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Bad and Good News on a Dark day

Posted on 05 Jul 2021 @ 1:33pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

1,862 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: During The Hourney Home Post


As the pair entered the Captain's Ready Room Alex took a seat behind her desk and indicated for Cahill to sit, she then leaned over and pulled open a drawer and pulled out a bottle of Romulan Ale and two small glasses.

"I spoke with Fleet Captain Somers, Doctor, and while you are one of the senior officers remaining from the dark times of the ship where we had no Fleet, while you should be next in line to be the new First Officer, you have sadly not made it this time, part of it is due to a lack of a Deputy in Medical, I know it is not your fault, but we cannot have the Medical Department unmanned, the other thing is your work has not been what it once was, when you have had a Deputy, you have not properly interacted with them and being able to manage people is a must for a First Officer. So you will not be announced as the new First Officer, the Fleet Captain agrees so it is not coming from me" the Colonel said and poured two glasses of Romulan Ale and put one of the glasses in front of the Doctor.

"You have permission to drink it, Commander, a stiff drink usually helps steel oneself after getting bad news," Somers said and took a small sip of the strong beverage.

Cahill took the drink and smiled. "I understand, Colonel Somers. I do see everything as a challenge. And I understand your and Captain Somers decision, and completely respect it. I always try to be the best and sometimes I for about doing my current job as CMO when I get into something. I need to do better and to better train my subordinates better. "

She walked to the window and take a drink of the ale. " need to better me, before I can command others. I take full responsibility for my not getting it. And do not blame anyone other than myself. I should have done better. I will return to Sickbay and continue as CMO and use the experience to make myself Better. I will do better from now on Colonel and you can tell Captain Somers I said that too."

Looking at the Doctor "I know you will Alex, I know you will, but you also need to engage more with your Departmental subordinates too, I cannot give advice on how to run sickbay as I am not a doctor and do not have your skills, but you do need to get a functioning sickbay, one that can operate without a Deputy should the need arise" Somers said.

Looking at LTC Somers, "I take everything as completion and hate to lose but I know whomever you chose as the XO is highly qualified and is also highly able to do the job. I know the Tomcat will be in good hands as well. I also know one day in the future I will be given my chance at an XO slot somewhere. Be it here or at another location and will patiently await my turn. And one day in the future I will be able to gain the trust to be a CO just as you are and Fleet Captain Somers."

"I am sure you will Commander, I am sure you will now finish your drink and returned to the bridge and take over from Lieutenant Thompson if you will please," Somers said.

Cahill finished her drink and returned to the Bridge. "I have the Comm, Lt. Thompson." She sat down in the chair and check all of the status reports.

When the Commander had returned to the bridge Alex tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Lieutenants Dodd and Taggert report to the Ready Room, in five minutes, =/\= she said.

=/\= Dodd here, ma'am. I am heading that way right now.=/\= Dodd replied.

=/\= Taggert here. I'm on the way now, ma'am, =/\= Taggert replied with a tap of her commbadge. "Teela, make sure the tires stay on the axles, huh?"

"Wait, our ship has tires?" Teela asked, confused as Lt. JG Taggert exited engineering.

=/\= Acknowledged, will see you then, Somers out =/\= she said and then signed off and put the drink and glasses away then she gathered her files together and made a note on the Doctor file that she had been told, Alex was glad she got the bad news out of the way first but she must have gotten engrossed in her task as she was startled when the bridge doors opened and in walked the CEO and DCEO, she looked up with a smile "Come on in both of you and please have a seat and we shall begin," Somers said.

Nicci entered, dressed as professionally as ever, uniform nicely put together, hair up in a high bun, despite how much of it there was. "Colonel, Chief, good to see you both again," she said with a nod to both as she was offered a seat. "Do we have a new mission?"

Dodd entered right behind Taggert. "Ma'am, I hope all is well?" Dodd asked as the two engineers took their seats. Dodd had sensed something was up because he could tell that Somers was holding up a mental wall to mask her thoughts and emotions.

She looked first at Dodd "Lieutenant Dodd, I have reviewed your service jacket and after speaking to the Fleet Captain who is in full agreement and has signed off on it I am proud to let you know that starting at the beginning of our next mission you will be the Tomcats new First Officer, myself and the Fleet Captain have every confidence in your ability *raises hand* do not worry if you screw up a little all of us have done it at some point" she paused and again pulled out the bottle of Romulan Ale and three glasses, she poured a shot into each one.

"Congratulations Mr Dodd, you get to change that yellow undershirt for a red one, as for the correct dress, now that you will be away from engineering and the fact that you are a Chosen Man as evident by that white band around your shoulders you will have to wear one of these," she said pointing to the belt/sash that was over her left shoulder and wrapped around her lower right side before meeting up again on the left shoulder. Now before I continue on with you Mr Dodd," she said and looked at Taggert.

"Lieutenant Taggert, with Lieutenant Dodd being elevated to First Officer, it leaves me short of a CEO and just like Mr Dodd myself and the Fleet Captain agree on your status, as of next mission, you will be the official CEO of the Tomcat, congratulations," Somers said handing each a glass "you have permission to drink," she said holding the glasses out to the pair.

"Wow, thank you, Colonel Somers," Nicci said, surprised. oO Do I even deserve such a promotion? Have I done well enough downstairs to earn this? Oo She took the glass that was offered, a nice small glass of blue fluid, and downed a good sip.

oO Damn, that opens the sinuses! Oo she thought to herself as she gave an "Aaah" exhalation after finishing the ship, and her eyes widened, eyebrows rising a little.

"I won't let you or the captain down, ma'am," Nicci continued, her voice getting a little silkier as she spoke. Regular alcohol took a while to get to her, but this was living up to its reputation. "I'll make sure to keep the ship in one piece."

"Nicci, you will rock as my replacement, I know it. You have the support of the engineering staff as well as I am available if needed." Dodd replied then took the last swig of his drink. "So ma'am, this sash is required attire? I am not sure it would be comfortable when on standard duty."

The Colonel looked at them both then back to Dodd "Mr Dodd, you have from now until we start our next mission to settle all things in engineering and do the handover to Lieutenant Taggert, then at the mission briefing, I expect you to report to the briefing in a red undershirt and wearing one of these" Somers said pointing to the sash/Belt that she wore, "I know you are not 95th Regiment proper, but you are a chosen man and an officer, so you are obliged to wear one and it is logical since you will not be in the engineering room" she said and looked at Taggert "So Lieutenant Taggert, do you feel that you can handle Engineering? It will be by yourself for the moment until we can find a deputy for you, but I am also sure that if you prove yourself you will soon make full Lieutenant" Somers added.

"Yes, Ma'am. I will comply with the new attire and I will get my office transitioned over to allow Taggert to set up shop in Engineering. I will also get with department heads as I can to talk with them about the transition as well." Dodd replied. "I know I have huge shoes to fill and it has been a while since we had a full-time XO."


"Yes ma'am, I know I can," Lt Taggert replied with a nod. "We have a capable crew there, and they know what they're capable of. I'll keep the engines humming for you ma'am."

"Of that, I am quite sure El-tee, well I do not think you have any questions for me, but I feel you may have some for Lieutenant Dodd as you will be taking over from him and he would know stuff that a CEO would know, that you do not know, so take the time to pick his brain for all the information you can," Somers said.

"Thank you, ma'am, I am humbled by this opportunity and looking forward to watching Taggert grow more in the role as CEO," Dodd replied.

Nicci had a rather naughty thought, thinking he meant two somethings growing, considering their earlier conversation, but she shut her mind down before she went down that rabbit hole. "And I'm sure Mr Dodd will make a fine XO for the ship, Colonel."

"Well if there is nothing further, I will let you pair go, and do not forget to attend the ceremony as it is mandatory, understood?" Somers asked with a pleasant tone of voice and a smile "congratulations to you both, now dismissed" she added.

With that, the two engineers left the Ready Room, when the doors had closed Alex stretched and stood up knocking back what remained of her drink and then putting the ale away and putting the dirty glasses in the reclimator and getting fresh ones from the replicator before putting the clean ones in the bottom drawer and closing it, then tugging down her jacket once again exited the CRR and returned to the bridge.


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [P: Somers]
Acting Commanding Officer

Lt Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Second Officer/CMO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
First Officer

Lt Jg Nicole Taggert
Chief Engineering Officer


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