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Cahill goes to see Walon

Posted on 25 Jul 2021 @ 2:17am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Walon's Office


Cahill had been passed over for promotion to XO and she was down in spirit. So she went to talk with Walon. And get some counselling. She felt it would help her.

She did not go to a Counsellor often but this time she needed to talk. Being passed over for promotion made her think she was doing something wrong.

Iria looked up at the doorway and got to her feet, "Doctor Cahill? what can I do for you today? Do you want to have a seat or something from the replicator?"

Cahill smiled, "If you got a minute I was hoping we could talk. And some strong coffee would be nice please," as she sat down. "I decided to come talk to you some after the news was given to me about being passed over for the promotion to XO." she said

Iria brought over the coffee for Cahill and sat down with a cup of hot chocolate for herself. "Who got promoted to first officer instead?" she asked curiously.

"They decided to give it to Dodd instead. And as you can expect I am going through a lot of emotions because of it." Cahill replied.

Iria blinked in surprise, "That must have been a shock indeed," Iria paused and added "You have to know the Captain and Acting Captain don't make snap decisions but after a lot of thought and weighing the pros and cons." Iria sipped her hot chocolate, "Plus the fact your assistant did end up needing to transfer, we can't leave Sickbay without CMO and ACMO," Iria said gently.

"I know, but it hard to accept you got passed over, and CMO is one position you cannot be XO and hold that position as well. You can't do both at the same time like for instance CSO." Cahill said.

Iria nodded her head softly, "I know, there's good and bad points on all fronts of service."

"And I do know that the Tomcat is in good hands with Dodd as the XO. And if needed I am still 2XO."

Iria nodded, "Very true, you're the Second officer and the CMO and I am sure that the command team will continue to be stronger together."

Lieutenant Iria Walon-Dodd
Chief Counselor-Chief Intelligence officer


Lieutenant Commander
Alexanderia Cahill


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