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The Icarus Scenario

Posted on 20 Feb 2017 @ 10:23pm by Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant Solan Jekkar
Edited on on 20 Feb 2017 @ 10:29pm

1,333 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Security Offices, USS Tomcat
Timeline: Mission Day 0-2


Solan stood in the Security Offices on the Tomcat examining the last aspects of his preparations. Now he had been given the go-ahead from Captain Somers, the Andorian planned to make the most of it. He just had to wait for Major Donovan to arrive and then things could be brought into motion.

S'arila was in the armoury checking the weapons, while the lights were brighter than normal but low enough for her to go without her specially build rose tinted specs, the ones that allowed her to see as a normal person, and those looking at her with them on would see normal eyes, but that was the holo-technology. She saw in black and white with a hint of pink from the glasses. As she was working she heard someone enter the security office, she finished up her checks then exited the Security Office armoury, one of the new officers was in the main security office, the chief's office through the window she saw an Andorian, she guessed it was the new Chief of Security.

"Well time to meet the new Security Chief," she said to herself and walked into the Chief's office. "Lieutenant Jekkar I presume?" she asked looking down at him, Andorians were short to most humanoids, but were still formidable fighters, now she stood behind Jekkar waiting patiently and minus her glasses.

The Andorian turned to face her. "Yes Ma'am." He said extending his hand. "Solan Jekkar, Chief of Security."

She tilted her head to the side and had an amused expression on her face as she took his hand and gave it a firm shake, with a small smile and raised an eyebrow "pleased to meet you El-tee, I am to take my lead from you on some plan you have! interesting, it is strange for me to encounter anyone who does not pause or flinch in surprise from seeing my eyes, it is a nice change to meet another who does not flinch" he eyes seemed to illuminate a little, but she put her glasses on and thanks to the mini holoprojectors in them the glasses made her red solid eyes seem like normal human ones and turning her vision from heat to normal. "So where do we go from here?" She asked.

The Andorian politely bowed his head and then focused his attention on the matter at hand. "Well take a seat and let's get to it." He said motioning to the seat opposite his desk. Solan then made a move to the Wall Mounted Display behind his desk. "I give you the Icarus Scenario." He said as he presented the detailed scenario to her.

She sat back and crossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap, the chairs were made for shorter sentient, she found them to be somewhat small "Okay hit me with your best shot, this sounds like it might be fun!"

Solan nodded. "Icarus, the Greek Myth named after the son of Master Craftsman Daedalus who flew too close to the sun on a pair of wings made of feathers and wax." The Andorian chuckled at the comical thought of such mythology. "For this aptly named Scenario, two teams designated Icarus and Daedalus respectively will attempt to seize Tomcat and use her to destroy the sun of a nearby star system in an effort to disrupt the local region of space."

Now she was interested, "so what is my role in this idea of yours, I know you have not yet checked my service jacket, but I can breathe in most liquid atmospheres and most water bodies without breathing gear and breathe most atmosphere types, but not vacuum" she smiled at vacuum "I also when not wearing these *points to her glasses* see in infra-red vision, all are colours, anything from room temp up to white hot and all the red and yellows in between, I was built for stealth and combat" she finished.

He nodded. "Your role Major is I'd like you to use your Marines and skill set to lead a Team to capture Engineering and key areas of the Ship." Solan highlighted a section of the details. "We simulate an attack on Tomcat which incapacitates a vast majority of the Senior Staff forcing Command to fall to a Junior Level Officer." He grinned. "I myself will be on hand to monitor the scenario and as such will neither be involved directly or incapacitated, I will merely not exist for this Scenario."

S'arila thought over his plan and nodded sounds like you have a good plan there Mr Jekkar, but you will need to clue in the Captain and First Officer on this" Donovan said and she began to make plans, she would need to train her Bravo Unit for the test. She looked at him "I think we can set a mock bridge up on holodeck one and used the actual ship levels for the assault. I would like to add that my team would gather in the main shuttle bay and simulate an assault landing, also use K'Muss and Alpha Unit as extra security, if Alpha team are going to be mainly ship duties when not in combat, they will need to face the best of the best in a mock simulation, so what you think?"

"I like it," Solan said as he made a note on his PADD. "I'll organise some Holodeck time." The Andorian agreed with her idea. "I think we can make it interesting with a spanner or two in the works."

Donovan looked at him with a mischevious smile "I like the idea of a spanner in the works, it sounds nasty!" So apart from that, is there anything else, I mean it is your plan and you are taking the lead, I will take my cues from you" Donovan said.

The Andorian nodded politely. "Thanks, I will finalise the details and forward them to your Office," Solan said as he filtered through some more information. "My expertise lies more in Strategy than Brute Force so any pointers are appreciated."

"If I have any I will supply them, but any hostiles that would board this ship will either do strategy 9 times out of ten and the odd one left it would be brute force, as I have 24 Chosen Men I will split them up into two groups and have each concentrate on an area, one for brute force, the other for stealth. To simulate such instances only the targeted person who is to be left in charge of the bridge should be left out of the briefing, as they will be the ones being tested, we can use subterfuge. What say you El-tee?" Donovan asked.

He nodded. "I agree if we give the rest of the Crew a standardised briefing we should be able to cover all bases." Solan made a note on his PADD. "I would advise we establish a code word in the event of an emergency."

Looking a little mock-puzzled "how about HELP! *giggles* seriously though I agree we need to work out a cancellation word, as I know the Captain, she is fine to allow such exercises on her ship, but if some real emergency comes up things change. So what do you suggest Mr Jekkar?" Donovan asked.

She nodded in agreement to those ideas as he came up with them "excellent ideas, I have to get back to checking the small armouries, so I will let you get to your duties Lieutenant. When those ideas are in place show me the rundown of them in a visual format on the holodeck" Donovan said, Jekkar nodded.

Both then stood up and Donovan watched the Security Chief leave, oO he has promise Oo she thought, then shrugged and returned to the tedious task of checking the small weapons lockers and then the main armoury.


Major S'arila Donovan [PNPC: Somers]
Bravo Unit Officer 95th Rifles, Chosen Man
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Jg Solan Jekkar
Chief of Security
USS Tomcat


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