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Two Fold Celebration

Posted on 12 Jun 2021 @ 11:30pm by Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 12 Jun 2021 @ 11:45pm

2,992 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Earth
Timeline: Before arriving to Starbase 51


It was her Aunt Mary's birthday and the celebration was in full swing. Mazal was enjoying herself. It was good to see the family especially after her last mission. It was a hard one, lost a good man as they stormed a group of insurgents who were hunkered down in an almost inaccessible position. They managed to get them, the insurgents thinking that they had the whole field of fire.

Dante', scrappy fellow decided to go all out and zig zagged playing bait. Most times his little scheme worked out beautifully with them providing cover fire, and back up, getting the little gophers to hunker down. Dante' he was fast, one of the fastest in the squad. Rather agile, and his luck, the man had a lot of luck, but that day his luck ran out. Or did it? If it weren't for him, they would have run into an ambush, he flushed them out. Unfortunately he caught one. Dante' died with a smile though, he kept his team safe, and he got a kiss from her.

That thought made her laugh. He had motioned for her to come close as if to tell her his last wish, she came close and he up and kissed her, with his final breath saying. "Finally, I can die a happy man." and passed away in her arms. Gosh, he was cheeky.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Esther, the shadchanit (match maker) came over to where she stood. Esther was a petite woman, with fluffy snow white hair, a kind gentle woman who offers you cookies. Well that impression is when you first meet her, but later on you realize that she also had a lot of determination.

"Mazal, I have several men for you to meet. After all you are already 31 and yet you are still not married. I want you to come meet with them. I have them over there, all three of them really wanting to meet you. Perhaps you can go meet them, and maybe... you will see if one of them will suit your fancy." Esther beaming up at Mazal.

"Esther, who put you up to this?" Mazal deciding to be direct, but with a twinkle in her eyes, already suspecting whom it could have been.

"Oh it was your sister, Miriam. She said you told her that you have been looking and hadn't found the right match." Esther said with a smile. "She said you needed help and so here I am. Your personal matchmaker."

Mazal made certain not to outright laugh, and well, Esther did take the time to line up three men for her to peruse. All three did look rather handsome. And it seemed that Esther took great care in her selection for her to get a look at.

She walked over, definitely glad she took the time to dress up for Aunt Mary's party. Her hair was loose, her locks glossy and a silky. The red silk dress hugged her curves but not obnoxiously so. Now she knew why her sister wanted her to wear this particular dress. She looked back towards her sister who had the expression of a cat that ate the canary. Having the smug look of triumph.

Mazal turned her attention to the three men. "Hello gentlemen, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Esther mentioned you three wished to meet me?" her smile dazzling, with a touch of playfulness.

All three of them gulped, not expecting her to be so direct.

Mazal can see that other members of the party celebration were showing keen interest in her interaction with the three men. Especially her Aunt Mary and her mother. Well also Esther and her sister. Wait, it seemed that everyone was watching like it was some sort of side show. Whenever Mazal made eye contact with someone, they would just smile, raise up a glass towards her then go back to their conversation.

Mazal turned back to the three gentlemen sizing them up. All three were fine looking. "Before we get things started. How about you introducing yourself to me." Giving a bit a of an encouraging smile, Mazal wondering which of them would speak up first.

Looking one from another, wondering whom would go first, Mazal pointed at the one who was the tallest. He had dark brown hair, which was pulled back in a ponytail, his eyes a deep dark blue. Clean cut square jaw and a cleft in his chin. His shoulders were broad and his skin was a dark brown from working in the sun. She could see he had callouses on his hands. And he had muscles as well.

"I'm Amir Hoffman, I am a carpenter. A pleasure to meet you, Mazal." a brilliant smile lighting up his face. He reached out his hand to shake hers. His grip was strong but gentle.

The next one she pointed at had coal black hair that had just the lightest of waves, his eyes a deep dark brown. His skin wasn't as dark as Amir's, though his hands also showed signs that he worked with his hands too. He was able to look her straight in the eyes, and he smiled, he did have some facial stubble but it wasn't looking bad on him.

"I am Gavri Simon, I work with plants, and am into Horticulture and landscaping." He stated, his voice rather deep and melodic.

Mazal smiled at Gavri as well, so far she was certainly liking what these men do for a living. She looked at the last one. He was a few inches shorter than the rest, he wasn't as muscular as the other, he had dark red hair, a wiry build but still very good looking and he had hazel eyes.

"What do you do for a living? And what is your name?" Mazal asked.

"My name is Simon Peterson and I am a baker and chef." Simon answered, "I would like the opportunity to get to know you." his voice confident and sure. "And I am certain they would too." giving a look towards the other two men whom nodded.

Mazal bit her lip as she thought over what to do, all were wonderful, and she would be interested but, she didn't know where she might end up in the future, and would it be fair for them to wait to get to know her by corresponding with her, and her keeping them dangling while she made up her mind? Mazal mentally shook her head, she couldn't do that to them. She may not be here for that long.

Then an idea came to mind and she would get some benefit from it, and she did want to kiss them. She smiled, ignoring the background of people still sneakily watching.

"How do you want to do this? I correspond with all three of you to decide if we are compatible?" she asked them directly.

Amir, Gavri and Simon, all three nodded at her. Amir spoke up. "I'm sure I can speak for us all, we'd like to do so. With no hard feelings on who would get to be with you."

Mazal's eyebrows rose almost disappearing into her hairline, then she got a sly smile. "Tell you what, instead of putting you through that sort of tortuous waiting and agonizing. How about I give you a test and that will take care of the waiting process."

Amir spoke up, "What is this test?" the other men also had that questioning gaze.

"The perfect way I think I can decide, would be for us to kiss, and then I can see if there is any sort of chemistry between us. What do you think?" Mazal gave each of them a mildly flirtatious look, with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait, what? A kiss test?" Simon stammered out, his cheeks going a bit pink as well, and rubbing the back of his head.

Mazal directed her gaze to Simon, "Well yes, if I don't feel there is anything there, kiss wise then you will be out of the running." Mazal replied, with a serious expression.

Gavri spoke up, "Why again the kiss test and not corresponding with you?" Giving her a calculating look.

"With my being a marine my job tends to take me to places I may not be able to correspond with any of you." Mazal being serious at this comment. "I have found that doing things this way, there won't be any long term hemming and hawing about this." looking at all three of them she continued.

"At times I have trouble with the waiting. If there is something there, I will give it a chance if not. I won't. Wrong chemistry tends to create problems. Sometimes it makes things explode and not in a good way." she looked at them. "I do not and will not play mind games not like this. As this isn't something to be taken lightly. What do you say?"

Simon, Amir and Gavri put their heads together and conversed quietly amongst themselves. Glancing over towards her, then they turned to Mazal, giving her a contemplative look, then go back to their discussion, finally they turned to face her.

Amir spoke up, "Okay we are all in agreement, will it be here, out where everyone can see us, and also we can see each other or?" raising a dark eyebrow at Mazal.

"It will be one at a time. It wouldn't be fair for the others to look on, and the kiss won't be a good one if you don't relax." Mazal remarked. "Just enjoy the moment, okay?" giving them a saucy smile.

They all nodded, all three men having anticipating expressions. And all three were eager as well. They looked at each other, hoping that they would be the one who will be the victor of this challenge.

Mazal motioned towards Amir who offered his arm and they walked out of the party area. Amir glancing back towards Simon and Gavri. A few minutes passed, Amir and Mazal came back, the tall dark haired carpenter had a bemused smile and had stars in his eyes. Simon and Gavri wondered which of them would be next.

Mazal gestured towards Gavri, he smiled and offered his arm to her and they disappeared for a few minutes. Simon noticed that he and Amir were still being regarded as something of interest even if they were to the side of the room. One of the male guests gave Simon a thumbs up, as if to wish him good luck.

Simon gave a shoulder shrug then smiled in answer. When Mazal returned with Gavri, he too had goofy smile and stars in his eyes. It seemed that he enjoyed the kiss test. Simon looked at the two men and wondered just how he will feel when it was his turn. Simon's heart raced when Mazal held out her hand towards him. Simon offered his arm and she took it and they disappeared from view.

Amir and Gavri could only smile and got a drink from the bar to wait for Mazal and Simon's return. They watched with the rest of the room, for the return of the two. When they returned, Simon had a goofy smile as well. Mazal's eyes were twinkling and had an impish smile, having enjoyed this little made up test.

When all was said and done, Mazal looked at all three of them. "Oh good heavens, all three of you are powerful kissers." fanning herself with her hand, as if to cool herself down. Her radiant smile faded, as a woeful expression took its place.

The men gulped slightly they were already getting the feeling of what she was about to say. They looked at each other, took a drink from their glasses then Amir spoke, up in order for her to not have to state the words.

"Don't worry, Mazal, you don't have to say it. We can see it in your eyes. We know you aren't putting us in the friend zone. And even as harsh as this was for us, we do appreciate you not stringing us along. Well, we can't really call it harsh, after all, we got a kiss from you." giving her a cheeky smile.

Simon and Gavri nodded and chuckled in agreement. Those that were nearby gave a bit of a gasp at what was stated, then turned away as if they were not seeing the exchange, well some of them weren't watching. Others were treating this as a live soap opera.

Mazal narrowed her eyes at the three men. "And now what?" feeling slightly uncomfortable with all this attention. She narrowed her eyes slightly, then saw the humor in all of this, and chuckled.

Amir grinned, "We'll keep in touch and you be careful out there, Mazal Falk." then he stepped over and kissed Mazal on the lips, leaving her stunned. Gavri and Simon followed suit and all three men left the room, giving their farewells to Aunt Mary.

Mazal didn't move a muscle for a few moments, her dark haired sister, Miriam walked up to her, with concern in her eyes, Mazal's mother came as well.

"Are you okay, Daughter?" Mazal was asked by her mother, who touched her daughter's arm a bit worried.

Mazal's eyes came into focus. And she was bemused. "I am okay Mama, that was just..Unexpected." she laughed thinking it over.

Miriam wrapped an arm about Mazal's waist, What did you think of those three? Did you like them, any of them?"

"Oh, Esther and you chose well, and I could actually see myself with anyone of them but... there just wasn't the right chemistry. Sure they have chemistry but, it didn't feel right or fair for them. I had to make the hard call there."

Miriam was crestfallen. "I'm sorry it didn't work." giving Mazal another squeeze about the waist.

Mazal reached out and gave her sister and her mother an embrace. "It's okay Miriam, Mama, I do understand your desire for me to be happy. And sorry I have disappointed you."

Behind the three women, the party was going on with Mazal's Aunt Mary, her hair still mostly dark but peppered with white, was being the life of the party regaling the visitors and well wishers about her acquiring the code name Scary Mary. " So the reason why I got the name of Scary Mary was due to how calmly I took care of an explosive trap. The others were rather nervous as I had to put my hand where there was some nasty creatures who were surrounding said explosives. It had a pack of large rat like animals and they were a bit squeamish in putting their hands in there, I didn't have any trouble doing so even picked up one of the animals. They called me Scary due to my seeming to have no fear." Aunt Mary shrugged at that .

A noise came from Mazal's purse and she pulled out her padd, and read the message. "Well looks like I've got my new orders." and her eyes went large. "What the heck?!" her exclamation interrupted the next story of her Aunt's. She momentarily lost her voice as Mazal stared at the message.

Miriam took the PADD from Mazal and read the message and squealed. "Oh my gosh!!" her eyes large as saucers.

This caused heads to turn wondering just what was up. "Well don't keep us in suspense girl!" Aunt Mary snapped out.

"Miriam let me have that please. " Mazal's mother requested wriggling her fingers towards Miriam. Her eyes lit up and she took it to Aunt Mary. "Look at this!"

"This is wonderful!" the two women said at the same time. Looked at each other and laughed.

Someone called out, "What is the news?!" a stir racing around the room, as people buzzed about what was happening.

"Mazal's been called to be a Marine XO! And she will be a 2nd Lieutenant!" Aunt Mary and Meshia shouted in unison.

There rose a cheer from everyone at the party. This was great news indeed, well wishers coming up and congratulating Mazal for her rise in rank and new position.

Aunt Mary was delighted. "A perfect birthday present for me." giving Mazal an embrace."This has turned into a two-fold celebration!" giving a big grin and a heartfelt embrace to her Niece. "When do you go?" Aunt Mary looking at the orders. "Oh my you leave tomorrow. Well everyone enjoy the evening." giving a smile.

The next day, Mazal found herself with her bag packed as well as a present for whomever would be her new commander.
She looked at her uncle. "Are you certain this is a good thing, my bringing alcohol?"

Her Uncle Jacob Levi grinned, as he answered, rubbing his hands in his greying dark hair, "Trust me my girl always best to bring gifts."

Mazal looked at the bottles her eyebrows raising, "Some of your best stuff?" checking the date of the wines, then gave him an embrace.

Uncle Jacob waved Mazal off. "Shush, do not say another word. Just do as I say, and give this to whomever. It will be fine."

One last kiss from her mother and her papa Abner who wiped a tear from his eyes, as well as last embraces from her Aunt Mary and family members. She stepped onto the ramp which led to her transport stopping to wave a farewell to them.

"Love all of you!" Mazal shouted, turned and walked up the ramp and disappeared from view. Not wanting them to see the tears running down her cheeks.

Mazal watched as her family watched, from a safe distance the transport lifting from the ground and them shrinking as it rose higher and higher then they disappeared from view. Mazal turned to find her seat, holding the basket of wine in her lap.


2nd Lt Mazal Falk
Marine Executive Officer


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