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Anger, Horror and Need for Comfort

Posted on 07 Aug 2021 @ 2:33pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 07 Aug 2021 @ 3:05pm

752 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Winchester's Quarters
Timeline: after docking @SB 51


Running down the corridor with the bottle of Spring Water, Serina was crying as the anger of what she had done. She flew the instrument of destruction and the horror of the act was more than she could cope with.

Coming to a halt outside Winchester's quarters, Serina pounded on his door, "Paul....Paul.....please...let me in! I need to see you....please!", she cried.

Paul was finishing up his after mission report that he had completed upon the Planet that his team had dubbed "Hellmouth" as he heard banging on the doors and the voice of Serina who had taken a liking to him, she seemed to to be distressed somehow, he said " Enter "

Serina almost fell through the doors as they opened. "Paul, how do you deal with the pain and shock and then the anger that comes after you destroy a civilization, species, a planet?" she cried. Crumbling to the floor in a heap, she was distraught. She was beside herself with grief and shame.

"you learn from it," replied Paul as he took her into his arms and held her, "when I was in my fighter, I had to carpet bomb a city that at the time we didn't know had children trapped behind as they were being held by the bad guys as human shields," he stated as he remembered finding out after he had dropped the payload, "even then my team were never told," he finished looking at her.

"This is something I may never recover from. The ordeal with the Orion mission took me almost a year and a half to come to terms with, but this...I don't know," Serina said as the tears formed once again and fell in a flood.

"You will trust me," replied Paul looking back at her, "however, it will be in the back of your mind," as he held her tight as he tried to soothe her, "even I will not get over having to shoot at little children who had become Zombies, but they were children all the same.

Sobbing, "I know....I know....I know but it still doesn't seem right in any case. To destroy a living breathing planet and the is not right," she sniffled calming down. Being held in Paul's arms always had a calming effect on her. Most of her anger had melted away leaving an emptiness in her that hurt. Putting her arms around Paul's neck, "Thank you for being here my love. I needed your strong arms and words of wisdom to help me in dealing with this hurt," Serina said softly, pressing her head gently into his neck.

"Do you want to move in here for a bit?" asked Paul as he didn't want her to go off the rails as he cared so deeply for her, as he was falling for her and hoped that having someone around her might help her calm down.

Her head came up fast, almost clipping Paul's chin. "Move in with you? Paul... I would love to if only for a while. It would be more than an would be fantastic!" Serina said kissing him deeply

"Then we better go see the colonel about it then shall we?" asked Paul looking at her, he continued, then once we get the ok, then we can move in," as he gave her a slight smile. as he hoped that this might help her calm down and relax.

"Yes...yes, we must get permission first. It will be nice to always have you here with me," Serina said nuzzling his shoulder. She felt safe in his arms and relaxed as she closed her eyes. She was tired, actually overtired with all the stress of the past mission. Sleep was hard for her since the end of the mission but, here in Paul's arms, she found solace, comfort and most of all the love from a man that had captured her heart. Serina fell sound asleep, finally relaxed within her man's arms.

"Well, let's go and see the Colonel right now?" replied Paul looking at Serina giving her a small smile as he knew she wanted to rest; but then thought about doing it in the morning "or do you want to do it in the morning?" he asked her.

Snuggling she whispered "In the morning my the morning," Serina whispered.


Lieutenant Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester
Chief Security/Tactical


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