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Comfort Foods

Posted on 25 Jul 2021 @ 7:49am by Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Edited on on 25 Jul 2021 @ 8:45am

573 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Lounge, various
Timeline: After Phase 2 and Interlude


- Lounge -

After the emotional rollercoaster that Ted had just been on. It came to him that he needed to chill out. Go somewhere that was not science related and just be Ted Silver. Not Ensign or Deputy Chief Science Officer. Just good old well not so old Ted Silver. So he headed to the lounge. Ordered him self a cup of green tea with just a dash or lemon and sugar. Then he sat down and gazed out the window.

Iria walked into the Lounge and after a moment of looking around saw Ensign Silver, he appeared to be eating was looked to be distractedly having some type of tea.

She got an order of fried peanut butter and grape jelly toast, (it was like a grilled cheese but made of peanut butter and jelly instead), and a tall glass of cold milk. Iria walked to Silver's table and spoke gently, "Do you mind if I join you Ensign?"

Ted had been looking out the window and not heard her come up to him.

"Not at all please sit." Ted said standing and pointing to the empty seat.

Iria sat down in a smooth motion, "How are you doing?" she asked lightly as she got her tray settled, she didn't reach for her sandwich yet but did take a small sip from her milk from the straw.

Ted took a seat again. He gave his drink a sip and smiled.

" A lot better thank you. I have been seeing one of you colleges and it has really helped me. I now understand that no matter what we did on that planet. There was no way to save anyone once they had turned. I have not see you in a while. How are you doing?" Ted asked her.

"I am well enough, paperwork and research and decryption have been keeping me busy. If I had thought ahead of what managing two departments would mean in regards to the paperwork amounts I would have at least taken time to get more help with some of it." Iria said with a wry grin.

Ted nodded as he took a sip of his green tea.

“ You know the replicators on the Tomcat are really very good. This green tea with lemon actually tastes so real. You would think there is a real lemon in it. Paperwork the Bane of every Starfleet officer. If the amount I have to wade through is bad. As Deputy Science Officer. I hate to think how much it would be if I was the Chief. “ Silver said

"Indeed, and yes the replicators are good at getting the flavors we love. Though there's times is it still fun to get a real cup of hot chocolate instead of replicating it." Iria said with a smile.

Ted noticed a sad look on her face. He was just about to ask if she was ok. When Walon stood.

"I am glad you are doing better and that the other counselors have been able to help you. I need to get back to work. I hope to see you again soon Ensign Silver." Iria said as she got up with a regretful smile.

He stood up as she turned and left. Then Ted sat down again. Whatever was wrong he felt it was not his place to pry.


Lt. Iria Walon-Dodd
CIO, Chief Counselor

Lt.(jg) Ted Silver
Deputy Chief Science Officer


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