lieutenant, look after yourself," Smithson said.

"I'll do my best, and thank you." Falk replied.

With that, the new Marine picked up her stuff and left her Office, Sam looked at her departing back and sighed "the Tomcat has a lot of turnover where the crew is concerned, I hope it sticks this time" she said to herself and returned to her work.


Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security

2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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